Chapter 85 – Battle Foria

On hearing Lalia’s report of the attack, Foria flew towards his land’s border, followed by Nick, along with Lalia and some other creatures capable of flight in tow. Within 10 minutes, they had all reached the end of the forest that Nick thought signified the geographical divide from the other factions.

At this time, Nick finally saw the creatures called ‘Batilors’. These were humanoid-type creatures with two arms, two legs and other human characteristics. However, the difference was that their head was the same as that of a bat or a bird-like creature and they showed great physical strength.

There were more than 500 Batilors on the ground right now fighting against the Wood Soldiers. These Wood Soldiers were different from the guardians. Their power level was around ‘Student Level 1 Peak’ and ‘Student Level 2 Beginner’. This meant Imper Level Peak and Prive Level Beginner.

The Wood Soldiers were using spears and swords made of stone and wood. While the Batilors were fighting with their hands that had sharp claws.

The number of Wood Soldiers was lesser than the Batilors and they seemed to be lacking in confrontation. The Batilor fighters were at the same magic level as the Wood Soldiers.

Foria took stock of the battlefield and started issuing orders to the creatures behind him.

“Send troops to other borders, provide more support here, protect the civilians. I will enter this battle myself.”

At Foria’s command, the creatures, which Nick assumed might be his generals and commanders, dispersed at once, taking off in different directions, following their leader’s orders.

Nick too smiled at this time and suggested to Foria.

“I can support your creatures with my summoning ability. These summoned creatures are not the strongest but they could still be of some help.”

Foria looked at Nick and took a deep breath as he nodded. He would not forget those who helped him in sticky situations such as these.

Having received Foria’s agreement, Nick conjured the Regular Anubites. With the use of other spells and abilities, Nick’s summoning limit was at 50 Regular Anubites. However, if he only focused on summoning Anubites, he could summon more than 200 of them as long as he did not use any other spells apart from summoning and controlling the Anubites.

The battleground was taking place at flat grasslands, giving an unhindered view of the struggle on both sides. With a wave of his hand, Nick summoned 200 Anubites. Foria inspected these creatures and noticed that their power level was not bad at all. He informed the Wood Soldiers that the Anubites were their summoned allies—they were the same as them.

After summoning the Anubites, Nick ordered them to attack the Batilors. Two hundred Anubites immediately jumped towards the battle. Their high jumping power, as well as their agile bodies, created a black cloud in the sky as they ferociously dived down at the Batilors.



Even before their feet landed on the ground, the Anubites’ sickles started slashing and claiming Batilor lives. But within a matter of seconds, more than 10 Anubites fell as well. The Batilors were no novices. Compared to Anubites, who eventually were only summoned creatures, Batilors had intelligence and fight knowledge.

The battle heat continued, as Foria, Lalia and Nick observed everything from the sky.

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Nick realized that Lalia could fly but perhaps due to etiquette, she did not show this ability earlier when Nick flew towards the Forest Leader’s house. As creatures, most of them had flight ability, be it magical or physical.

At this time, Foria’s eyes turned towards the horizon and he whispered.

“Their commanders are here.”

Hearing him, Nick and Lalia followed Foria’s gaze and noticed three flying figures coming their way. They were clearly Batilors. One of them was a female and the other two were male. The males were not holding anything but the female had a staff made from an unknown black wood.

Foria looked at Nick and started talking.

“Epsilon, Lalia and I could deal with one at a time. Would you help us take care of the other commander? I will reward you for your help.”

Nick smiled and accepted this proposal. Within seconds, the three enemies found their matches.

Lalia matched with the female warrior. Foria took on the Batilor that was wearing head armor. Nick on the other hand found himself paired with the Batilor who was bigger and stronger compared to the others.

He began inspecting the enemy.

‘Batilor Heavyweight Lord’

‘Level –Student Level 2 Peak’


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‘An artificial-race made from combining the DNA of a Bat and a Bear’


‘Overwhelming Strength’

‘Improved Agility’

‘Improved Endurance’

‘Martial Arts Master – Level 5’

Nick exhaled and smiled. He would have no problem taking on this creature. However, he did feel strange looking at it. Facts showed that this creature was not a natural race but instead created by another intelligent race.

They created Batilors by combining bats and bears, and this piqued Nick’s interest.

He reflected in his mind.

“There are many things that I don’t know.”

At this time, the Heavyweight Batilor did not waste words or time and charged at Nick like a cannonball. Nick unsummoned 100 of the Regular Anubites and instead called the death-energy-wielding Reaper Anubite.

In a flash, the Reaper Anubite intercepted the Heavyweight Batilor’s attack and the two locked horns in a fierce and deadly battle.

This move was well beyond the Heavyweight Batilor’s expectations. How could a creature at the same energy level as him summon another creature that was also capable of fighting him in a one-on-one battle in the air? Nick was feeding magical energy to the death energy Anubite to let it fly.

With the use of death energy, the Reaper Anubite could fly without any hassle. It may not seem like it but Reaper Anubites’ intelligence was almost the same as ordinary humans. They had a free mind and were capable of thinking by themselves; the only exception being the absolute loyalty towards Nick.

Nick noticed the enemy’s confusion and smiled as he started talking.

“Hahaha… you have decent power if you can fight against one of my creatures. But how about two of them?”

As his words ended, one more Reaper Anubite joined the in-air battle as all Regular Anubites disappeared from the battleground.

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