Chapter 3: The Prize Worth taking a Life Risk

Yuna was abruptly pulled outside the bar, where a sleek, luxurious car was waiting. Rather than resisting, she went with it, her movements fluid and unhurried. The distinct intuition guided her: a sharp sense of imminent danger, driven by the feeling that Mr. Greg’s spy was lurking nearby, ready to seize an opportunity.

As the car moved on, the three people who hid in the dark appeared and made a call. The man on the other end of the telephone abruptly shut off the discussion when he heard, “She left with Zack and Victor, sir.”

After several minutes, the car pulled up and parked a short distance from the entrance of the first-class casino. Yuna’s mind raced. The opulent façade of the casino, visible from the car, with its glittering lights, seemed starkly out of place against the unsettling situation she found herself in. A flicker of unease crossed her face. She had no idea what they wanted from her.

“There are only two things you can do in your predicament tonight.”

Yuna’s heart raced as the worst possibilities ran through her mind. The thought of what they might want from her filled her with a deep, gnawing fear. Her palms grew clammy, and her breaths came in shallow bursts. Yet, beneath the fear was a steely resolve, a determination to face whatever came with a calm demeanor.

“Prove your worth to us, or you might want to start planning your escape from Greg.”

His manly intimidating voice reminds Yuna that the latter choice wasn’t an option if even Victor who was known as a killing machine considers how vile Greg was.

Finally, they explained exactly what Yuna had to do, providing her with precise details and instructions.

“Remember that his name is Chan Toma, and he is a very cunning journalist. So, do everything to get the USB into his hands. I’ve told you everything there is to know about him.”

They showed her a picture of Chan Toma to help her familiarize herself with his face, ensuring she wouldn’t mistakenly approach the wrong person.

Her mission was to get the USB which carried a file capable of damaging Zack Avere’s status as an heir.

“You have five minutes to plan what to do to enable you to get the drive.”

‘This is impossible. How am I supposed to do that? Am I supposed to steal the USB right under his nose, with everyone watching?’

Yuna’s heart sank as she processed the gravity of the mission. The task seemed nearly impossible: to get the USB into the hands of Chan Toma, a journalist she didn’t know. The enormity of the challenge made her feel overwhelmed. She was left grappling with the daunting realization that success would require more than luck; it would demand a flawless plan and nerves of steel.

‘Take a leap of faith.’

Yuna took a deep breath, forcing herself to focus. She knew she had no choice but to give her all—facing the daunting task head-on was far preferable to the alternative of dealing with Greg. She steeled her resolve, reminding herself that success was her only option.

Her eyes seemed too strange. One moment she looked impudently tricky, and the next round, she tugged the neat tie of a man in the driver’s seat and kissed him. Her kiss began softly, slowly gaining a passion.

Their eyes widened in surprise, their stern expression momentarily giving way to a mix of shock and confusion. They clearly hadn’t anticipated such a bold and unorthodox move from Yuna.

“Use every method.”

Her eyes gleamed with triumph and cunning, and her lips curved into a subtle, knowing smile. The recording captured the entire scene, and as she held up the phone, the unspoken message was clear: she had outsmarted them.

“I will not use it against you. I’m not a fool.”

‘They will undoubtedly kill me mercilessly.’

She muttered to herself.

Yuna neatened up the collar and necktie of a man she had had the upper hand over for a while. He was perplexed but smiled as he pressed his tongue on his white canine teeth. His dimple drew below his radiant eyes covered by thick glasses.

Ignoring everyone’s buzzes, she straightened her back, unfastened the seatbelt, and opened the car.

“If my life turned into a gamble, I would play the game, and I bet I’ll win.”

Her determination to succeed had written across her face.

“That was my first kiss… F**k!”

Yuna stepped out of the car, her heart pounding like a drumbeat in her chest. The night air was cool, but it did little to calm the storm brewing inside her. She had been given an impossible task—one that felt more like a cruel joke than a challenge.

“Was the kiss so pleasant to you, Victor, that you didn’t retract?” asked the real Zack Avere from the backseat, his voice dripping with sarcasm and barely concealed contempt.

He was extremely handsome, with a tall stature and a stunning physique that drew attention wherever he went. His sharp features and captivating presence made him undeniably attractive. However, his appearance was the total opposite of his attitude—a cold, dismissive demeanor that seemed to radiate an unapproachable superiority.

