Chapter 5:The Wolf Vs. The Lynx

The fighters assumed a boxer’s stance, waiting for the opportune moment to strike and block. Smack Bawayan delivered a lightning-fast punch to Kyle’s face, visibly displeasing Kyle.


After a moment of neutrality, Smack Bawayan struck Kyle’s face again. Smack Smack Bawayan attempted a two-punch combo, with Kyle successfully blocking the second.


Kyle, unable to withstand further blows, lunged forward and delivered a powerful punch to Bawayan’s face, eliciting a retaliatory response. The scene resembled a boxing match but with increased speed.


Both fighters exchanged punches, dodged, and executed various strikes. Kyle bore the brunt of the damage, eventually leaping at Bawayan and pinning him down. Smack Smack Smack Kyle landed punches on Bawayan’s face, who managed to block some but not all.


In a flurry of punches, Bawayan fought back, eventually gaining the upper hand and delivering multiple blows to Kyle. The tides turned, with Bawayan now in control, relentlessly attacking Kyle.


As Kyle appeared to lose consciousness, Bawayan rolled him to safety and stood up, both combatants visibly fatigued. Sensing an opportunity, Bawayan’s aura began to manifest—a white glow contrasting with Kyle’s lack of visible aura or particles.


The unbalanced situation unnerved Kyle, who, despite lacking an aura, showed no signs of surrender. He readied himself for the next round, waiting for his chance.


A peculiar movement caught my attention. Observing Bawayan, I noticed an image of a white wolf beside him. Bawayan assumed his stance as Kyle perspired, their eyes locked in anticipation.


With Bawayan exuding an aura and Kyle remaining devoid of one, we awaited the next move. Bawayan made his move, charging at Kyle, causing the wolf image to vanish instantly. Kyle blocked as Bawayan executed a right hook, symbolizing a wolf on his arm.


BANG The powerful right hook struck Kyle’s arm, shattering his defense. Kyle’s face was exposed as Bawayan swiftly raised his arm for another strike. BANG The blow landed on Kyle’s face, prompting him to retreat, devoid of any visible aura.


Bawayan seized the opportunity, leaping atop Kyle like a wolf, pinning him down. Kyle blocked effectively as Bawayan continued to strike. Smack Smack Smack Kyle maintained his defense.


Despite Bawayan’s relentless assault, fatigue set in after a series of continuous punches, leading to a momentary pause. Sensing an opening, Kyle struck Bawayan’s face, with a yellow animal-like image visible on his hand. Bawayan recoiled, feeling the impact, as Kyle suddenly vanished.


In shock, we scanned the area but found no trace of Kyle. Bawayan, exhibiting animalistic behavior, sniffed the air, a puzzling sight. Suddenly, a feline-like growl echoed—Kyle emitted the sound of a Lynx. As we turned to look, the Lynx materialized, revealing Kyle’s animal companion.


WWWWRRRRROOOOOOWWWWW The distinct sound of a cat reverberated, catching everyone’s attention. Bawayan scanned the area as a human figure leaped at him from behind, pinning him down—Kyle had reappeared.


Kyle’s aura, a blend of black and white, illuminated his presence. As I searched for signs of his animal companion, none were apparent. Kyle continued to strike at Bawayan, who adeptly blocked the assaults.


Amidst the intense battle, a resounding BANG signaled Kyle receiving a punch to the face. Kyle rose, distancing himself from Bawayan, who also stood, both visibly fatigued. I pondered the significance of Bawayan’s punches sounding stronger than Kyle’s.


As they caught their breath, a WWRRROOOWWRR growl emanated from Kyle, resembling a cat. The sound revealed the presence of a Lynx, Kyle’s animal companion. Observing the interaction, I retrieved my phone to research further.


The information indicated that wolves could overpower Lynx. Upon closer examination, Bawayan, aligning with the wolf, appeared to be gaining the upper hand, while Kyle, embodying the Lynx, showed signs of weariness.


Bawayan pressed on, landing a punch that Kyle blocked but weakened his defense. Bawayan prepared for another strike, delivering two punches to Kyle’s face. The referee intervened to halt Bawayan’s assault as Kyle remained motionless, unconscious.
















Amidst the cheers of victory, we approached Bawayan, who emitted a wolf-like howl as the image of the Wolf gradually dissipated and vanished. The prolonged fight provided insights into this mysterious power, although its origins remained unknown.

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