Chapter 1 – I Became The Boyfriend of Our School Idol

Another boring day of studying, a boy thought as he head to the school. Entering the school gate he saw a group of people lurking around in the front of the school entrance, it looks like they are watching someone, circling two people in the ground.

Is that confession scene? This really happened a lot in this school.

“Chinatsu-san! I like you! Please go out with me!”

Serie Private Academy, a co-ed private middle school, high school and college which is popular for becoming the one of the most prestigious school in Japan that brings countless of students into success. Businessperson, politicians, Actor and any sort of prestigious and high paid works. It said that to be able to make in this school is like a dream come true and life changing.

But that’s not true for Naruya Haruki, for him going to school was just another boring day, he feels much at ease watching anime or gaming all day.

Looking at the center of attention he saw one of their school idol, Chinatsu Ayaka, she was called an idol right after she transferred in their school, the day when the class first started and she was literally an idol popular in her industry, she was also doing an actress role in some popular movies and also the daughter of Chinatsu Conglomerate President. In other words she’s really popular and for her to attend their school was like a dream come true for some boy and even girls. But Naruya Haruki doesn’t care either way, for him to see her surrounded by people and getting a confession from someone, is just annoying.

“Umm, You’re Naoya-kun right?”


“Sorry, Umm, I appreciate your invitation but, I don’t even know you well and I’m not interested in going into relationship so far, so, I humbly decline your invitation.”

As Haruki overheard the rejection he just head to the school entrance, he only really care for his hobby. He was certified otaku and for him to get involved in some normies event is just annoying, so he headed to the school entrance and not look around to avoid attention.


“Hey, Haruki you hear this, they say Naoya-kun from class 1-1 confess to our Queen.”

“Yeah, I saw them at the school entrance this morning.”

“Ugh! I really have no chance to her. If Naoya-kun couldn’t even win over the queen who can? He was even high-spec and popular by girls.”

“Don’t ask me, like I know! Also could you not bother me, I’m losing the game because of you.”

It was already noon and Haruki was in the cafeteria along with his two friends. While speaking with his friend Shinozaki Kaoru, he was playing a game from his gaming console, as he already finished eating his meal and just waiting for the other two to got finished.

“Why don’t you just confess to her Kaoru! Who knows maybe the heavens will favor you and she will accept.” Haruki’s other friend, Shigeo Takane said.

“Don’t be dumb Takane, someone like me have no match for her?”

“You don’t know until you try, right?”

“You maybe right, but… Th-Then what about Haruki, even if he’s like that he is considerably hot guy. He just doesn’t care but few girls have set their eyes on him. As I hate it to say but he may have a chance.” He said pointing at his friend playing game.

Haruki doesn’t care, but he is considerably popular in their school, hearing their conversation he just couldn’t ignore them. “Hey, don’t get me involved in that!”

“You like her too right? No one in this school who don’t like her even slightly, right! Takane?”

“Well, I like her but not through romance type, I just find her demeanor likeable.”

“Well, don’t compare me, to you two, it’s not like I hate her it just I don’t like her ability to attract people around.” Haruki answer a little reluctant.

“Wow! You really sticking to that ‘I don’t want to stand out’ goal you have Haruki? You stand out plenty man!”

“Then… Haruki I have proposal to you.” Takane said pointing at him. “Confess to Chinatsu-san.”

“Huh!” Haruki said totally at lost.

“You don’t hate her personally right?”

“Yeah, I just don’t want to interact with people that attract too much attention, that’s why I became friends with you two.”

“Ugh! If you said it like that it hurts man, that just a roundabout way of telling us, we’re not popular.” Kaoru said.

“Ahem, well of course I am not saying to do it free, if you do it, either rejected or not, I give you limited edition figures of your choice in my collection.”

“Really!!! But… Confess to her huh…” He thought up a bit, as he doesn’t really like to stand out and he doesn’t even sure if he have feelings for her. Even if it’s for a limited edition figure he doesn’t really like to play on someone’s feelings. “Well, whatever she will reject me either way.”

“Are you really sure about that?” He said teasingly then turn to looked in Kaoru. “Kaoru are you okay with that?”

