Chapter 78 X-ray Eyesight

Su Mian’s youngest aunt spoke the quickest. As she was the youngest at home before, she was spoilt by Su Mian’s grandma the most, “Elder Brother, to tell you the truth, we came here to ask Su Mian to look at our illnesses.”

Su Jiang Hai was instead happy. His younger sisters were all masters of never going to someone’s place for nothing. They must have a reason for coming here and they were worried that because of what had happened last time, Su Mian would not treat their illness.

Su Mian understood immediately, “I will look at it after dinner. You are my aunt, there is no need to be so polite.”

The aunts had long heard that Su Mian did not accept money when attending to patients and her medical skills were excellent. People were cured after seeing her once or twice.

Hence, they had come this time.

When women did not pay attention to their health when they were young, it was inevitable that there would be all sorts of problems.

Eldest aunt’s back pain and second aunt’s gout were all lasting consequences from the first month after they gave birth to children.

After all, it has been a long time since then and their recuperation would be slow. However, they could still heal if they drank Chinese herbal medicine for a few months.

As soon as they heard that they could be healed, the eldest and second aunts were extremely happy. These illnesses had been with them for more than ten years. They had not paid attention to their health in the first month after childbirth, going straight back to working and now it had been delayed.

Now when their illness acted up, it was unbearably painful. After visiting hospitals in several towns, all the doctors had said that illnesses arising from the first month after childbirth could not be cured.

Then they had remembered that there was a miracle doctor Su somewhere who was rumoured to be as mighty as a god. After inquiring around, they found out it was their niece.

Su Mian wrote their prescriptions and He Qin went to cook the medicine.

Only allowed on

“Sister-in-law, let us do it ourselves, it would be shameful of us to make you do it.” The two aunts genuinely regarded He Qin as a sister-in-law this time.

In the beginning, when they found out that He Qin could not give birth, they had urged Su Jiang Hai to divorce quite a few times. Su Jiang Hai had lost his temper once, after which they had stopped.

“Aunt, what symptoms do you usually have?” Her youngest aunt’s condition was rather serious. Su Mian switched to her other hand to feel her pulse.

“I always have a sore waist and back pain. My menstrual flow is heavier than before and lasts longer too. Sometimes, my lower stomach is bloated and there was bleeding a few days ago.” The youngest aunt recalled carefully. It seemed like there were so many.

Su Mian nodded. It was 80% likely that her aunt had uterine fibroma, however, because she could not see inside the uterus, she did not dare to diagnose this. It would be great if she had a B-mode ultrasound machine.

[Why do you want a B-mode ultrasound machine, are you treating your eyes as simply decoration?]

As Su Mian was thinking, Wen Wen suddenly spoke and she almost jumped in fright.

“Can you give a warning before you come out next time?! What about my eyes?” Su Mian was puzzled. Her eyesight was rather good these days!

[Close your eyes and concentrate.]

Listening to Wen Wen, Su Mian closed her eyes.

[Think about where the patient is ill.]


Holy crap!

What was she seeing?

She could see the internal structure of the uterus much clearer than a Doppler ultrasound machine from the 21st century.

[How is it?] Wen Wen had a proud expression.

“I was the one who saw it, why are you proud? What does it have to do with you?”

“Damn girl, I guided you kindly. Can’t you say something nice?!]

“You still have not told me, how could this happen?” Su Mian was so surprised. This skill would be quite convenient when she needed to treat patients in the future.

Moreover, she could see Wei Zhen Hui without clothes…

Beep! Beep! Beep!

System error! System error! System error!

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Please restart!

What was happening? Su Mian: “…”

No way, did it have to be so sensitive? She just thought about Wei Zhen Hui for a moment.

[Su Mian, what on earth did you do to make the system actually crash? This has never happened before! Could it be a problem with the solar powered battery?]

Wen Wen chattered away ceaselessly, still searching for the reason. Su Mian restarted the system resolutely. She would never tell him that she had thought about something she should not have.

- my thoughts:
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