Chapter 1


“Wow, I can’t believe we had a successful concert in LA. I was so happy to see the Army with their army bombs. (sighs) When will we have our group concert together, Chimmy? Isn’t it too long since we had our last concert together as a group?” I said to Jimin who was busy admiring the concert pictures we clicked together.

“I know, I couldn’t control my tears when I saw them all. I mean it’s insane, isn’t it? 4 days and sold out with more than 60K Armys? They must have missed us so much!!! I missed them too.” Jimin said doing a crying acting and we both burst laughing.

But suddenly he stopped and started looking in a direction.

“Yah, you alright? Why do you look as if you’ve seen a ghost?” I asked him.

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“I am wondering if he is ghost or real!” Jimin said and pointed out in a direction where he was looking.

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I was too struck by what I was looking at. I mean after so many years, he suddenly is in front of us. How long was it? 10 years? He disappeared in high school suddenly without a word. There was no news of his family too.

Jimin and I looked at each other. And then looked at him. He had just entered the airport, it seemed. But we could see him directly, as we were in the private lounge for celebs. Also there was one more person with him. Judging by the looks, he looked like his manager. But the next incident surprised us even more.

“Jungkook, we love you!!” “Kookie have a safe flight!” came the screams of the people as soon as he entered the airport and there appeared at least 20-30 guards who made a human chain around him so he could walk in comfortably.

“What did we miss? And did he change his name?” Jimin asked me and I shook my head.

“Wait! Shouldn’t you ask why and how is he so famous? And those are his fans? So many? So what is he now? I mean I am happy for him. But then we never heard of him before.” I told Jimin and he agreed with me.

He waved and bowed to him fans who were waving at him. But his guards made sure nobody approached him.

Suddenly we heard an announcement for our flight and our managers came in to tell us to get ready to go in. We took our bags and left. Well, we disguised so that there won’t be any scene at the airport. We did have our own guards with us and not to mention, there were 50 of them dressed like normal people.

- my thoughts:
Hope you guys will enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed it writing!!!!
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