V2. Chapter 12. Welcome Back! (Part 2)

After getting out of the dungeon we started running with all our might to get to the village as fast as possible, the way towards the village is full of monster like always, but this time we just slashed through them, we don’t have time to sneak and wait for them to not notice.

After all the leveling up and training, we could defeat them easily, the experience isn’t enough to give us any levels, but we got some useful things and even the tiniest experience is good at these stages we are in now.

‘That last place was really tough… Oh! I can see a glimpse from the Village’

“We are getting near, let’s keep going!” I shout to my tired comrades from the constant travel and they nod to not waste breath. Really, my Fast Recovery is really one hell of a skill in these kinds of situations.

Running like mad we are finally at the gates of the place we first started, and we can see many familiar faces waiting for us. Stopping in front of them, different emotions go through my body, as I nod and say

“We are back!”

“Yes, you are. Welcome back” Answers Eroda with a warm smile along with everyone else, it looks like they knew we were coming and thus were waiting for us in here.

We go in and talk with Eroda about the things we did, letting him catch up with the latest news. I need to give Kagito a PM too, to tell him we have arrived. Eroda seems to be glancing towards my sword as if he is trying to remember something.

“It seems Gardan’s people haven’t arrived yet” I say aloud.

“Oh, we spotted a platoon was coming and I sent a scout to verify who they were, and they seemed to be of Gardan. The scout is helping them get here” Answers Eroda enthusiastically

“But how did you get to Gardan?” he asks puzzledly

“Well, we ended up fighting against an enemy of the village and we went towards there to tell them about that. It ended when we asked for their help in this matter and they acceded to help us out”

“That will be very helpful; in terms of brute strength they are really powerful” Says Eroda in a thoughtful manner and continues “And sorry to ask when you have come from a long journey, but were you able to get more help from the Kingdom”

At this, we smile, and I answer with “We made a Guild, a friend of ours is being in charge for that, but it has grown quite a bit since we left them for us to go towards the Dungeon. But about getting assistance from the Kingdom we really don’t know, but they might get it” I tell him upfront, it would be a pity if the Kingdom couldn’t assist us for this battle, but I am confident that we will win, of course, some heavy losses on our part might occur…

“That’s great news!” Says Eroda happily as if he is a child getting a Christmas present.

“And it seems you three and your new companions have gotten incredibly stronger since you left”

“Yes, we have!”

We start talking about the movements of Arapi Kingdom and an estimate date when their army will come.

It also seems that a Guild from there is going to be the main force. I expected something like that as we have formed one to defend this place, it would only be obvious for another to attack us.

We talked a bit then we split up. I open my friend list and PM our Guild Leader

– “Kagito, we have arrived at Hellish Village, as we are not really pressed on time, try to get more reinforcement or train along the way, I doubt you will take much time coming here”

-I will, I was about to head towards the Lord of Vastri city to tell him of our departure, I will ask if they can lend us any assistance

– “Okay, thank you for everything!” I tell him. I am really grateful for his help and feel very satisfied with Eliana’s management of the guild, they have gone above all expectations.

-No time for thanking yet, we have to win for that

At this answer I get a bit surprised, he wasn’t that straightforward when we left, it seems he has changed a bit and I reply resolutely.

– “Yes, I’m counting on you guys, see you later”

-See ya

And I cut the channel, then I get in my way towards Tact Hand to help him with Blacksmithing and to Thane for Tailoring, we need to do the most with the time we have as the enemy is nearing. Both of them get surprised at he levels of my skills, so our work speed increases along with all the crafters in the village. Just by being besides all these master level crafters, makes my skills exp go through the roof.

Determined to do our best against the formidable enemy that’s coming, we all made a silent vow.

We won’t lose to them!


Before Ardha’s PM~

“Hey Eliana, I think we should go tell the Lord of Vastri that we are moving our troops to the west”

“Has Ardha PMed you?”

“Not yet, but I think it’s time already, the trip will be a long one after all” Says Kagito thoughtful about the situation.

“Hmmm, you are right… if we failed to protect the village because we couldn’t get in time then there would have been no reason for us to create the Guild” Eliana says reasonably and adds, “Ready yourself and let’s go”

“Ok” Says Kagito as they go out towards the castle of the Lord, during the way there a PM came to him from Ardha about them arriving to the village.

He also asked if they could get more people for the battle, after all, the more the merrier in there…

When they finished talking Kagito tells everything to Eliana and they haste their pace towards the Lord

As they get there it seems the guards were waiting for them to arrive and they tell them to come in because the Lord is currently looking for them.

When Kagito and Eliana arrived where the lord was, he says

“How convenient, I was about to send someone to look for you guys” Says the Lord in a friendly manner, after all, they have talked quite a bit and are on good terms with each other as he is one of the ‘sponsors’ for the Guild. As their allies, they have made sure to protect the city and safeguard the order caused by foreigners like themselves.

