Chapter 5.2 – A New Place (2)

Chapter 5.2 – A New Place (2)

Amidst the towering skyscrapers, Earth’s greatest heroes in the bustling metropolis face an unprecedented menace as a giant Monster emerges from the depths, casting a colossal shadow over the city and ready to wreak havoc upon it. A tall, athletically built man with a strong, muscular physique wearing armor made with the latest technology flew towards the monster.

His armor glistened in the sky like a brave knight flying with a cap flapping. He was distracting the giant monster by flying around it.

A woman in a black suit with raven wings also fought with him. She looked more like a bird of prey than a person. From her head to her toes, her body seemed covered by black inorganic feathers—more metallic than organic—like a phantom in the sky. The two heroes were fighting side-by-side, trying to distract the monster while its minions were busy destroying buildings.

The monster roared and threw chunks of debris at them. They dodged and evaded the debris.

“You’re not going to defeat this thing with just the two of you, Captain Supreme and NightOwl!” a voice behind the two heroes yelled.

At first glance, they thought it was another one of those monsters attacking them. But then, their eyes widened when they saw who stood behind them.

“Battle Master?!” shouted Captain Supreme. “How…?”

“It’s been too long,” said Battle Master. “I’m glad we finally met again.”

NightOwl nodded in agreement.

Battle Master was an old, muscular man, tall and imposing. He was like a Viking berserker crossed with a medieval weapons collector. Around his body were various ancient weapons, all looking shiny and having an air of power and mystery. His outfit was a dark red, almost purple cloak with shorts, and was bare-chested underneath. His chest and arms were bulging out to show off the muscles he had. Despite his age, it did not look like Battle Master would soon stop pursuing justice.

As Battle Master joined the fight, more and more heroes came to join in. They joined the fight with various designs and customers, some to hide their identity and some to show that they were superheroes.

“What is happening here?” asked a man wearing a mask as he walked towards the monster from the corner building.

He wore a green and yellow outfit with a cowl on top of his head. His hair was trimmed into a short spike. He had a sharp nose and a strong jawline. It was another hero, Mr. Stretch.

Battle Master jumped beside him after blocking an attack from the giant Monster.

“That monster is the threat,” answered a woman in an elegant suit bringing a katana that could probably cut through the steel plate.

“Nice of you to join us, Edge and Mr. Stretch.” Battle Master greeted them before jumping back into the fight.

Edge was a Japanese woman wearing an elegant business suit. Her suit was primarily black with a few highlights of red and gold. She carried a katana that looked like it could cut through the most rigid metal. Her hair was long and tied into a ponytail.

“How come nobody is evacuating?” Mr. Stretch stretched his legs and arms toward the giant monster and tried to pull its leg to stop it.

“We need to finish the fight faster and help the people out,” he added.

The monster swiped away his attempt and turned to face him.

“It’s no use.” Mr. Stretch dodged the monster’s swipes and tried to pull his arms once again.

Black ethereal ropes shot out of NightOwl’s wings to the same leg that Mr. Stretch was trying to stop, seeing the same thing he was seeing people trapped in a bus right in the path of the leg.

“This is a big monster,” said Battle Master, throwing several weapons at the giant monster’s legs.

“It’s a giant!” yelled a man who just arrived in a suit and tie with glasses.

“Nice of you to join in, Doc,” said NightOwl as she helped the people get off the bus.

“Let me help.” Doctor Magic’s eyes glowed white as he muttered an incantation.

Above all this chaos, around the Moon, a strange-looking object emerged from its dark side, coming into view of the Earth.

It was a colossal vessel, easily dwarfing any man-made aircraft. It had a distinctive angular and elegant design and seemed to be made of organic minerals. Its surface was adorned with glowing runes and energy patterns as if showcasing how advanced the technology that created it was and the power of the civilization that birthed it.

It had an alien design that was unlike anything humans had ever seen. It looked more like an asteroid than a spaceship, but it was far too perfect to be a natural rock. It was moving fast.

A humanoid observed the chaotic battle on the monitor as if waiting for something.

The battle in the monitor became very dire. The humanoid stood from his strange-looking chair and headed to what looked like a door.

A few minutes later, a streak of left the ship moved towards Earth. A humanoid figure is faintly visible as it vanishes into the Earth’s atmosphere. The heroes were trying to fight the monster desperately now, but none of their attacks seemed to hurt it. The giant monster roared, and a greenish smoke started to spew out of his mouth.

The breath knocked back some heroes while the others could escape in time.

The ground shook. Buildings crumbled down, and people were screaming for help.

“This is not working!” yelled Edge as she blocked an attack from the giant monster with her Katana.

“Let’s not give up hope!” Captain Supreme shouted with a commanding and enigmatic voice as if trying to urge the heroes to fight on.

All the heroes were battered and bruised. This monster’s power was of apocalyptic proportions. They were all on their last legs, and the people around them were panicked and in despair.

The heroes were desperate. None of them had enough power to hurt the monster, and most of their attacks did not damage it.

Then, suddenly, a loud and thunderous crash was heard. Everybody stopped fighting and turned their attention to where the sound came from.

The sky became red as if something was burning it, and then a red strike of light approached them.

A humanoid figure was seen falling at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of fiery red light in the skies.

It started to cool as it descended to the ground, but it was still very fast—like a meteor crashing down.

The heroes were confused about what was happening.

Then, the humanoid figure dove into the monster with a thunderous punch. The impact sent the monster flying and crashed into a nearby building.

It was a potent attack.

“Is it a meteor? Or a comet?” asked Edge as she watched the figure fall.

“No, that is a man,” answered a hero whose power was to see everything.

“That’s a person?!” shouted another hero who could fly, asking the other hero.

“What is this power?” another hero whose power was to manipulate soundwaves said in amazement.

“Is that the power of the sun?” asked another hero.

They looked at the gigantic monster killed with a single attack and continued to follow the area where the humanoid figure smashed into the ground after hitting the monster.

The heroes followed him. The humanoid was still lying down when they got to where he was.

They all approached the figure.

The humanoid opened his eyes, revealing his glowing golden eyes, and stood up. With his glow, he was like a fallen star, like a descending sun.

“Who are you?” asked Captain Supreme.

“I am the Null-Ar Kilark of the House Kilark, but you can call me Dawnbringer,” said the figure in a deep voice.


A distant rumble shook the ground, waking Nolen from his dream.

“What a nostalgic dream that was.” He said as he rubbed his eyes before getting up.

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