7th Story 3

7th Story 3

In front of Xie Fangfei, Xu Wenxuan felt that his dignity had been challenged, he blushed with anger, but because of the so-called literati image, he couldn’t yell at him, so he could only repeat “I don’t know that, I don’t know that!”

Xie Fangfei didn’t care about these things, she has a good family background, although she is a concubine, she has been loved by her elders since she was a child, and has grown up so much that she has hardly bothered about money. Besides, she considers herself a talented woman, how can a talented woman care about these extraneous things. Therefore, she comforted Xu Wenxuan and said: “Charlie, you have to be considerate. She is a woman who has never studied and never seen the world. Apart from her husband, she only has these things to rely on. Charlie, show your gentlemanly demeanor, Don’t fuss with her, okay?”

Xu Wenxuan softened his expression after hearing Xie Fangfei’s words, “You are right, Fangfei, you are the best.”

The two looked at each other, their love grew stronger, and they couldn’t help hugging each other together. Father Xu, who heard the movement, came out to check the situation, immediately turned his head away when he saw this scene, she really has no shame, no shame!

Immediately looking at the empty home, Xu’s father felt sad, thinking that Liu Qinghan would take away one-third of the Xu family’s property, Xu’s father became even more sad. He is not Xu Wenxuan, since he was a child he kept his ears to the outside world and never took these mundane matters to heart. That was because the family provided him with enough money for him to squander, so that he didn’t have to worry about these things. But Xu’s father understood that since he had a serious illness five years ago, his energy was a little low. Later Qing Han came in and saw he that she was doing a good job in housework, so he simply handed over the family property to Qing Han. Now, Wenxuan insists on reconciling with Qinghan, no one knows what the family will be like in the future! Thinking of this, Xu’s father sighed but seeing they glue like a siamese twins entwined relationship Xu’s father felt hopeful. At any rate, this Miss Xie had a good family background. Wenxuan would probably be very happy with her. As long as Wenxuan is doing well, that’s fine. As for them old couple, let’s take one step at a time!

The next day, under the witness of the clan elders, Xu Wenxuan and Liu Qinghan signed the reconciliation letter. Liu Qing Han said with a smile: “I also know the situation of the Xu family. The Xu family has supported Xu Wenxuan to study for so many years. I am afraid that they will continue to support Xu Wenxuan in the future. How about it, I don’t want the restaurants and silk shops that still make money. In the account there’s is still 20,000 yuan in cash, I will take 10,000, I don’t want the rest.”

When Xu’s father and Xu mother heard that Liu Qinghan didn’t want the Grange Restaurant but only wanted to pay for the ocean, they were not happy about it, after all, everyone knew, shops, restaurants, farms, etc are the hens whose place the order. As long as Liu Qinghan wants these, maybe she still doesn’t want to tear herself apart with the Xu family. Such a good daughter-in-law, what a pity!

“Okay, I will do as you say!” Xu Wenxuan’s gentlemanly demeanor came into play at this time, “You are a woman, what can you do with only money! The Xu family has a hundred acres of land in the west of the city and a Zhuangzi, I’ll give it to you too!”

Xu’s mother said anxiously: “Wenxuan!”

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Li Yueran smiled, what kind of shop and farmland in this troubled world they are just floating clouds, only real money is real. She is a weak woman, unable to change the world, but she can still do it by trying to protect herself. Li Yueran shook her head, “Forget it. I only want this ten thousand yuan.”

Xu Wenxuan saw that she insisted on this and Xu’s mother stared at him closely, so he had to give up. In the bank, Li Yueran didn’t even look at the balance but directly asked the bank to exchange 10,000 yuan cash into gold bars, right now 300 silver dollars can be exchanged into a large yellow croaker weighing ten taels. Li Yueran added some money, directly exchanged 10,000 yuan in cash for 34 small yellow croakers. Seeing this, Xu Wenxuan frowned wanted to say something, but was held back by Xie Fangfei.

After Li Yueran left, Xie Fangfei just said: “Charlie, what did you want to say just now?”

Xu Wenxuan thought for a while and said: “Forget it, I planned to remind her, but everyone has their own way to go, I can’t force her. Fang Fei, let’s go back!”

In the next three months, Li Yueran sold all the real estate in her dowry, opened an account with Citibank, and deposited all the money in it. After that, she spent a lot of money, and finally, half a year later, she took Xu Bo, Xiaocui, Xiaoxiang and others to Hong Kong, bought a house and shop in Hong Kong, to settled in Hong Kong.

Xu Wenxuan and Xie Fangfei discussed and decided to go to Beiping to hold a wedding. The main reason is that Xie Fangfei doesn’t like Chinese-style weddings, she prefers Western-style weddings. Xu Wenxuan naturally agreed. Because of the wedding was going to be organized, Xu Wenxuan directly opened his mouth to Xu’s father, wanted to take five thousand oceans to Peiping. Xu’s father was still hesitating, but Xu’s mother agreed first, “You should, you should. If you want to get married and buy a house in Bei’an, you should bring more money.”

