Chapter 5: Problem when start from Ernest City

While looking at the information panel in front of him, Ivo let out a soft sigh. The stats of the body he currently had were exactly the same as the character he had just created.

These stats were even the same as the strength of a teenager if calculated using numbers. The only difference was that this body did have Mana.

“If I started from the royal capital, or at least somewhere else, maybe this wouldn’t be too much of a problem. But starting from Ernest City… It’ll be troublesome to survive the entrance exam to White Snow Academy.”

“Even if I start training now, these stats won’t increase by a large margin. Furthermore, there’s no such thing as a level system or a stat distribution system. There’s no such thing as Quests or rewards that appear out of nowhere after completing a Quest.”

Ivo leaned back and closed the information panel.

Destiny wasn’t like other games. There were no Quests, no levels, no mandatory story to follow, and there weren’t even something like abilities that could be used directly.

You couldn’t just say the name of a skill and have it appear. To use a skill, one must learn it from the beginning, know how the skill works, and execute the skill completely by oneself.

This is the most hated feature by players because besides being so troublesome, it is also very tiring. Players from the first generation, such as Ivo, spent a lot of time exploring this game and spreading the information they got. From all that information, one terrible fact about this game is the mechanics that players must completely control and master.

Because if players can’t, then you can forget about this game and throw away the Quantum Reality technology used to play ‘Destiny’. Mastering the mechanics and understanding of various basic skills, getting the first talent, and starting to feel mana, all of that is part of the tutorial set by the players.

It’s troublesome, but once you complete the tutorial, you can survive and start playing as long as you don’t start from Ernest’s town.

“Stat problem… I might be able to increase mana with various magical plants. Potions can be a good alternative, but all of them are quite expensive. The troublesome thing is that the time is too tight.”

Less than a week until the registration period closes. During that time, he could just come to take the first stage test and wait until the second and third tests that would be held simultaneously.

The first test had no problems and the second test was also not something too difficult with the knowledge he had. The problem was in the third test.

The third test involved a point fight. Every candidate who enrolled in the academy would compete for points where everyone had to fight for themselves. At this point, getting high points was impossible for players. Even those who were experienced would think this was impossible.

If they were asked why it was impossible? The problem was the stats were so low. The initial stats that players had were so low that no matter how great or experienced they were, they would have a hard time defeating people who tried to enroll in the White Snow Academy.

There were actually many ways he could do to become strong enough quickly. It was just that Ivo was not too sure if he could bear the consequences he had to face.

“Here is your order.”

The girl served a bowl of beef soup and apple cider. The strong aroma of spices and the appetizing taste woke Ivo from his thoughts.

“Ah, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I hope you enjoy it.”

Forget about all that. It’s better to eat first and think about it later.

Smelling the aroma of this dish, felt quite nostalgic. When Ivo tried to eat it, the taste that he had long forgotten could be felt again in his mouth. His tongue that tasted the broth mixed with spices and fat from the meat seemed to tickle his tongue.

“Ahh… This is really different.”

Really different. The taste he felt when playing the game now was completely different.

This… I can really go crazy over the food in this world. Ivo smiled widely as he devoured the food in front of him.

“Now I know why the limit of all kinds of tastes and senses is limited to 40%. If everyone who plays Destiny was not given this limit, no one would ever want to stop playing Destiny.”

Ivo nodded in agreement with this thought. As a human who came from a modern society, the taste of what he was eating right now was completely different from the dishes the Maid in his home used to make.

“Should I order more? Even if it’s a bit expensive… No, money is not a problem.”

Ivo looked at the bowl of soup in front of him that cost about 1 gold coin for just one meal. The appearance was quite simple, there was nothing fancy or flashy about this meal.

But the taste… Ivo could only give this dish a thumbs up.

This price was too expensive for an inn of this class, but for Ivo, someone who had often explored various foods and culinary delights in Destiny, the taste of this dish was truly extraordinary.

“I already used 10 gold coins to book a room at this place. 1 gold coin for lunch. If I have to deduct the entrance fee… no. White Snow Academy doesn’t charge an entrance fee. They’re too rich to do that.”

If I spend 1 gold coin for every meal…

“No. This isn’t enough. I need more. It might be a bit off from my original plan, but there’s no other choice. It’s just that I don’t know if I’ll meet that woman there.”

No, even if I meet that woman… what do I have to be afraid of?

For the sake of food, I’ll plunder places I don’t want to visit.

Ivo grinned as he stood up and paid for the food he had just eaten.


In the Destiny game, I don’t know if the developer intentionally designed the early stages of the game to be so difficult, even after almost all players protested about this, no changes were made.

Even I myself protested and went berserk on the internet about this problem. Which crazy person designed the early stages of the game they made like this?

Even the Destiny community was formed because they wanted to curse the developer openly. Even though the game is very good, people don’t really understand the game’s mechanics in the early stages.

The early stages of the game are so crazy that almost everyone who plays it for the first time dies on the first day they start the game.

If that wasn’t crazy enough, there are people who start from Ernest City on their first day and think they can enter the academy and start a romance in the game. They read that in Ernest City there is a prominent academy that has been very famous for decades.

A place where the stars of the kingdom gather, talents spread from various organizations, and noble daughters also gather there. Moreover, Ernest City is said to be a place that has modern elements and technological advances that almost rival the modern era.

Yeah, That’s a B*******. People who started from Ernest City consumed too much Webnovel and thought that they were the protagonists.

“Leaving that aside, from what I remember there are 3 places where a Magician and a swordsman died and left behind their treasures and money. I can go to the first place first.”

Ivo ran around 1 kilometer from the inn where he was currently staying.

The location of this place was quite close and this was the reason he always stayed there when he started from Ernest City. This was a place that was rarely visited by people in Ernest City.

The sound of crying could be heard from around this place and everyone who came here did not have a happy face. Each of them was mourning the people who were buried in this place.

Ernest’s Cemetery.

Ivo stood in front of a large cross that was very familiar in front of his eyes.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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