Chapter 6: Luckiest Whore that Zack has Chosen

The guests’ heads turned to a woman who looked noble with a stunning V-neck, A-line, purple-colored gown. Her direction was straight to Yuna, who did nothing but eat peacefully.

Despite her evident distress, she moved like a swan, dragging her lovely gown. Everyone was surprised by what she did impulsively as she reached Yuna’s table.


The wine dripped onto Yuna’s gown from her face, who had no idea who she was.

“You bit*h! What kind of dirty scheme did you use to seduce my fiance? You are just a street whore!”

From the term “fiance,” Yuna already knew who she was.

Celine Revira. Her fierce obsession with Zack Avere was no secret. When word spread that the Avere family was searching for a suitable bride for their CEO, Celine wasted no time. Driven by her relentless determination to marry Zack, she had persuaded her father to arrange an instant engagement, ensuring her place at the center of Zack’s life.

As the wine splashed across Yuna’s outfit, she barely flinched. Her attention remained firmly on the food before her, her focus unshaken by the mess. The spilled wine and the derogatory whispers that followed—calling her a whore or a bitch—were predictable, expected. Yuna had braced herself for such treatment, so, it did little to disturb her.

She carefully rose from her chair and placed the fork and spoon on the table. She had to take a few steps to get to Celine because the table’s surface area was enormous. The next second, Yuna’s five fingers engraved her face as she slapped her.

Zack, where a few tables away after sending his mother away, was shocked by Yuna’s audacity. Meanwhile, Victor’s concern was solely on whether the slap had caused any pain to Yuna’s hand.

“Starting today, this bitch everyone called in here doesn’t share Zachary’s bed simply but the last name Avere. Therefore, criticizing me entails disrespecting my husband, Zack Avere.”

She proudly displayed her left hand with a diamond wedding ring to show off.

“Guess I am the luckiest whore that Zack has chosen.”

A smirk flickered at the corner of her mouth as she watched her hopelessness. Then her eyes wandered to her surroundings, sending threatening signals.

How she changed her character drastically placed people who insulted her freely earlier in a shudder. They expected an intense drama opera between a poor cunty and a swan but felt in tremendous danger in an open-fire battlefield instead.

She knew this was a gambit—one she had to navigate with precision. She could use this moment to her advantage, to either diffuse the situation or turn it in her favor.

“Don’t act like you are better than everyone since you are just a pest in his name. Wait until he dumps you; then, you’ll see how useless you are. The higher you climb, the harder you fall.”

The room was now fully attentive, and Celine’s pride, already bruised, was further battered by the unforgiving gaze of the guests. Her breathing grew shallow, and she clenched her fists, struggling to maintain her composure. The humiliation of being struck and publicly admonished was a blow to her ego, and her anger flared uncontrollably.

“But heaven’s the limit. So I’ll be there tonight. In my husband’s soft, sturdy, and wide bed.”

Yuna leaned in close to Celine. A low chuckle escaped as she whispered something only Celine could hear. The words were a mystery to the crowd, but the effect was immediate and dramatic.

“Oh! I just said true love stories never have endings.”

Celine has everything this girl does not have. Success, fame, looks, education, and even family background, people couldn’t find any reason why Zack married her instead. It must be love!

The more the guests’ pity for Celine grew, the more it fueled her reckless behavior. Her sense of reason seemed to crack under the weight of her frustrations and the mocking whispers of the onlookers. Driven by a dangerous combination of jealousy and an overpowering desire to assert dominance, Celine’s emotions spiral out of control.

She gripped the slender part of the half-cut wine and attempted to slash Yuna’s neck without hesitation.

She was so fast that Yuna couldn’t avoid the dining chair, which hampered her back as she stepped away to dodge her attack.


People screamed when the wine bottle’s razor-sharp edge was just an inch away from Yuna’s throat.

“Close your eyes, Ms. Yuna.”

A calm yet nerve-racking dominant voice sounded near Yuna’s ear as he covered her eyes with his massive palm.

Yuna heard a choking sound, as if someone was struggling to breathe, and the audience exclaimed louder than they witnessed Celine attack her.

Yuna, who was fastened to the man’s rigid body, struggled to take off his hand that covered her eyes.

A minute later, Zack drew closer and caressed both her cheeks, saying, “You aren’t hurt anywhere, are you?”

Yuna shook her head and turned to see what had happened, but Victor’s muscular body blocked her view.

“She must be so tired. I will send Yuna home first, Zack.”

Victor gave Yuna a genuine grin and extended his arm to support her.

After the party, Zack headed straight to the office, where Victor was already waiting and scanning the news online.

“Does Celine have a cat’s life, or you didn’t mean to kill her?”

As he took off his necktie and laid it on the desk, Zack asked Victor.

“I wanted to. Who knows what you’ll do if I will murder someone at your wedding reception in front of a large crowd.”

He answered bluntly.

“Oh. Congratulations on gaining your common logic.”

Zack’s grey eyes narrowed with a sharp, scrutinizing gaze as he took in Victor’s demeanor. With a cold smirk curling at the corners of his mouth, he offered praise that dripped with sarcasm.

