Chapter 3:Beast Awakening

I noticed the Shadow Strike Unit squad following behind and decided to join them. Upon reaching the Battalion Ground, the assigned referee from the Shadow Unit Squad took center stage and announced the information about the two fighters. I found a seat near the Shadow Unit Squad and sat beside Mark. “Are you here because something might happen again?” I asked. “Yeah,” he replied.


We waited for the referee to finish his announcement, and the two fighters positioned themselves face to face in the center. “3…2…1… FIGHT!” the referee shouted. The fighters grappled with each other; some spectators cheered, while others remained silent, anticipating something. They attempted to pin each other down but kept getting back up, exchanging punches. The fighter from the Avenger squad fell, and the fighter from The Elite Squad mounted him, landing punches on his head. The pinned fighter blocked and retaliated, leading to a cycle of punching and blocking.


I observed in silence until someone shouted, “THERE IT IS AGAIN.” Once more, a familiar yellow aura and particles enveloped the pinned fighter. I noticed a hyena beside the fighters, but it vanished when the fighter on top obstructed my view. Suddenly, the pinned fighter screamed in anger and prepared to punch; his right hand bore a symbol of a hyena. He struck the fighter on top, knocking him to the ground face down. The standing fighter was about to kick him, but the referee intervened in time. As the referee examined the unconscious fighter, an image of a German Shepherd approached and sniffed him.


The unconscious fighter suddenly woke up, his aura expanding with brown particles swirling around him. The fighter with the hyena and the fighter with the German Shepherd assumed their stances for another round, prompting the referee to retreat to his position.


We watched in silence as the two animals beside them growled at each other and charged towards each other, exchanging blows with intensified aura and particle scattering. The crowd erupted in cheers, with each squad supporting their respective fighter. Punches and kicks resounded, each strike emitting a distinct sound. The fight continued with repeated moves and particle scattering, showcasing the fighters’ determination.


As the battle progressed, the fighter with the hyena showed signs of fatigue, which the fighter with the German Shepherd noticed. He charged his right arm and delivered a powerful punch to the face, sending his opponent flying to the ground. The referee rushed to the fallen fighter and began the countdown. “THREE… TWO… ONE… Whistle.” The crowd erupted in cheers as the fighter with the German Shepherd emerged victorious, raising his arm as the German Shepherd gradually disappeared. His team carried him away, while the Avengers squad, though visibly frustrated, maintained a smile as they supported their fighter.


Mark and I gathered our belongings and prepared to head home, discussing the fight and the potential implications of gaining such abilities. I hurried home to indulge in my game until nightfall, looking forward to the upcoming Saturday.

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