Chapter Five

The moon was high up in the sky illuminating the sleeping capital city of the Great Yong Empire. Its light beams had reached Mo Lijuan’s dark room, illuminating it. While the owner of the room was fast asleep, her surprise visitor was wide awake.

Miyojin looked at Mo Lijuan’s sleeping form at his side. Still feeling the heat they had shared, he kissed her forehead as he pulled her close to him. He can tell that Mo Lijuan still had some doubts lingering deep in her mind. But what can he do? Fate loves to toy with them.

He wished to tell her that he and Xia Yu would eventually divorce. But, like what they had agreed upon, no one can know about this apart from them. He pulled away from his love. He rose a bit from the bed to pick up the blanket at the foot of the bed. He used it to drape it over Mo Lijuan’s naked form to keep her warm from the chill of the night.

“I’m sorry, Love,” Miyojin whispered.

This isn’t the first time they made love. But guilt was knocking at his heart like a beggar pleading for alms. He’s genuine whenever they kiss and love. But now, he felt ashamed for having ulterior motives earlier.

Earlier that day, Miyojin and Xia Yu met at the palace’s central garden. He found Xia Yu on top of the bridge in the middle of the pond. She didn’t look like she was admiring the scenery around her. Her gaze was distant like she was indulging in the depths of her mind.

After the day they first met, Xia Yu had been visiting the palace every day. It was for her etiquette lessons and the wedding preparations. They saw each other every day. But this was the first time Xia Yu asked him to meet her in private.

“It seems the center garden is not pleasing enough for you,” Miyojin said, once he reached where Xia Yu was.

Xia Yu looked at him and gave him a soft smile. He was once again reminded of the beauty and grace of such a smile.

“You’re right. It is a bit dull,” she said, which surprised Miyojin.

Most people will never say anything negative about the palace. They all awed and oohed even at the most unimpressive things. But Xia Yu isn’t like that. She would say what’s on her mind no matter if it is a compliment or a critic.

“It seems like Miss Xia Yu had already set her sight on the most beautiful garden to consider this dull.”

“Indeed. This garden can’t compare,” she said as she turned to Miyojin with an eyebrow raised and a smirk in place.

The duality of this girl made Miyojin so confused. Sometimes she’s delicate and sweet. But some other times she’s intimidating and taunting.

“And where could this fairest garden be? Is it in one of the foreign lands?” 

“No. It’s at home, my garden.”

Her answer surprised Miyojin. He did not expect that the most beautiful garden that she had seen was hers. He had got to see that garden.

“Enough with the garden. I have something to tell you.” Xia Yu said as she turned her whole presence to Miyojin.

“Yes. What is it that you wish to say to me?” Miyojin said, remembering what he had come here for.

“I had already thought of a plan for you and Miss Mo.”

Well, that was speedy.

“Oh? What is your plan?”

“I can’t tell you the details now. But I need you to play a part so the plan can come to fruition,” she said.

“I understand. So, what do you want me to do?”

Xia Yu had her eyes fixated on Miyojin. Her gaze looked like a hawk’s analyzing him before she struck. The intimidation was real from Miyojin’s perspective. Then, she opened her mouth.

“I want you to get Mo Lijuan pregnant.”

What, in the name of heavens, did she just say!!?!!?

“Did my hearing just fail me? Did you say that you want me to get her pregnant!?!?” Miyojin said with a mixed tone of surprise and horror.

“Yes. You have to get Miss Mo pregnant. I need you to accomplish that within the next few days before the wedding.”

Hearing her say that for the second time did not lessen the shock and fear that Miyojin felt. Never in his wildest dream, he’d thought to hear her say that to him. No bride-to-be would ever tell her future husband to get another woman pregnant.

“You’re serious about this. But why?” he asked with confusion etched on his face.

Xia Yu mimicked the confused expression of the prince.

“Are you seriously asking me why? You want to marry her, right?”

“Yes, but… I… uh… well-“

Miyojin couldn’t form any coherent words. Whoever would with this level of discomfort?

“Why do you seem to doubt? Don’t tell me, you are not capable of getting a woman pregnant?”

Was that a question or is she questioning his manliness? Panic rose in Miyojin as he defended his masculinity.

“I am! I am very capable of-“

“Then, good. Do it!” Xia Yu said cutting him off.

“I don’t get it. Wouldn’t that be very damaging for us?” Miyojin said, trying to reason with her.

“Not if we play our cards right.” Xia Yu replied with confidence in her smile.

“Just make sure you do it before the wedding and no later. If she conceived after the wedding, that would be “very damaging” for us.”

Miyojin, in full honesty, does not understand what Xia Yu is thinking. But, she did say that this move would make her plan set in place. He looked at Mo Lijuan and once again said an apology. He felt like he just used her. He only hoped whatever the plan was, it would work in success.