“She managed to pull leverage again using my name.”

Zack’s grin widened as he raised one perfectly shaped brow, his mind drifting back to Yuna’s actions during their wedding party. The memory of her audacious move amused him.

“She’s sure different from anyone. So courageous to be a girl. Her action was dangerously bold but precautious. Have you noticed the difference in how she talks with your mother and Celine? She responded courteously to Amalia but didn’t disclose her suspicion that you married her to humiliate the Avere.”

“She crafted her armor to dodge the bullet.”

Victor leaned back, propping his feet up on the center table. With a casual flick of his wrist, he tossed his tablet to the far side of the L-shaped maroon sofa, where it landed with a soft thud.

“Clever! She also convinced everyone that it’s love that binds us together. So anyone who fears me would be reluctant to harm her. At the same time, Avere would be a fool to drive into a trap if they’ll target her.”

Her ability to turn every situation to her advantage was nothing short of impressive. Zack cited how she maneuvered through complex scenarios with audacity and precision, deftly managing risks and seizing opportunities. To Zack, Yuna wasn’t just another player in the game—she was a formidable strategist in her own right.

‘It’s rare to see someone so adept at playing both offense and defense with such finesse.’

Victor’s eyes gleamed with admiration as he added, “You’re right—she’s a force to be reckoned with. Her skill and adaptability make her a real game-changer in this high-stakes environment.”

Zack’s gaze sharpened as he shifted the conversation. “Did she ask any questions or do anything rebellious?” he inquired, his tone indicative of his desire to focus on any direct actions Yuna might have taken.

“She didn’t say a single word. She dozed off as soon she rode the car.”

Zack’s voice was clipped and urgent. “Where is she now?”

“Sleeping soundly in the car.”

As Zack’s teeth clenched and his eyes narrowed with an aggressive glare, resembling a grey wolf ready to pounce, Victor realized his mistake.

“I’ll check on her right now,”

He followed Victor to the garage, intent on verifying whether Yuna was still in the car.

Victor was certain he had left the lights on. But as they approached the garage, the area was shrouded in darkness, and there was no sign of her.

“I can’t believe you, Victor,” Zack growled, his frustration palpable. “The first time you make a mistake, and it’s this serious?!”


In a moment of panic, Zack and Victor, who both resided in the same highly secure house, swore under their breath. They quickly grabbed their phones and called their elite bodyguards stationed outside. The house, heavily guarded with deadly traps ensuring no intruder could escape, was the safest place for Zack, making the situation all the more urgent.

“Dismantle all the traps right this instance!”

Zack shrieked as he gave his subordinates orders.

While Victor was speaking with his troops.

“Check all the CCTV. Call me immediately if found a girl of 5’4 height in feet, weight 51 kg., slender body…”

“Body measurement 35-23-36. Bra, cup size B 34? I don’t know. It’s still growing?”


The two tall guys were startled. Yuna struggles to get up from the car flooring, where she fell. She was still sleepy and barely grasped the question of her own.

“What are you thinking about turning off the light?” Zack’s voice was cold, monotonous, and stern.

She shrugged her shoulder and replied indifferently. “Maybe I just wanted to taste the dark hell, what?”

‘If I’m in hell, I’m still glad that the devils’ faces are handsome.’

Yuna murmured. She sat dizzily after removing Zack’s coat which she made a blanket to cover for herself.

Their handsome faces, bathed in the gentle moonlight, created a striking contrast against the darkness, making them appear both alluring and formidable.

“What are you murmuring about?”


She stood up straight to fix her slipped dress, stained with wine.

“Don’t worry. Because if you do good to the devil, he will deliver you to true hell.”

It’s not just a proverb but a warning. But Yuna was rather astounded at his hearing.


Yuna’s only response was a weird grin.

Yuna sighed as she followed them inside their house, looking at their broad shoulders.


When Yuna continued to follow Zack to his room, he stopped and yelled.

“Aren’t you heading to our room?”

Yuna tilted her head, and her eyes flashed an innocent look.

“Follow Victor, not me.”

“Okay. That means I’ll share a bed with Victor rather than my husband?”

Her look stayed the same, a harmless and innocent face, which you couldn’t find wrong with her.

“Shut up, you lass. He’ll take you to your room.”

He slammed the door hard in a fit of rage.

Yuna couldn’t help but smile in victory.

She opened the door while beaming widely, jerked her head forward, and said in a jested.

“You marry this cunty wench, dear husband.”

She didn’t wait for his reaction and quickly slammed the door.

She turned around and took her luggage from Victor’s grasp.

“I’ll bring it myself.”

Victor smiled and tightened his grip on her bag, making it impossible for her to take it from him.

Surprisingly, their home was humble by the standards of super-wealthy individuals. It was a 4000-square-foot ranch-style house with a modern design, blending understated elegance with practical simplicity.

“Here is your bedroom, Ms. Yuna. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll leave

As Victor left, she hurried to the bathroom and turned on only the dim light.

Finally, she broke down, letting out her anguish in loud, uncontrollable sobs.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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