“As would be expected of someone of my status and capabilities, I did not just take over this corporation to milk the existing profits of our two open portals. I am here to lead this Corporation to a bigger and brighter future, with an absolute dedication to the creation of ever bigger and brighter profits.”
A few of the board members immediately raised their glasses to chorus a healthy, “Here! Here! To Tomar!” A smile crept across Tomar’s face, as he gestured appreciatively to those members who had first raised their glasses.
He continued, “We face a serious challenge right now, as the four remaining planets to which we hold a license are not ready for portalization and development. One of these planets has a population barely capable of using metals. One seems to be suffering from a nearly global viral plague. And the final two worlds remain mired in their own industrial revolutions. We must begin to seek out other options if we are to significantly improve the profits of this corporation.
“Since the formation of the Ministry of Interplanetary Corporate Relations, many assumptions have become facts in the minds of the people of Koranth and Zoranth. However, we are now mired with a system that is completely antiquated and does not serve the purposes of those leaders who would seek to maximize the opportunities that our advanced civilization should be reaping.”
One of the board members who was paying close attention interjected, “My esteemed Chairman, you certainly cannot be considering the folly of using a portal to transport an additional portal—can you?” Immediately, a grumble arose among the board members.
“Please, please, I am absolutely not suggesting something as dangerous, illegal, and as radical as that,” replied Tomar.
“Well, we simply cannot go about trying to portalize a planet too early. The investment is absolutely ridiculous to bring a bunch of natives up to the level to which we can reasonably profit!” another member added.
“Please, my dear board members,” Tomar stated firmly, regaining the board’s attention, “we all are very aware of what has been tried – and the disastrous results. I do not intend to head down either of those paths.”
On two separate occasions, Corporations believed that they had solved the challenges of bringing one portal through to another portal. The effort resulted in explosions of gigantic proportions. Hundreds of thousands had been killed by the blasts. The Ministry expressly forbade any Corporation from even beginning experimentation projects designed to use a portal to transport another portal. More than once, a planet had been portalized too soon and nearly bankrupted those Corporations that had been overly eager to “develop” it.
Tomar paused again for a few moments to let the board’s attention resettle on him.
“I am suggesting something altogether different. For the last few hundred years, we have all lived in a world of regulations, assumptions, and, frankly – a world of lazy arrogance! We have long thought of the Ministry of Interplanetary Corporate Relations as an organization that brings chaos under control and helps maintain our profits. I challenge that this is no longer true!