Xu Wenxuan nodded, “Well, I have already found a good job. I’ll be teaching at Peking University, and my monthly salary is two hundred yuan! Fang Fei is also teaching at Women’s University with monthly salary is more than one hundred yuan. The reason why I bring so much money is I want to give Fangfei a grand wedding, she doesn’t want a dowry, but I can’t treat her badly.”

Xu’s mother nodded, “That’s right. By the way, Wenxuan, I thought about it, we will leave our hometown after all the shops and fields in our house are sold, let’s go to Peiping with you! I know you young people like freedom and don’t want to live with your parents, it’s okay, we can buy another house, and you just come to see us occasionally, don’t you? Can you?”

Xu Wenxuan frowned, he knew Fang Fei’s temperament, she didn’t like to deal with elders, she felt restrained, so he asked: “It is said that the homeland is hard to leave, parents, are you really willing to leave your hometown and follow me to Peiping?”

Xu Wenxuan father sighed, “I discussed it with your mother, I won’t hide it from you. Five years ago, my body was no longer able to handle. Since Qing Han came in, no matter whether it’s outside property or housework, It’s all Qinghan who is taking care of it. Now that Qinghan and you have reconciled, who should take care of the family property? I don’t feel at ease if I hand it over to outsiders. Rather than let people ruin the family business, it’s better to take advantage and sold all the property now and the money from the sale is deposited in the bank. You get paid monthly, saving us a little money, which is enough for our family to live on. Besides, your mother and I have only one child, so if we don’t live with you, who are we following?”

Xu Wenxuan is a filial son, hearing Xu’s father and Xu’s mother say so, there is no reason not to agree. It’s just that he is also very embarrassed, how should he explained to Xie Fangfe! Sure enough, when Xu Wenxuan and Xie Fangfei talked about this matter, Xie Fangfei was really angry, “Charlie, that’s not what you said when we returned to China. You said that your parents will live in hometown and won’t disturb our life. What about now? What’s going on now?”

Xu Wenxuan explained patiently: “Fangfei, listen to me. I am the only child in my family, I should have taken care of my parents. Before, I was able to study abroad with peace of mind because of Qinghan. Now that Qinghan and I are divorced, my parents are not in good health. If I don’t take care of my parents, how can I feel relieved. Fang Fei, I can assure you that my parents will never disturb our life, absolutely not! Fang Fei, please understand me. No matter, am I not the Charlie you love?”

Xie Fangfei was still a little unhappy, “Charlie, I will trust you one more time, I hope you won’t let me down.”

Seeing that Xie Fangfei’s attitude loosen, Xu Wenxuan immediately put his arms around Xie Fangfei, kept kissing her cheek, “Thank you, Fangfei, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

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Xie Fangfei lost her temper after being kissed by Xu Wenxuan, the two couldn’t help but stood at the window and hugging and kissing each other. At the door, Mrs. Zhao, a servant of the Xu family, came to invite the young master and Miss Xie downstairs to eat at the order of Xu’s mother. Seeing this scene, she quickly lowered her head, thinking to herself, are all those who study abroad so shameless? When the sky is still brighter they could hug and kiss each other, bah! So shameless. She’s not even half of the young mistress! The young master is also blind, he actually gave up the beautiful and dignified young mistress and chose such a shameless woman. Sister-in-law Zhao went downstairs, Mother Xu was displeased when she saw that there was no one else behind her. She asked what is going on. Mrs Zhou blushed but still explained what she saw upstairs.

“Come down first! Wait for a while!”

Xu’s father also sighed, Xu’s mother quickly changed the subject, “I heard that Qing Han has been selling property these few days, what exactly is she going to do?”

Xu’s father shook head, “I don’t know what she wants to do.”

“She is our family’s daughter-in-law. She is young and ignorant, so you can’t just ignore her. The Liu family doesn’t know about their reconciliation. If the Liu family finds out in the future, how can we explain to the in-laws!” Mother Xu said worriedly.

The reason why she asked Xu Wenxiane to marry Liu Qinghan was firstly because Liu’s family was a wealthy family, and Liu Qinghan was beautiful, well-educated and she assumed that her son would like her; Father Xu has the grace of savings his life. Of course, not many people know about it. But Xu’s mother knew that Xu’s father had always respected Liu’s father in his heart.

“That’s why I agreed to sell my property and leave my hometown to go to Peiping.” Xu’s father sighed, but he couldn’t help it. The grace of saving life is important, but he must have wronged his son because of it! But Qing Han is too ignorant, what a good proposal at the beginning, divorced and not leaving home, no matter how she and Wenxuan are, he and his wife still treat her as a family after all! Let her mess around if she suffers a loss and is fooled then she will understand their painstaking efforts. At that time, if she came to the door, she would not sit idly by. It’s just like having an extra daughter.

At this time, when Li Yueran heard about the Xu family’s sale of their property, she immediately understood the Xu family’s plan, so she smiled. I remember in the book, Xu Wenxuan and Xie Fangfei divorced three years later. The reason was that they had a bad relationship. In fact, Xie Fangfei had empathized with each other. However, judging from the current trend, perhaps this date will be brought forward. In her impression, Xu’s father is nothing but Xu’s mother is not an easy person to get along with!

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