Chapter 19 Rival

          Over the next few days, Adam continued to care for Silber. He only ate when either Adam or Helen fed him, so Julianne was unable to take him home. Adam was happy that he could continue spending time with Silber, though he wished it was under better circumstances. A hidden benefit of taking care of Silber was that he gained a chance to train his Spirit Sight by concentrating on Silber’s Aura. He could now glimpse a person’s mood or thoughts from their aura’s fluctuations and color.

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          Finishing his shift at Madame’s Tavern, Adam met Helen in the dorm cafeteria for lunch. She had Silber and was coaxing him to eat small chunks of chicken.

          Sitting down, Adam asked: “How was Silber this morning?”

          “Fine. But, he’s still not eating enough.”

When Silber heard Adam’s voice, his head perked up a bit. He looked at Adam and wagged his tail. He then ate a couple more chicken pieces, before settling back down.

Adam petted Silber: “There’s a good boy. You’ve gotta make sure you eat enough to stay healthy.”

          Helen shook her head and said with a smile: “He always seems to have a larger appetite when you’re around.”

          Adam bashfully shrugged: “At least he eats with you. Besides us, he won’t eat with anyone else.”

          After eating some food, Adam played a quiet song on his flute. As he played, Adam paid attention to Silber’s Aura. A pleased feeling rippled as Silber listened to the music. Adam wasn’t sure about the effects of these ripples, but he continued playing songs in hope that the young wolf would get better.

         While he was looking at Silber’s Aura, he couldn’t help seeing Helen’s own. Her Aura had been a source of worry for Adam. Her Aura had a pink hue and pulsed with small but rapid ripples. He had observed the same phenomena in the Aura of couples walking through the Hill Garden! Clearly, Helen had some deep feelings, and it always seemed to show up when both he and Silber were around her. It begged the question: ‘Is she just enamored with Silber? Or does she… like me?’

          It was one thing if Helen’s deep feelings were for Silber. But, if they were for Adam? That was where the trouble would lie. Adam liked Helen, sure, but did he like like her? He wasn’t sure how to answer that question, and the more he thought about it, the less certain he was.

          After Adam finished the song, Helen reluctantly stood up: “My shift starts soon.”

          Adam nodded: “I’ll see you later then.”

          Adam petted Silber as the two of them watched Helen walk away. When she was too far away to hear, Adam whispered to the pup: “So, who is it that she likes? You or me?”

          Silber just stared at Adam. Adam sighed: “You’re no help.”

          Just as Helen was leaving the cafeteria, Alfred walked in. He cheerfully said, “Hi, Helen!”

          Helen smiled back: “Hi, Alfred.”

         This was the source of Adam’s worry. Alfred’s aura glowed with that same pink hue as he talked to Helen. No matter Adam’s feelings about Helen, it was clear as day that Alfred like liked Helen! Upon realizing that Alfred liked Helen, Adam had remembered something. Long ago, Alfred had mentioned that the parents of the girl he liked were killed by kidnappers he had been unable to stop. It fit perfectly with what happened to Helen! Adam couldn’t believe he hadn’t put the two together before.

          After Helen continued on her way, Alfred came and sat down beside Adam. “Hey, Adam.”

Only allowed on

“H-hi Alfred.” Adam said stiffly.

          Adam pleadingly looked at Silber. He was trying to ask with his eyes: “Do I talk to Alfred about this, or not?”

          Silber stared back, giving no response. You’re really no help, Adam thought.

“What’s got you so stiff, Adam? You’ve been acting kinda weird lately.”

          Adam nervously scratched his head before deciding to spill what he’d been hiding. “Well… I can divine more about others’ emotions lately. And Helen… might be, slightly, kind-of enamored by me or Silber.”

          Alfred was confused and a little alarmed. “…What?”

          Adam described what he’d been seeing in Helen’s Aura, and how he was unsure of who it was for, and how he’d also seen that Alfred liked Helen. Alfred stiffened as Adam quickly described all of this.

          Alfred carefully chose his words. “Yes, Helen is the girl I like, but what about you? You said she might like you. Do you like her?”

          “I… don’t know.”

          “Either you do, or you don’t. Which is it!?” Alfred demanded.

          Alfred’s sudden intensity surprised Adam. Perhaps I really shouldn’t have talked to him, he thought.

          He also gave some more thought to whether or not he liked Helen. She was a likable girl. She’d also been kind to him, and they spent a fair amount of time together. Another big plus: she wasn’t crazy like Susan. He remembered her soft hand when she guided him to and from the Hill Garden before he gained his Spirit Sight. That had been… pleasant.