Zack Avere. The internet bad boy sensation and the Avere Group’s newly appointed CEO. The company that dominated the world’s economy. He managed to climb to the higher rank despite being muzzled with a gun on his head by the entire Avere clan. He gambles on death and risks everything to survive. From a young age, he sailed close to the wind as Avere took every chance to destroy him.

“I am certain she had a trick up her sleeve, but I had no idea I had become a tool. “A sly fox!”

As Victor adjusted his necktie, he giggled. He shook his head from side to side while teetering.

Zack clenched his teeth as he watched Yuna walk inside the casino. ‘Hee. Impressive.’

He mumbled as he closed his hand into a fist.

Victor’s complete 180-degree personality transformation fascinated him.

Victor Green. The killing machine. He was born into the most notorious family, one that held the world’s most prominent figures in its grip, using their deepest secrets as leverage. His father was the ruthless leader of an assassin’s group, a man so driven by power that he murdered his wife and wiped out his relatives—sparing only his son—just to secure his place at the top. Victor grew up in the shadow of this legacy, shaped by the darkness, that surrounded him.

For him, the most exhilarating aspect of gambling was putting your life on the line.

Inside the casino, Yuna skillfully navigated through the bustling crowd, her eyes sharp and focused. With confidence and fine charm, she successfully approached Mr. Chan, positioning herself within arm’s reach of the man she needed for her life.

“I am a top casino player, young lady,” Mr. Chan said, his tone laced with a hint of disdain. “So it’s no fun playing with a newbie who doesn’t even understand the rules of the game.”

Said Mr. Chan—a man in his fifties with a prolific solid image—a dignified-looking sturdy man with few wrinkles on his skin. Despite his Chinese name, he had white skin, a pointed nose, and round hazel-blue eyes.

“For me, beating the house edge is mostly a matter of luck. I don’t care if you are a pro, Mr. Chan.”

“I’ve been blessed with so much luck!”

Yuna walked up to Mr. Chan’s ear and whispered, oozing confidence.

“Besides, speaking about having fun gambling, isn’t it fun to be motivated to win the bet with something,” She says softly, pauses, and smiles.

“Something more interesting than the content of the USB you have on your hand.”

She smirked cunningly while spinning her phone on the table with her forefinger.

He leaned forward. A gleam of curiosity sparked in his eyes, and a slow, devious smile spread across his face. It was clear that Yuna’s bet had caught his attention, and he seemed eager to engage in what promised to be a high-stakes game.

“Indeed! This is a gem.”

Yuna had no idea that Victor had never had a single image leaked on the internet, let alone a scandal.

Of course, she thought it was Zack.

“I’m not sure what she said in his ear to make him agree to play that even a pro player like your father got turned down.”

While hiding at people’s backs, Victor murmured, not far from Yuna and Mr. Chan’s table.

“She’s a person who can pull off some shady tricks and sell one down a river. (To betray one for a personal benefit.)” he said, his voice dripping with scorn.

“C’mon. That describes your entire clan.” A wry laugh escaped Victor as he leaned back, amused by the situation.

“Doesn’t matter as long as she’s a handy tool.”

“Doesn’t matter as long as she’s a handy tool,” Zack said, his gaze icy and unyielding as he fixed it on Yuna. The coldness in his eyes conveyed his indifference as if her value was only determined by her usefulness in his broader scheme.

The dealer felt a shiver run down his spine as he witnessed Chan Toma’s unyielding resolve to win. The intensity in Chan’s eyes was palpable, and it was clear that he was fully committed to the game. Yet, as the last round began, there was no turning back—everything was set in motion, and the stakes had never been higher.

Zack and Victor’s eyes darted between Chan Toma and Yuna, but neither could discern a winner from their impassive faces. The chips lay untouched in the center of the table, their presence a silent testament to the stakes at hand. Yuna remained mute, her expression a mask of seriousness as she listened intently to Chan’s low, measured words.

After the game concluded, Yuna returned to the opulent car. She slid into the plush seat beside a man seated with an air of detached authority. His knees were crossed in a manner reminiscent of a tyrant dictator, his posture radiating dominance and control as he awaited her report. The luxurious leather of the car’s interior seemed to amplify the gravity of his presence.

“Where’s the drive?” he demanded, his tone leaving no room for ambiguity. His piercing gaze locked onto Yuna, every word dripping with the weight of his authority.