“Well, I don’t really planning on confessing to her and if they end up together they looks more perfect together except that Haruki’s mob personality when he clearly have protagonist looks, but… I’m sure he will get rejected.” Kaoru said rather complicated. “Also, it looks like amusing.”

“Right!” Takane said with a grin.

“T-then let’s go back. Takane you better stay with your promise!” He said to end the topic as he feel rather uncomfortable about it.

“Yes, yes!”

After finishing their food they go back to the classroom with his friends grinning, totally thinking it was amusing and sure that Haruki will be rejected.


Going back in the classroom his friends gathered around. While there are still some time left before class, he played a game and his friends suddenly gathered saying they have important topic to talk about.

“Then how do we make Haruki confess?” Takane whispers to the two.

“I guess it must be through letter and in the back in the school like in most romance anime.” Kaoru said.

“I like it, then how about that one famous bench?”

“Ohh!!! That famous bench that popular for becoming the rejection spot in some story. That’s nice, it sounds amusing.”


“Then, will go with that.” Kaoru said grinning, totally forgotten their whole reason in doing it. “The problem is how we arrange that kind of situation.”

“How about the library, I think there are bench in there.”

“Ohh, that’s right. Then let’s write the letter.”

“Ahem” Haruki said to fit in their conversation. “W-what about my opinion?”

“Don’t worry Haruki, I promise you it’s a decent letter.” Takane said.

“When you put it like that it’s sounds like something not decent.” Haruki said doubtful. “Well let me read it first before giving it to her.”

Although sounds uninterested Haruki still thought it be something decent and not rude or something that may be interpreted in different way. He don’t want to be embarrassed by it, especially since he will be giving it to the school idol.

“’Chinatsu-san I have important thing to talk to you, so could you go to the school library after school. I know it sounds presumptuous of me, when we don’t even know each other well, but I just need to tell you something important from the bottom of my heart… From Naruya Haruki.’ Well it’s a decent letter at least, but what is this ‘from the bottom of my heart’ it sounds so cliché.” Haruki complained after reading the letter written by his friends.

“So… What will I do with this letter?”

“Man… It’s obvious right, just how much degenerate are you! You just need it to give to her.” Takane said.

“Well sorry, I’m not normie but, speaking of that, you both also are not.”

“Well your correct…” Takane and Kaoru said almost in sync.

“But at least I’m interested in romance.” Kaoru said.

“So I just need to give it to her?”

“Yeah.” Both said.

“By the way, I didn’t get to asked this earlier but why are we doing this in the first place? Except for the limited edition figure.”

“Cause it’s interesting!” Takane said.

“Also, to know if someone like you have a chance against the queen.”

“That’s all!” Haruki got quite taken aback by their answer, it’s really just for entertainment? But he really doesn’t care if he can get some limited edition figures, it’s not like he doesn’t have money to buy it, but as its name suggest it was limited so he can’t get all he want, so if he can get limited edition figures by doing it, he’s more willing to do it.

He really doesn’t care about the queen or their school idol so if he got rejected, that all. He’s not interested in romance either as all he care is his hobby, also he just really expecting to be rejected, as how much people said to be rejected by the queen, so he is expecting especially someone like him to be rejected right away. So it’s not a loss for him.

“I just need to give it to her right? No, never mind it’s embarrassing.” Thinking about what to do, he realized he need to give it to her personally and speaking of personally there are lots of people around Chinatsu-san so figuring it made Haruki feels unease. “I’ll just put it in her table.”

“Ahh yes, that’s fine too.” Kaoru said.

“Well, either way is fine right?”

“So where is her seat?” Asked Haruki thinking that he don’t know her seat.

“What! Are you serious man!” Takane said.

Chinatsu and Haruki are classmate in Class 1-2, but considering Haruki’s personality it’s not really surprising that he doesn’t know, all he really care is his hobbies, but it’s not like he’s bad at school considering his ranking to be fit in top 30. He just deemed it unnecessary to care about others considering that he only knew few of his classmates.

“It’s second to the front right next to the hallway.” Kaoru said.