          As Adam was deep in thought, his facial expressions betrayed what he was thinking. Sighing, Alfred said: “So you do like her.”

          “I… guess I do.”

          “Then that makes you my love rival!”

          “What do you mean!?”

          Alfred shrugged: “I overheard two guys fighting over a girl say that. But, it sounds right. Both of us like Helen, and we will be fighting for her affection!”

          “Okay so… what do we do?” Adam asked.

          “I have no idea.” Alfred responded.

          In the end, Adam and Alfred decided they would literally fight for Helen’s affection! Setting a date, Adam and Alfred invited Helen to the Hill Garden. They didn’t tell her what it was for, but they were going to have her witness their duel!

          Adam and Alfred arrived before Helen. Looking around, Alfred turned a little sour: “You’ve been hanging out with Helen here? I really should have been paying more attention to where you were going with her. No matter what, I won’t lose to you, Adam!”

          Adam was surprised by Alfred’s intensity. It was so easy for him to switch from friendliness to hostility when it came to Helen. Adam wasn’t sure how to respond, but he felt he could only tell the truth: “I won’t lose either!”

          Alfred smirked as he held out his hand: “May the best man win.”

          Adam nodded as he shook Alfred’s hand. The two then waited in silence for Helen. She arrived a few minutes later, holding Silber in her arms. “Hey you two, what’s up?”

          Alfred spoke first: “Watch our duel, first. We’ll explain everything afterward.”


          Adam added: “Trust us, Helen. We aren’t fighting to the death or anything. Just watch.”

          Before Helen could say anything, Adam and Alfred pulled wooden swords from their belts. They touched their swords together and stepped back, each posed for sudden action. A strange tension hung in the air compared to their normal spars. This time, Hansen wasn’t watching over them, and neither of them were likely to pull their hits.

          Adam kept an eye on Alfred’s Aura but put most of his attention on Alfred’s body movements. They had spared enough to learn each other’s habits, more useful than anything Alfred’s Aura could tell Adam.

          Alfred moved first, as he lunged at Adam. Using his sword, Adam deflected Alfred’s sword to the side while stepping into his range. Adam pulled his sword away from Alfred’s and slashed at his exposed side. Alfred side-stepped, dodging the strike!

          Over and over they moved, their swords clanking together, each trying to out-maneuver the other. As grand as it sounded, their movements were rather rough and sloppy. Even though Adam and Alfred had been practicing the sword for a few months, they were still newbies with no real combat experience. As the duel wore on, they both became tired and sweat dripped down their face and backs.

          Adam and Alfred clashed their blades together. Just as Adam threw his weight into his swing, sweat fell into Alfred’s eyes! With his vision suddenly blurring, Alfred quickly retreated! Adam stumbled because the expected clash didn’t occur. Alfred saw Adam’s vague form stumbling and lashed out with his sword! There was a small thwack, followed by Adam crying out, “Ow!”

          Alfred rubbed the sweat out of his eyes, revealing a glaring Adam holding his side. “You got me.”

          Before Alfred could celebrate, Helen ran over. “Are you okay, Adam?”

          Adam nodded. “Nothing’s broken. I imagine I’ll be getting a big bruise though.”

          Helen’s concern transformed into anger. “Good, now would the two of you tell me what the heck is going on!?”

          “Alfred, you won. Shouldn’t you start out?”

          Helen glared at Alfred, waiting for him to explain. Alfred wilted under the gaze, but he staunchly declared, “Helen, I love you.”

          Helen looked bewildered, “What?”

          Adam stammered, “I-I also like you!”

          Helen didn’t know how to respond to their confessions. She tried to form words, but nothing came out. In her silence, Adam and Alfred quickly explained the reason of the duel, “Adam saw that you might like him in your Aura.”

          Adam added, “I talked to Alfred, and we decided to duel for who would confess to you first!”

          Alfred nodded. “I’ve… liked you for a long time. I couldn’t just let this slide! So… which of us do you like?”

          As she finally realized what they were saying, Helen’s countenance turned grim. In a condescending tone, she said, “So let me get this straight: the two of you thought I liked Adam, so you fought over who would confess to me first. Now that you’ve done that, you expect me to accept one of you?”

          Adam and Alfred were frightened by Helen’s tone. This was not going the way they expected at all.

          “Uh, well-”

          “I’d rather choose Silber over either of you!” Helen exclaimed! She turned to Alfred. “Idiot!” And then to Adam. “Peeper!”

          Helen stormed out! As she did so, Silber perked up from her arms and gave her face one lick before settling back down. Helen stopped for a moment, surprised by this action. She then gave an affectionate smile and planted a kiss on top of his head: “You’re way better than those two!”

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