He began to get dressed. He looked around to make sure he didn’t leave any trace that he was there. When he was all set, he looked at Mo Lijuan one last time. Then, he bolted out of the window.

After a much-needed hearty breakfast, Xia Yu stood up from her table. She held a cup of Chamomile tea as she walked her way out of the room. She exited from the opened sliding double doors towards her beautiful garden.

Being in her garden sets her mind at tranquility. Its beauty and serenity are indeed the finest of all. She found the centerpiece of her garden which is a large tree that gave a very cooling shade. At the bottom of the tree is a wooden bench where she took a seat.

She placed her cup down on the small round table beside the bench. Sighing with her eyes closed, she leaned back on the bench as she relaxed. However, her peace was disturbed when she heard a screech up above.

That damn bird! Always vying for her attention.

Xia Yu sat up from the bench and whistled to get the bird’s attention. As fast as a raindrop, the bird swooped down from the sky. When he was close to the ground, he lifted his wings and gracefully landed on the bench beside Xia Yu. The bird cooed as a response to Xia Yu’s call.

“How was your flight, Garu?” Xia Yu asked in a soft voice.

Garu, as if understanding what she said, cooed in response. Garu is a hawk that Xia Yu had since he was a little flightless chick. Xia Yu raised Garu into a mighty hawk that could attack animals as big as a bear. He was Xia Yu’s companion in her many travels outside of the empire. He helped her often, frightening animals and humans alike.

“Oh? Your claws are bloody. It seems you also had breakfast recently.” Xia Yu said, like a mother praising her independent child.

Garu inclined his head and hopped closer to Xia Yu. He bowed his head to her. Xia Yu knew what this meant. She raised her hand to stroke him from his head to back.

“You’re so spoiled. What would you do without me?” she said while repeatedly stroking the bird.

“Starting tomorrow you won’t be seeing me here. You will have to stay here for a while. Guard my parents while I’m away, okay?” she instructed. Garu cooed sadly.

“Well, you can visit me. But I don’t think they’ll welcome you there nicely. You’d be lucky if they didn’t greet you with arrows when they see you.”

Xia Yu sighed. She envied Garu. She envied the way he could fly up above and travel to places he desired. She envied his freedom. If there is a chance for her to be reincarnated, she wishes she would be a hawk in her next life.

Xia Yu had only been back home for six days. But to her gloom, she will have to leave here to live in the imperial palace. After today, she will be known as the Second Princess Consort. She will be nothing more than a glorified prisoner of the imperial palace.

Well… it could be worse. But lucky for her, her husband-to-be isn’t a pain in the throat. To her surprise, he was very cooperative. He instantly trusted her which only gullible people would do. The best part, he does not like her at all. It was rare for her to find a man who did not flirt with her at first sight

“Young Miss!” a voice called from her room.

Xia Yu didn’t have to turn to know who it was. It was none other than her loyal handmaid, Boyang who was a few years older than her. Xia Yu’s parents found her barely clothed, begging for food out on the streets of Zhao Shu City. She had been orphaned since she was seven years old.

Her parents took pity on her and brought her to the Capital City. They gave her food and shelter. In return, she offered her services as a maid in their household. Xia Yu was always so fond of her. That is why she always took Boyang wherever she went.

Soon enough, Boyang arrived at the tree.

“Young Miss, it’s time,” Boyang said as she bowed to Xia Yu.

“So soon.” Xia Yu said as she stood up from the bench.

She turned to Garu. The hawk looked like he didn’t want Xia Yu to go yet.

“Come with me, Garu.” Xia Yu said with a gesture.

The bird followed and flew towards Xia Yu. He rested on one of her shoulders. Xia Yu walked away from the tree with Boyang trailing closely behind her.

“How is everything that I asked for?” Xia Yu asked Boyang.

“Everything has been prepared, My Lady. We have our people ready to move your belongings. The servants and guards you requested have been informed and are already prepared.” Boyang reported.

“And you?”

“I am prepared to serve you always, Young Miss.”

“Good. It seems I’ll be the last to prepare.”

Xia Yu looked behind her to see her garden one last time. She bid a silent goodbye. She looked forward again to face the new path she had to take.

While Xia Yu was preparing, Miyojin, on the other hand, was nervous as hell. He didn’t have a good night’s rest. Sleep never came to him. He could not believe it. Today is the day he was dreading.

After today, he will have a woman at his side who will be addressed as his wife. It still felt like a dream to him that he’d be marrying a woman he didn’t love. What bothers him the most is that it seems like he is the only one bothered.

Xia Yu was very calm with everything. She looked as if this marriage wasn’t something that would change her life forever. Miyojin is not sure whether she was that level-headed or she just didn’t care.

But he was sure of one thing. He should aspire to be as calm as her. After all, he has nothing to worry about. They are allies after all and they have a plan. With those thoughts in his head, he found the courage to prepare for his wedding day.

— New chapter is coming soon —
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