“But if you came to me, then you must have another thing to say, let’s start first with your matter” The lord says eloquently, curious about the reason that made them come in such haste.

“We have come to inform you that we are moving our troops to the west for a while to do some business there, we will come in a while, but our beginner members will be at your disposal for the task you have, Roin” Says Kagito a bit troubled to his colleague, the Lord of Vastri, he knew that taking his troops out would be detrimental for the relationship with the city Lord.

“As I thought! Well our interest goes to the same place it seems” Roin answers with a mysterious smile as he steals a glance at both of them mischievously.

At this, Eliana asks “What do you mean about that?”

“The King has asked of me to give you a mission to protect a certain place”

“By a certain place you mean Hellish Village?” Asks Kagito, dumbfounded at the news.

“Yes, that is the place, it seems Arapi Kingdom is preparing a second raid there, but they won’t be able to hold it this time”

“But how did you know we are heading there?” Asks Kagito a bit confused about the situation

“I have known you for almost two years; my intuition isn’t that bad, you know?” Roin says with a satisfied expression.

“That’s right” Says Eliana unfazed as she proceeds “But we also came for another purpose and I think you already know what it is”

“Yes, I know… sadly we cannot assist you with military power as our Kingdom isn’t really powerful, but we will reward you according to your performance, so, shall I ask for you answer?” Asks Roin a bit troubled knowing that the Kingdom cannot assist them

New Quest! The Gate’s Protectors

An incoming invasion is heading towards a place of high importance, it has been asked to you by the King of Putre Kingdom to protect that same place of its invaders, Arapi Kingdom.

This battle might provoke some conflicts between the two Kingdoms, and you might become one of the main keys to resolve that.

Difficulty Level: B+


Depends on the outcome of the mission

-Do you wish to accept the Quest? If denied, the fame of you and your guild will drop down and you might lose your contributions to the Kingdom

At the words of the Lord, Kagito is a bit disappointed inside but he knew that answer was more probable than a positive one.

Even so, he answers with a firm look as this one of the reasons they started the Guild in the first place

“We shall protect the Village” Says Kagito with Eliana having a faint smile to her ‘Leader’

-You have accepted the Quest!

Roin seems to cheer up and he says “Fantastic! I will report to the King about your answer, also, we might not be able to provide support with soldiers, but we can at least give you supplies along the way”

“That would be great, thanks! And now, we shall take our leave to inform our member about this” Says Kagito, cheering up at the thoughts of provisions. To provide food and shelter has always been one of the most important things to do when leading a great amount of troops to war!

“Okay, good luck with the incoming battle”

“Don’t worry, we will win” Says Kagito and along with Eliana give their goodbyes to the Lord and go to contact their members.

This will be a long ride as the time is moving forward and others are advancing along with them. They knew fully well that they are not the only ones who are growing steadily.

Many encountered different adventures during this time, and many more will be found later as days passes by and Parallel advances in unstoppable manner.


“Well, well, it seems the initial stages are starting” Says Greenfield to his colleague besides him.

“Yes, and many people has joined the game along the way too” Answers Parker.

“But don’t you think these guys growth it’s too fast?” Asks Greenfield as if complaining.

“I do think that too, but I have a feeling that they will calm down a bit when this end” Answers Park, knowing fully well that his friend is excited about the news of people growing fast. They, more than anyone else, want to know how their game will end!

“If you say so. It is fun watching these people, they always surprise us, heh”

“I know, they continue to amaze me, it seems watching them play a game you developed is one of the perks of it”

“Yeah, and what is your prediction about the success of the quests? You have always had better intuition than me”

“Haha, yes I do, well I think about a quarter will succeed” Park look up and moves his fingers as if counting while answering.

“Ohh, that’s some high numbers you are throwing there, my friend”

“Well, that’s the top of it, and who do you think will win the battle between the Prinny Brigade and Kaiser?”

“If you ask me, then I will bet my money where these guys will appear”

“So, for the Kaisers, then. Well, I will bet on the Prinny Brigade” Says Greenfield with a toothy smile.

“Hoho, you are on, what should we bet?”

“Hmmm, food, the loser will pay for it”

“That’s sounds good! The loser invites the whole staff for lunch!”

“Deal, and now, moving on, when do you think we should announce the Death Lord?”

“Hmmm in a year? I think, his power has increased by quite a bit, though”

“That would be sooner than we planned but it is acceptable, but that news will bring some chaos with it”

“Yup, that will be thrilling, should we both go to announce it?”

“We have time to plan, my friend”

“Heh, yeah, and this guys too, their strength is quite considerable, and it seems that Tyrfing got quite a Hidden Class for herself”

“What would be the fun if only the others have strong individuals? The show must be good for the viewers!”

“Good answer! The future seems very promising” Says Greenfield with a toothy smile, his hands shaking excitedly

“Yes, it sure is” Answers Park as he glances at the monitor

“And we shall enjoy it”

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