Chapter 288 I’m going back now

Not to mention the others, even Su Mian did not react for a moment. It was only after the big white dog had bit everyone and then stood majestically in front of Su Mian, that Su Mian knew this was Wen Wen.

At this moment, the aunty from the steamed bun shop came out to throw away water. Seeing so many people, she immediately understood what was going on. These little gangsters had harmed the female students a lot. She shouted directly, “Hey, student, why haven’t you returned to the school yet?”

“Thank you aunty, I’m going back now!” Su Mian responded.

Seeing someone come out, Lao Wu looked at the old fool intently. This old thing had already ruined several of his plans. He would have to smash her shop one day and see if she would still be so nosy.

Knowing that he would fail on the verge of victory today, Lao Wu stared at Su Mian unwillingly, “Wait and see.” After he said this, he led the tattered group of people away.

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Some were covering their eyes, others were dragging their legs, and there were those holding their arms. In any case, nobody in the dozen or so people were unscathed.

They had come with great dignity and were leaving looking like bereaved dogs.

The uncle walked out with a sullen face and pulled the aunty back inside the house, “Why are you poking your nose into this, can we afford to provoke those gangsters?”

The aunty looked upset and shrugged twice, she broke away from her husband who was holding her arm, “What, look at a big man like you, it’s because people like you are timid and afraid that those gangsters are so arrogant and lawless! I just can’t stand them bullying female students. Those scumbags have messed with the girls a lot these years. If the heavens were just, they would choke to death when drinking water and be struck by lightning when going out!”

Uncle: … “I only said one thing, you old woman, you’ve said so much!”

The aunty frowned coldly immediately, “What, am I that old? Calling me an old woman. If you’re sick of me being old, then go find someone else…”

Leading the others, Lao Wu returned to the dance hall and as soon as he entered, he was blocked by Zhang Xiao Feng. Seeing all of them tattered, his temper rose, “How did this happen?”

His people were practically tyrants without being called that directly. He really could not guess who would be able to embarrass him so much.

Lao Wu talked about kidnapping Su Mian stubbornly, “Boss, we really had not intended on strolling around today. When we met that girl, a few brothers’ hands were itchy so…”

“Shut up!” Zhang Xiao Feng’s anger was not because they were injured, but because they actually dared to not listen to him. He had repeated several times that the situation was tense at the moment and they were not to touch Su Mian for now.

Yet these people disregarded his words and swept them aside. Zhang Xiao Feng kicked Lao Wu’s butt, “Speak, what benefits did Zhang Yan Jie give you?”

Lao Wu felt guilty immediately, “Boss, no, it’s really not her.”

“Stop farting around. Today you will tell the truth. If you don’t tell the truth, don’t say you’re my people when you go out in the future.”

Seeing that Zhang Xiao Feng was truly angry, Lao Wu confessed. They had indeed been instigated by Zhang Yan Jie.

Zhang Xiao Feng was angry. This woman was now turning her nose up and actually dared to direct his people.

It seemed like he had been too nice to her and she did not even know who she was anymore. Next time, he would teach her a lesson.

After reprimanding them, Zhang Xiao Feng left.

The other little gangsters kept comforting Lao Wu, “Boss is too cautious. Next time there’s a chance, we must get things done and not shame Brother Wu!”

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Zhang Yan Jie had told Lao Wu at noon that Su Mian would board the bus to the county and that she may return at night, so they waited near the school gate.

“Alright, go back and clean your wounds with alcohol. If there’s nothing else, go to sleep early.” Lao Wu left after speaking. His wound was on his shoulder and it was a deep bite. He would have to go back and treat it.

- my thoughts:
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