Haruki’s seat is the in back near the window, so as Chinatsu seat is so far it’s given that he will not notice it. He didn’t even notice who was seated in front of him if they didn’t talk to him and he only knew very few of his classmates that’s why he didn’t also knows who’s setting in some of the seats.

“Well, I’m going to put it right away.” Haruki said, standing up in his seat and going to Chinatsu’s table.

While putting the letter under her table Haruki suddenly greeted with a cute voice.

“Ara, what are you doing here? Ummm…” The cute voice was came from Chinatsu, she just get back to the class with her two close friends.

The lunch break was already over! That was the scene Haruki didn’t comprehend, he especially thought that he still have time, that’s why he decided to put the letter in her table, but he failed. He really wanted to avoid giving the letter directly to her as it was embarrassing for him, but fate didn’t favor him, he was seen by Chinatsu, their school idol putting the letter in her desk.

It’s okay I just need to act it out. That’s right like a complete mob character to avoid much attention. Okay I will get the letter and give it to her with shaky hands and voice.

“I-I ‘am Naruya, N-naruya Haruki. U-ummm here.” He said while bowing and giving the letter with a shaky hands.

“What’s is this?”

“U-umm, i-its j-just a letter.” He said then run away back to his seat.

Perfect like a legitimate mob character, I’m sure it didn’t get much attention.

“That was amusing Haruki! Nice.” Takane said giving a thumb up to Haruki.

“Haha, you really stick to that ‘I’m a mob character, don’t mind me’ attitude, it’s hilarious bro.”

“But looks like you gathered even more attention Haruki, look some of our classmates are looking at you grinning.”

Haruki look around, his friend was right some of their classmates are looking at him. He thought that acting as totally mob character will avoid attention from him but it’s look like quite the opposite but there are still some looking at the Queen, or more on, most are staring at her.


“Aya-chi what’s that?” Chinatsu friend said, Ayasaka Rikka

“That was obvious Rikka, that was love letter.” Chinatsu other friend said, Hirasaki Chio.

“Well, it’s not, it just says to go to the school library after school.”

“Ahh, I know what’s is that!”

“But, that still like a love letter.”Chio said.

“So… What are you gonna do? You’ll go Aya-chi?”

“Well, I’ll go, it’s not like there’s harm in going. Also he work up his courage to give it to me.” Chinatsu said a little bashful.


The school was already finished and a few students already go home but Haruki and his friends still didn’t and instead they are heading to the library as it was the given time and place written in the letter.

“The time have finally come Haruki!” Takane said.

“Don’t worry we’ll watching you and we’re here after you got rejected, so don’t worry about it.”

“You totally enjoy it right? Well, I’m not worrying about it also I have my ultimate rejection plan, I even want to be rejected so I don’t need your consolation.”

“Ohh, looks like she’s here, go seat in the bench Haruki.” Takane said.

“I know.”

Following his classmates mischievous plan Haruki seated in the bench near the table, and greeted Chinatsu after arriving.

“G-good afternoon.”

“Good afternoon.” Chinatsu said while waving her hands.

Good it’s going well I just need to act miserable to turn her down, now she will sit down and all according to plan. Thinking that, Chinatsu sat down right next to him and actually she was so close that made Haruki uncomfortable.

So close, wait! Why so next to me? She smell good.

The bench he seated was originally meant for studying or reading books, so it have a desk and another bench in the opposite direction. As he and Chinatsu are not really close he thought that she will seat in opposite from him but for some reason Chinatsu really feel close to him which made Haruki feels unease.

It’s okay, just act like a mob and then after she reject me, it’s done, there’s no need to think much about it.

Naturally Haruki is an introvert and for the likes of him interaction between opposite gender, especially to those not close to him is proving to be challenging.

“U-umm, Your Naruya-kun right? Why did you call me here?” Chinatsu said rather bashful.

“Ah! I-I need to tell you something?”

It’s okay just say this next words ‘I Love You! Please go out with me!’ okay this is right. Preparing himself Haruki turned to faced Chinatsu, she was cute he thought, no, he needs to say it.