Victor’s mind lingered on the thought: It’s better to ask her if she won the game with Mr. Chan. She wouldn’t have a drive if she didn’t win. The prospect of conversing with someone in a somber mood didn’t sit well with him; he preferred to avoid the discomfort of such interactions.

She didn’t answer right away. Instead, she was lost in her thoughts, her mind a labyrinth of reflections and decisions. The weight of the game’s outcome pressed heavily on her, and she remained deep in contemplation, oblivious to the murmured concerns around her.

Before she departed with Mr. Chan, he warned her.

“Do not get involved with those two people. If your existence for them is yet not too relevant, you have a chance to escape. Run as if it is your last survival chance. You could have dragged your family or loved ones since they would use every method to have you as their pawn.”

Yuna’s heart raced as Zack’s hand extended toward her. His fingers were steady and commanding, and she felt a wave of apprehension wash over her.

“The USB.”


A soft, nervous hum escaped her lips.

“Don’t make me repeat my sentence twice.”

“Please give me a moment.”

The weight of the moment seemed to paralyze her, and she took a deep breath before finally speaking, her words barely above a whisper.

She responded, her eyes closed.

Zack withdrew his arm, his teeth clenched in frustration. Meanwhile, Victor, who had been quietly observing, couldn’t completely hide a smirk as he drove. His curiosity piqued, he turned to Yuna with an inquisitive look, his tone light but probing. “So, you won?”

“That’s one of the things I am thinking about right now.” She replied frankly.


“Let me think, please.”

Yuna’s mind raced with fear as she considered the consequences of her words. ‘Will they instantly kill me like an insect if I claim I don’t have the USB? At least then, my family might be spared from their wrath. But if I disappear and no one is there to provide for them, isn’t that just another form of killing them?’ The thought tormented her as she struggled to find the right words to say, the weight of her decision pressing heavily on her shoulders.

“What’s your name, young miss?”

Victor’s question pulled her back to the present, adding another layer of tension to her already fraught state


She was going to tell them her full name, Yuna Brende, but she realized that telling them the truth about herself may be dangerous. And on the other hand, the less they know about her, the safer her family will be.

“Yuna Collins.”

As Victor’s question lingered in the air, Yuna’s mind drifted to a recent personal struggle. I’ve been thinking a lot and calling myself a silly fool every day since I lost all of my essential documents—my birth certificate, school credentials, everything. Who would have thought that losing them might turn out to be a blessing in disguise? The irony of her situation struck her as she wrestled with the present dilemma, the weight of her past mistakes and their unexpected advantages mingling with her current fears.

“You have a pretty name. I understand why you’re proud about it.”

Victor chuckled as he teased her.

Zack pondered on Victor’s attitude. He scowled at him for being a natural joker when he couldn’t even recall Victor talking to anyone for more than five words. The contrast between Victor’s strange casual demeanor only heightens Zack’s annoyance.

“Do you still have time to laugh at your situation?”

“Life could be hard and unfair. What can I do? This is the proof that I am only human.”

“Here’s my phone.”

When she handed out her phone, Yuna’s face revealed she had finally decided what to do.

“Who cares about your phone?” I’m looking for a USB drive. Don’t have us search every part of your filthy body.”

She mustered a cold stare.

“The drive is somewhere in Mr. Chan’s safe, but he promised to send it tomorrow.” So, at 10 a.m., the phone will get a text message.” She stated.”I promise on a stack of Bibles!”

she added as she saw Zack’s deadly cold glare.

Zack smirked, and Victor asked curiously again.

“So, you won?”

“Does it matter? You’ll have the drive.”

Yuna knew it wouldn’t be easy, but she had to stay composed. But in reality, she was nearly losing her mind.

“Please, sir Zack, stop the car. I will walk from here to my apartment. Thank you!”

Yuna bowed her head. But her polite address to Victor as Zack angered him.

“And forget about my request because I don’t think I could be any help other than gardening and housekeeping.”

She understood the gravity of being a pawn, so she determined to deal with Greg with her capabilities.

“Didn’t I tell you that Zack utilized his property until he tossed it aside worthless?”

She snapped her sagging jaw shut, her expression one of stunned silence. Internally, her anger flared. Property? This man is so, so, so…* She was seething with rage and frustration, her desire to scream and confront him palpable.

Yuna flinched as he moved closer. His fingers pressed firmly against her shoulder, a gesture that felt intimidating and invasive. Reacting on pure instinct, Yuna swiftly headbutted him with a forceful impact before he could utter a word.

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