chapter 30

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We, BTS, were global superstars now. We had achieved what many groups were still on the way. We made ourselves literally untouchable and unreachable. Like they say, “There won’t be another The Beatles”, similarly, there won’t be another BTS. And never will in the next coming years be possible for any other group to grow like us and reach heights like us. In the last 10 years, we spoke at the UN, the UNGA, and we even invited by the President of United States. From best artist to best choreography, there wasn’t a single award that didn’t have our name on it.

We announced our break. We would focus on our solo careers for now, and then get back together again was what we all decided. But, in all this fame, this bustling career, there was this emptiness in the corner of my heart, which never settled. And since last 3 days, this feeling had grown very strong. Jimin said the same thing. Jin hyung was also restless. My other hyungs were worried about us, since it was only we 3 that were experiencing this feeling. It was as if a part of us was taken away from us. 

“Hyung, why us? Why just you, me and Jimin?” I asked Jin hyung and he shook his head.

“I know, it’s not like we have lost something, but still feels like we have lost a part of us.” Jimin said rubbing his chest.

Only allowed on

“Jeongukk…. Is something wrong with him? He should be fine right?” I said which made heads turn in a flash.

“Tae, you still….” Namjoon hyung asked and I nodded.

“I mean, only 3 of us were close to him. He trusted us more than anybody else. It’s just my thinking though.” I said scratching my neck.

“You’re right. But there’s been no news of him for last 10 years. And no news is always good news. He should be doing well.” Jin hyung said. 

Our TV was on, when suddenly we heard the line…


We all looked at each other. That guy looked very similar to our Jeongukk.

“Did we hear it right? Jungkook? NO, it can’t be our Jeongukk.” Namjoon hyung said.

“Yeah, I mean he was very timid and shy. And he absolutely did hate this fame and all.” Jin hyung said further.

“You’re right. He can’t be. But it’s really shocking to see a look-alike in real life. I have only read about it in novels and cinemas.” I said making everyone smile.

“Alright, back to our work. Jimin we have to prepare for our concert in May. I know we still have time, but still. Like we have to decide the dates, songs, choreography, sequence also the venue. We haven’t been to America for a concert. And I remember our American fans requesting a concert in America.” I told Jimin who was smiling at me.

“I know. I miss our American fans. It’s been a long time. We went America to meet the President at White House, but we didn’t get to meet our fans. Yeah let’s talk to our managers and Bang hyung.” He said and I nodded at him.

And this way we all got occupied into our own works, unknown to the fact that the emptiness was because a part of us had truly left us. 

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