Chapter 67- The Gang is All Here

(Author Note: I’m sorry to anyone that liked the game elements of the story and didn’t want much real world. When I started writing this, I didn’t have any intentions to do any major real world events, but it happened. I also made KMega6KMegacharacter a little more awesome than I originally portrayed. Believe me, he’s no black belt champion or anything like that though. Since she deserves it, I also plan on Astrid7Astridcharacter and Kevin taking the next step and being adult at some point. As a reminder, no characters in this story are based on real life people. All characters are fictional.)


Winter was in the women’s bath with a lavender scented scrunchy. Playing half a dozen pub games with a minimum of thirty kills and no deaths wore her out. As she caught herself thinking about their new roommate, a gentle smile appeared on her face. Since he was smart, cute, and kind; she considered dialing down her b**** act a little. Besides Emma, she was the longest tennant with five years. Emma’s been here for over eight, so she’s the only one left that knows her true self.


Shortly after joining the GSP five years ago, Winter was only fifteen. She was able to solo six professional players by herself. She needed one hundred and twenty kills, while the other team only needed twenty. Essentially, everyone only had twenty lives. She had won with eleven left. She came from a poor family, so this was her escape from poverty. She was sweet, innocent, and naive. She then hugged herself as the memory of what happened ever since she wore the b**** act crossed her mind. As she got control of herself and relaxed, she didn’t notice that someone came in and grabbed her chest from behind with both hands.

“How I missed these.” (???)


Since information was key, Emma was looking at the roster for the newest single player games to understand how to beat them.

As she sat down and looked at her computer, her belly grumbled. It was nearly dinner time.

“What will he make today?” (Emma)

Emma normally wouldn’t let her belly decide for her, but when she thought about Kevin’s cooking, she dropped everything and walked to the kitchen. When she arrived though, she found Winter and the team that was away. She didn’t even realize they were coming back today.

She could also see that Kevin wasn’t in the best of moods. However, he still earnestly cooked.

As everyone watched him, some more eager than others to eat his cooking, Kevin made spaghetti.

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Kevin was annoyed. Gamers didn’t like being interrupted while gaming. Kind of like how a gambler hates to stop when they’re on a winning streak. The one that attacked him was the pro teams tank, Adam Wringler. The person that was with him that acted like a smarty pants was the teams mage, Brian Horner. The one that jumped into Winter’s bath was the teams thief assassin, Elsa Cunnings. The fourth team member was Tygart Tyler, the teams healer and leader


Tygart was currently in a meeting with Weise though.

However, the meeting wasn’t about the pro team, Kevin, or even Astrid.

The meeting was about him.

“You can’t do this! Do you know who I am?!” (Tygart)

Weise looked coldly at Tygart.

“Did you really think we wouldn’t find out about your illegal mods and hacking? Don’t get angry because you were caught.” (Weise)

Tygart then punched the table before vowing.

“I swear I will make you regret this!” (Tygart)

Weise then pointed at the door before responding.

Only allowed on

“You should just count yourself lucky that we’re  not taking any legal action against you for this. Now, get out!” (Weise)

- my thoughts:
Thanks to Michelle Ossiander on my patreon several chapters have been paid for 6 chapters for release I have missed giving out so for this week I will be doing double releases this week.
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