chapter 14


“Hyung, I think Taehyung like Jeongukk. But we have to keep this a secret okay?” I told Jin hyung who smiled very brightly.

“Are you serious?” Jin hyung asked again and I nodded.

“You know, they both suit each other very well. It’s like they are made for each other. A match made in heaven you can say.” Jin hyung said.

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Jin hyung and Jeongukk became very close after Jin hyung started making breakfast for Jeongukk everyday. He even once saved Jeongukk from his mother after Jeongukk broke his mom’s favourite flower vase.

“But hyung, we should help Taehyung, you know?” I aske hyung.

“Yes, I know. But let him sort this out himself. I don’t want to interfere in between them.” Jin hyung said.

“So we just watch?” I asked again.

“No, we will make sure to give them space as much as possible. SO that they get chances to talk their minds out. I think Jeongukk also likes Taehyung, but I am not 100% sure. Let’s see what happens.” Jin hyung said and I agreed to it.


When Jimin told me that Taehyung loves Jeongukk, I was very happy. I loved both of them. Taehyung was my boyfriend’s younger brother, but he was like my own brother. As for Jeongukk, I met him after he became friends with Taehyung. I remember the first time he came to our hotel and I prepared simple Ramyeon for him and he liked it. He sipped in even the last drop of soup and licked his lips saying “it’s delicious”. And from that day onwards he was a regular at our place. In no time, he and his mom became a part of our family.

Jeongukk shared his thoughts with me. He had a lot on his mind at this age. Which made me want to protect him at any costs. His thoughts, whatever they were weighing down on him. But he never exactly told me about what was going on in his mind. He loved painting. He painted on the walls of of my hotel and made them feel alive. His paintings were like calm in the face of storm just like him. 

“Gukkie, you say I am your most closest hyung. Why don’t you try opening up to me? You are not an adult yet. You are still a kid. And having so much on your mind isn’t good, baby.” I tried to make him understand.

“Hyung, I love you. And I respect the care and love you have for me. I know you worry about me. But trust me when I say this. It’s not that I don’t wana say this. But I just can’t. I just can’t bring my thoughts to my lips and tell you. Please understand.” He said very earnestly.

“Alright. But you know, I am always here for you. Anytime.” I said and hugged him. But who knew that would be the last time I would hug him…..

It was almost a week and Jeongukk didn’t come to the restaurant, nor his mom. I asked Taehyung and Jimin. But they said, he didn’t come to school too. So we decided to go to his place. Me, Jimin and Taehyung, We all went to his house, but it was locked.

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“Where are you Jeongukk? I just hope you are fine wherever you are.” I thought to myself.

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