36 – Problems at the Border (1)

Two months were by from the moment I have reached the Ultimate-Class. During these two months, I have already contacted Venelana that I have reached Ultimate-Class and also tell her that soon the Planar Conquest can begin.

Now that both of us were Ultimate-Class it would be alright. My progress on recreating Strategic-Tier Magic was going smoothly, and I have already created a few spells.

I only created several spells for each tier, as I wasn’t planning to create more. As soon as I release the principle of my new magic system onto the public, devils who specialize in magic would do that for me, and after some time, I just need to harvest my rewards, which would be many and many spells.

I have also told this to Zekram, and he told me to present it to Lucifer. Something I was conflicted about. Technically I was his grandson, as I was the son of his daughter, but the problematic part was that I was only Ultimate-Class while being over 180 years, though I have inherited Dark Light Trait.

If I got into his favor, I could get a higher noble rank, more territory, and more advantages during the war. Additionally, maybe with a bit of luck, I could get his advice on Dark Light.

‘I will wait after the Planar Conquest is over, I will decide. Now is not the right time.’

I thought in my head, as I continued my research.


Outskirts of the Gremory Territory, Magic Tower

“Hey, activate the magic sequence the Lord implemented and do a scan.”

Said one of the devils on the top floor of the Magic Tower, apparently the commander of the detachment.

“Yes, Commander.”

Answered soldier, as he activates the magic sequence, and several magic circles appeared above the Magic Tower and started releasing intense light around the surroundings, reaching several tens of kilometers.

“Sir! There is a signal, Fallen Angels are coming from the north, approximately, 36 kilometers away.”

Reported soldier hurriedly.

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“How much?”

Asked Commander with dread in his voice.

“Around 30,000 is should be a Divisions of Legion.”

A reported subordinate with a trembling voice. Meaning, if it really is a Divisions Units belonging to Fallen Legion, it is a high chance there is Ultimate-Class Fallen Angel leading it to do some kind of mission. And even if not, there should be countless High-Class Fallen, they would be annihilated.

“Immediately activate defense barrier magic. Prepare for emergency escape teleportation and send a message to the Fuerig. Fallen are testing our borders, once again.”

Responded Commander quickly. Each Magic Tower that was constructed, had in-build protocols. For example, now, the Magic Tower would activate a defensive barrier that would slow down Fallen for at least two to three hours, and if the barrier is breached, the tower would self-destruct, killing as many of fallen as possible.

As the barrier was created around the Magic Tower, all soldiers teleported out to the nearest outpost before sending a message to the Fuerig HQ. As they were gone, thousands of black-winged figures appeared in the crimson sky of the Underworld, aiming at the Magic Tower.

“Prepare the Light Spears and offensive magic, bring down this shield and kill everyone in the tower.”

Screamed leading Fallen Angel, clad in armor as he held a sword in his hand and his four pairs of wings were signifying his Ultimate-Class strength.

“Yes, General.”

He was one of the Generals of the Fallen Angel legions that were residing being the demilitarized zone and often had skirmishes with Devils.


As I was comfortably reading magic tome and sipping my tea, suddenly a servant rushed to my room looking extremely panicked, so much, he ignored most of the protocols. Something must have happened.

“My Lord, Divisions of Fallen Angels have attacked one of Magic Towers, closest to the Fuerig Castle. They are led by Legion General.”

Said the servant in panic.

‘Damm. Right now, that all of my Ultimate-Class subordinates are far away. Though it is a good opportunity for me to test my power.’

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I thought in my head before finishing my tea.

“Prepare mass teleportation formation and mobilize the soldiers. I will take Feurig Legion with me. How are their numbers?”

I asked the servant.

“30,000 but there could be more, the Tower is still standing, and ten minutes after the assault began, it sent information about another 50,000 Fallen coming from west of the Tower.”

Reported servant. So it should be all-around 80,000 Fallen Angels, while I have 100,000 Devils as I am taking half of one Legion. Problem is that Fallen has an elemental advantage and also, their General.

‘Architect, start combat calculations for the best strategy to utilize our advantages.’

I commanded in my head. I needed to get there before the Tower fell ideally, but that was not so realistic. Hopefully, if the tower is destroyed, it could take several thousands of them down, or maybe at least injure the Fallen General.

For the first time, I was wearing the ancestral armor of the Gremory Clan.

I was never for wearing armor, but alas, it could save my life. This one looked like it was made for devils. It looked rather diabolically, painted pitch black, with crimson lines. It took me around thirty minutes to properly put on the armor, as it was the first time I was doing that.

This was going to be my first larger battle since my transmigration. Also, this wasn’t an ordinary skirmish, judging based on the number of enemies and their leadership. They probably had something else in mind just besides harassment and testing borders. They probably were for raiding.

Grigori was pretty f***** up when it came to management. Their domestic affairs were even in a worse state than most of devil nobility territories, which was something to ponder upon.

After I had armor on, I exited my bedroom and went to the gathering place, where already thousands of devil soldiers, organized in disciplined formations were gathering.

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