Chapter 1, the World Part II.

Magic… the base power of all beings in this world, was ruled over by many gods. The gods were beings that forged their own ways of utilizing mana in order to gain power. The god of chaos, the god of nature, and the All-seeing sage are but a few of the different gods. By praying and passing their trials, one would be granted more power on top of their magical abilities. For the human race, the two most important gods were the god of Spells and the god of Warriors. Every human could use the mana within their bodies, how talented they were in it was another thing, but the mana was always there. 

Humanity was weak when they first came to be. Using their brains and large populations they were able to fend off monsters in the wild. However, over time they saw magical beasts and different spirits covered in runes. Witnessing the many different magical abilities in the world, and in certain cases individual humans using magic in dire situations. They were able to slowly piece together ways to utilize this phenomenon. Some would use raw instinct, training to push power out of their body, while others who studied and gained more insight over the years were able to finely control it. Years turned to centuries and with the creation of the first spell circle and the first combat technique, two gods came to give their gifts to humanity. The God of Spells and the God of Warriors were both very different in demeanor, but very similar in action. When a spell user or warrior reached a level the god found worthy, they would put their soul under a trial. That trial could be anything from defeating a horde of enemies to enduring harsh torture. In failing one would be sent back and lose a portion of their power. Having to then work back up and face the trial again. If you were to succeed, however… they would reward you handsomely. Some gained abilities reminiscent of the monsters one could see roaming the plains, Divine runes covering their backs. Some gained heavenly insight into their magic with their eyes opened and shining with a new light. This rose to a system of stages and circles. Circles referred to how much knowledge you possess or how much you had trained, while stages referred to how many trials you had undergone.

“Generally one would have 5-6 circles for every stage. Over the years and much research later, most people in the modern world could use magic to the 2nd circle. Meaning they had unlocked their affinity and were able to use the basic of basic spells in it.”

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“Did you get all that?”

“Uh Master En don’t you think that this might be a bit hard for a toddler to understand.?’ 

“It’s NEVER too early to start learning magic and its rich history.”

“Yeah, I think I have it..,”

In the middle of such talk was a young 4-year-old with cobalt hair and black eyes. This was the first prince of Iceborn, Ellius.

The war with Relz began in 11112 and had been going on for about 3 years. Ellius was beginning to run and speak, although his comprehension was much faster than a normal child, being able to understand and put together long sentences. While many were perturbed by such rapid development his father and mother were ecstatic. Although who wouldn’t be happy to see their child progress so quickly. King Requille and Queen Elena might seem cold to others (because they are) but when it came to their little boy they acted like doting parents. This was such a turn in attitude that even the servants that had been serving them for nearly 40 years were surprised. The only time this ever happened was when the king and queen flirted but even then that was mainly in private. The King was brazenly showing off Ellius to his commanders and royal mages and the Queen was even worse; having gushed to every single maid in the castle and every close friend she had.

Only allowed on

This was such a shock to everyone because you had to keep in mind that this is a 5th circle mage and a 4th circle warrior. Requille could take a small kingdom off the map if he wanted and his wife was a master of assassination and hand to hand combat. Both were geniuses of their time. The Queen became a 4th circle warrior at 133 years old, most who reached the 4th circle were 200 years or more, and the few who reached the 5th circle were 450 – 600 years old. Both of them had fought and studied their entire life and had killed plenty of people and monsters during that time. The king had joined the army himself as a foot soldier and climbed his way up. This was seen as a right of passage that the previous kings had done before him. He had refined his techniques on the battlefield and was almost even in sword skill to his wife, even though his focus was always on spells. His last deed before being crowned was slaying a steel dragon, known for their scales being impossible to Peirce. The year Ellius was born, the King was 198, and the queen 181.

Ellius in the first place was a miracle, and could possibly be the only child they were going to have. As one got more powerful the mana you had residing in you changed your body down to your very cells. Past the third stage, those changes become more exacerbated as your body has become ingrained with mana. Plus when two partners of different attributes come together it becomes even harder to have a child.

However not only had Ellius been conceived perfectly healthy, but also received both of his parents’ aptitudes. Truly to become a genius of geniuses.

“Is what they say. But I feel normal enough.”

Currently, Ellius was strolling through the intricately designed castle, finding his way to the grand library. However everywhere he turned the stares of the servants followed him.

“Greetings to you prince.”


As he sulked down the hallways hearing their gossip he finally found the door to the library. The giant crystalline door was covered in marble patterns shining with a faint glow. The door had multiple magic seals hidden within the patterns however from afar it just looked like a well-adorned door.

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