He bowed a little, with trembling and shaking voice he confess to her. “U-um, umm Ch-Chinatsu-san, I-I Love You! P-please go o-out with me!” Of course that was his plan to make her down, he’s not really trembling out of tension he just deemed to do it in order to turn her down with his creepy behavior and reject him right away.

But… His plan looks like not working, he looked at Chinatsu, she was beat red looking embarrassed, her cute golden yellow eyes was covered with a little tears and then she covered her face with her hands.

Concerned, Haruki asked, completely ignoring his mob acting. “What happened?”

“A-ahh I just didn’t think the person I am looking for, will confess his love to me.” Chinatsu replied while wiping her tears.

“What?” Haruki said confused. ‘Looking for’ what she’d meant by that.

While wondering, Chinatsu get a handkerchief in her bag and showed it to Haruki. “Do you remember this?” Chinatsu asked.

Looking at the handkerchief, Haruki saw a white handkerchief filled with various drawings the one you’d expect a little kid will draw and looking further he saw his name Naruya Haruki and Chinatsu’s name, Chinatsu Ayaka.

Wondering, Haruki recalled his past, if he have that kind of handkerchief, then he remembers, when he was still at grade school he saw a girl being bullied in the back of the school, he reached out to her and help her out, and that time where he had given her that handkerchief to wipe out her tears.


Chinatsu was fat back then probably because of her parents that spoiled her with many foods, but also because of that, she was bullied. When she got bullied one day, she saw a boy standing up to her bullies, he was cool Chinatsu thought back then, not cowering over to the bullies he saved her and gives her a handkerchief, at first she was wondering what to do with it but then she realizes she’s was crying, so she use it, thinking that she needs to return it the boy was gone.

Day after, the boy talk to her, she was uncomfortable thinking she might offended him but that’s not what the case. She then return the handkerchief but the boy give it to her and that’s where their friendships began and that time the bullying that she gets decrease.

But after a few years they graduated grade 5, that’s when Chinatsu said that she will going to transfer in a school in America.

And as a remembrance of him Haruki suggested. “ Then, as remembrance I’ll give you this.” Haruki grab in his bag, it was a box and when he opened it, a necklace was seen. “I was originally planning to give it to your birthday, but our family suddenly suggested a family trip and I can’t decline it, so I decided to give it to you as graduation gift, sorry Ai-chan.”

“No, it’s okay I appreciate it, as a graduation gift and birthday present.” Chinatsu said happily.

“Then, Haru-kun here…” Chinatsu said as she hand over her gift. ” It’s my graduation gift to you.”

The gift Chinatsu give was a book covered with an handkerchief that was imbedded with Chinatsu’s name in it.

“Thanks Ai-chan. I will treasure it.”

“The book! You also read it.”

Only allowed on

“Yeah I will read it, this was your favorite book right?”


“Then, Haru-kun.” Chinatsu said to break the mood. “Let’s draw something on these handkerchief as also to remind of us both.”

“Yeah, that a good idea.”

And after Chinatsu suggestion they draw something together, and at last Chinatsu write her name right next to Haruki’s name with a text ‘Lets meet Again’

“Yeah! Let’s meet again Ai-chan.”

“Yeah! It’s a promise!” Chinatsu said with a gentle smile.


Haruki didn’t recognize right away, that they are the same person, as the kid back then is fat and it was already years ago, well that was also because he didn’t know Chinatsu’s full name as most people call her queen, or Chinatsu. He was also not a fan idol show and idols often uses alias in their career that why he don’t know that Chinatsu Ayaka become an idol. He knows that Chinatsu Ayaka was a daughter of some rich person but he didn’t know that they are the same person as the one called queen in their school.

Even though it’s still around a month since the classes started, given by his personality it also not strange that Chinatsu don’t know him right away as very few person knows his full name in the school.

Haruki was considerably known in school even though he wanted to avoid attention he still got the attention of some students partly because of his good looks but also because he was a son of a popular company owner, their school was a private school with many students from rich family and even though he wanted to ignore and deny it, he was still considerably popular, that’s why he acted as like mob character to avoid those attention, so only very few are close to him and known him well.

