Chapter 223 Wait A Little longer

On Wednesday morning, Su Mian took leave again and went to the county hospital. Today was the day the laboratory results came out for Rui Rui’s examination. The Chinese Teacher needed to go to the county hospital and the biology teacher would be the substitute.

Li De Hua was terrified to see Su Mian now. Let alone one day, he would let Su Mian take ten days off.

As soon as Su Mian left, Zhang Yan Jie sitting at the back began to cause trouble again, “What’s wrong with her now, always taking leave. She had taken half a day off on Sunday, but now she’s asked to take leave again today. She really thinks her family opened this school and she can come and go as she pleases.” Seeing Sun Ying finally raise her head next to her, she continued, “This matter, the Chinese Teacher is on her side. You should speak to your father. It will affect other students’ learning!”

Sun Ying raised her head and looked around. All the students were preparing for the first math class, unlike how Zhang Yan Jie had exaggerated. However, this was an opportunity to get back at Su Mian. “Wait longer, if she does not come back at night, I will go tell my father. With the lesson learnt from last time, Sun Ying was more careful now. Everyone had their own urgent business and it was normal for people to take a day or so off.

Su Mian reached the county hospital. She had been afraid of bumping into the Chinese Teacher all along and had been cautious the entire way. Finally, she reached the dressing room that Dean Li had arranged for her. When she came out, she finally felt that she could see people. Now, let alone the Chinese Teacher, she would not be afraid even if her own father was standing in front of her.

From a distance, she saw Dean Li accompanying the Chinese Teacher’s family of three. Su Mian nodded her head in greeting and went into the examination room.

As Su Mian had expected, Rui Rui had leukemia. Su Mian called Dean Li inside and explained Rui Rui’s general situation to him. All that remained was for Dean Li to tell the Chinese Teacher and her family.

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After Dean Li took Rui Rui’s medicine and left, Rui Rui quietly sneaked towards Su Mian’s examination room.

“Sister, can my sickness be cured? I just heard my mum and dad crying. Do I have terminal illness?” Rui Rui leaned against the door, with only her head showing. Her childlike voice was slightly breathless.

Su Mian turned around and saw Rui Rui looking at her with big eyes. She lifted her onto a chair. She had lived two lives and she had never faced such a young patient before. Rui Rui was only seven. If she was healthy, she would be in the first grade of elementary school next semester. She should be enjoying a happy childhood like other children, but…

Su Mian could not think any further. All she could do now was to heal Rui Rui.

“Sister, why aren’t you saying anything, could it be that even you can’t heal me? Don’t worry, I will do my best to work with the treatment. I will be good and take medicines, injections, and infusions. I am not afraid of pain. I am afraid of Mum crying.” Rui Rui raised her head. Even though Su Mian leaned over, she could only see Su Mian’s thick glasses and oversized sunglasses.

Su Mian’s heart twitched fiercely. Rui Rui was so understanding at a young age. She would definitely find a way to save her.

In the past few days, she had entered the tower space every night to read about leukemia treatment. In the 21st century, this disease could be cured and the cure rate was 50%. Especially afterwards, traditional Chinese medicine had achieved world-renowned results in treating leukemia.

“Rui Rui is obedient, sister has a way to heal you. You just need to take medicine on time.” Su Mian did not say that she would have to take medicine for a long time, some people had to take it for several years.

“Really? Can I really get better again?” The little girl’s big dark eyes flashed.

Su Mian nodded and hugged Rui Rui. She was so small with arms like lotus roots and did not fill out the space between Su Mian’s arms, “Don’t worry, Sister will make it so that you can go to school with other children.”

- my thoughts:
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