Chapter 105 Big Holes

Su Jiang Tao sat down beside the bed without answering the question.

He wanted to have Bai Yu Lan over to help to clean up, but when he thought about what happened the past few days, he felt really shameful.

Especially Su Hong, it was better for her to show up less, so as not to cause trouble for Su Mian again.

After Su Mian’s family had breakfast, He Qin went to get the new padded jacket for Su Mian to put on.

The in-laws would come for pick-up at nine o’clock, and everyone was ready, they were all just waiting for Su Mian to change her clothes.

He Qin happily took the padded jacket and was about to put it on Su Mian.

“Damn, who did this? Who is so wicked?” Wei Min attracted the Su family with her voice as soon as she opened up the jacket.

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Last night, when Su Mian tried on the new cotton-padded jacket, it was alright. Now, two bowl-sized holes appeared on the jacket, and the cotton inside was burnt and scorched.

She couldn’t wear that at all!

Everyone was stunned looking at the padded jacket!

“What’s wrong?” Everyone didn’t move for a long time, and Old Mistress Su trembled down to the ground. She pushed everyone away and had a glance. She was so angry that she slammed her pipes and pots to the ground, “Which bastard did this good deed? People would rather tear down ten temples than break up a marriage! If you have done such an offensive deed, are you not afraid of dying without descendants!”

Traditions mattered for rural people. Although the engagement was not as formal and grand as the marriage, this was the first formal meeting between the bride and bridegroom’s families before getting married.

According to traditions, the newlywed wife couldn’t go out without new clothes.

If you ever went out, you would be laughed at by the villagers!

“I know who did it!” Su Jin Long’s eyes were glittering, and he was very angry. “It’s Su Hong. She hasn’t been here these days. She just came yesterday and only left after quite some time.”

Wei Min also came to realise, “No wonder she asked Su Mian to try on the padded jacket when she came yesterday. She was alone in the house when Su Mian went out to send me off.”

With Wei Min’s affirmation, Su Jin Long was even more convinced, “She is just jealous of Captain Wei’s proposal to my sister, I’m going over to her for this matter!” After that, he turned and left.

“Come back!” Su Mian called Su Jin Long.

When Su Hong left last night, she saw her eyes twinkling, it was suspicious!

Her purpose was for her to make a fool of herself in public today!

However, after rebirth, if Su Hong still thought that she was still her dumb little sister who was easily manipulated, then she was very wrong.

Today, she was going to reveal her true self in front of everyone.

Seeing that Su Mian hadn’t spoken for a long time, Su Jin Long became anxious, “Sister, she has bullied you so clearly, why don’t you let me go?”

“What good would it be even if she admits it? Can she bring you a new dress?”

Su Jin Long was immediately silenced by Su Mian’s question. Yes, it was obvious that Su Hong was the one who did this, but even if she admitted that, his sister still had no clothes to wear later.

“It was Su Hong who did it? Su Mian is her cousin, how could she do such a thing?” Old Mistress Su still didn’t quite believe it, and had a doubtful face.

In her impression, her big granddaughter was sensible and smart. She even joined the army a few years ago. The people in the village were envious of her so much. Su Hong was often praised in front of her. She was the most promising girl in Apricot village.

Old Mistress Su was biased towards Su Hong, and she secretly stuffed her with money during the Chinese New Year. The other grandchildren were never treated like this.

“Mother, what Su Hong and Bai Yu Lan did these days is way more than this!” Su Mian’s Eldest Aunt was not surprised at all when she heard that Su Hong was the one who did it.

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The second sister-in-law, Bai Yu Lan was not as virtuous as she appeared to be, and Su Hong was even more unscrupulous in order to achieve her goals.

For the past few days, people in the village had been discussing Su Hong and Bai Yu Lan, about how they traded the village’s land for a son-in-law, and how they framed Su Jin Long.

The three sisters were tricked by that pair of mother and daughter before, which was why they had despised He Qin and Su Mian.

- my thoughts:
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