“W-what! You’re Chinatsu Ayaka that fat kid back in primary school.”

“Ugh! That hurts, also I’m not fat anymore. But Yeah! I’m Chinatsu Ayaka, Haru-kun.”

“What! You really are Ai-chan!”

“What don’t call me that its look like I’m a child!” Chinatsu said bashfully.

“T-then Ai-chan what about that thing I ask you earlier?”

“Ahh you really don’t learn do you!”

“Well, it’s more cute to call you that”

“Don’t tease me! But yeah, I will go out with you Haru-kun.”

Of course it will go down to this but well it’s Ai-chan so-

“What!!!” As he thought it, he heard some voices full of shocked.

The voice came from Haruki’s friend in the library while they’re hiding, while the others came from outside it was Chinatsu’s close friends.

“W-what does this mean Haruki?” Kaoru said angrily.

“Well, it looks like I became the boyfriend of our school idol.” Haruki said with a wry smile.

“That’s right what does this mean Aya-chi.” Rikka said confused after entering in the library.

“Ahh, looks like I became Haru-kun’s girlfriend.” Chinatsu said shyly.

“Umm, Chinatsu-san do you and Haruki know each other.” Takane said.

“That’s right do you know each other Aya.” Chio said.

“Well, yeah, we know each other back in grade school.”

“Ai-chan and I are like childhood friends but she go abroad to study, that’s why we just meet and know each other now after a few years.”

“So, In short it’s like reunion between you two.” Takane said.

“Well, yeah.” Chinatsu said.

“But why you accept to become his girlfriend Aya I thought you’re not interested in romance so far.” Chio said wondering.

“Well… I’ve always like him back then, and he’s also the reason why I’m not interested in relationship so far.” Chinatsu said bashful.

“W-what!” Haruki said surprised. “You like me since grade school?”

“Ye-yeah.” Chinatsu said totally embarrassed.

“Umm, Aya-chi there’s something bothering me!” Rikka said.

“What is it?”

“Aya-chi, why you just know each other now that it’s almost two months since you transfer here and you’re even classmates?”

“Well, I know that Haruki was here, because my father said that the son of the Naruya Corporation president was here, but I didn’t know where to find him, that’s why when Haru-kun handed me the letter earlier, I was so happy to find out that he was Naruya Haruki, at first I thought he was just a boring person and I don’t know his name so I didn’t consider him to be the Haru-kun that I know, as Haru-kun back then was really lively.”

“Well, sorry that I’m boring, I just don’t want to stand out.”

“Th-then why this Haru-kun don’t know Aya-chi.”

“Well you all keep calling her queen or Chinatsu, I don’t know her full name that’s why.”

“T-then let end this here and let’s go, Haru-kun.” Ayaka said to change the subject while standing up in her seat.


“Humph, You’re my boyfriend so at least escort your girlfriend back home.”

“Don’t you have a ride?” Haruki asked as since grade school she have always a ride when going and leaving the school.

“No, I just rent apartment nearby? Around five minutes of walk I guess.”

“Ohh, the same, I just rent apartment with around same time of walk to school.” Haruki commented. “Then, I’ll will be escorting her, so you can go ahead you two.” He said turning at Takane and Kaoru, while staring at them like saying “Remember your promise.”

“Umm, If you want you can go with us.” Chinatsu proposed.

“No, we don’t want to disturb the newly couple, so will go on our way.” Takane said as he feel bad to disturb them. “Let’s go Kaoru.” He said while tapping Kaoru’s back.

“Ahh, yes!” Kaoru said exiting the library with Takane.

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“T-then we’ll excuse ourselves too Aya. Let’s go Rikka.” Chio said, but Rikka ignore her so she said it again but this time she looks angry. “Rikka?”

“What! Ahh yes!”

“Looks like we’re the only ones left.” Haruki said.


Both leaving the library only Haruki and Ayaka left, as they don’t have anything to do they decided to get moving themselves.

“Let’s go Ai-chan.”


— New chapter is coming soon —
- my thoughts:
It my first time writing so I hope you like it my story was always inspired in Japanese novels but I didn't know how to convey things well so I hope it still understandable
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