B4 — 35. Fire And Lightning

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1. Jason (Our Super Villainess’ #1!)

2. Jason’s Pokémon

3. Jason

12:17 p.m. October 26th, Monday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event). Day 139.

Events: Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out! Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (39 days away).

The rocky lakeshore stretched out before Jason, the expanse of Sable Lake shimmering under the bright sun. He took a deep breath, feeling the crisp air fill his lungs, the scent of pine and wildflowers mingling in the breeze. He couldn’t help but smile as he saw Rhea on the opposite rocky platform, her golden hair catching the blazing star like a halo.

Doesn’t she look like a goddess? he whispered to his team. Confident and poised, ready for battle.

His heart pounded in his chest, his palms slightly sweaty as he adjusted his grip on Sunny’s Poké Ball. This is it. Everything we’ve worked for… I have to prove myself, not just to her but to myself, too.

Bolt’s tail flicked excitedly, perched on his shoulder, cheeks sparking with energy.


Keith gave him a reassuring nod from the sidelines, while his own parents watched with pride in their eyes. Christie held up a thumb, making Jason’s chest shake with silent laughter; for being Rhea’s parents, they were shockingly against their daughter with how much support they’d given him.

The atmosphere was electric, charged with the upcoming battle…or it could be Bolt’s charged Aura. Jason’s phone buzzed in his pocket, and he quickly pulled it out. A holographic image of Rhea appeared, her coral-blue eyes sparkling with mischief, her hair tied back with her aunt Cynthia’s signature hair ties.

“Ready to lose and beg for a rematch, Monkey Butt?” she teased, her voice playful yet challenging.

Jason couldn’t help but laugh, his nerves easing slightly. “In your dreams, Galvantula-butt. Let’s see what you’ve got from freezing your hair off in the Shojo Mountains.”

Rhea’s twinkling eyes narrowed. “Oh, you want me to show you everything I’ve got, huh? Are you sure you want that smoke?”

“Bring it on, Honey Lips.”

A triumphant smirk lit his face upon getting a blush from her.

“We’ll see how confident you are when I show you why there’s a v in Victory! Good luck… And don’t hold back on me.”


He raised his voice, his tone confident. “I know you got a new Pokémon, Rhea. How about we save our baby girls for a special showdown later?”

Rhea’s eyes widened. “And how did you know that?”

“I’ve got my sources,” he shrugged, catching the blonde shooting a light glare toward her waving mother.

“Well, okay, then. I’ll save Shae for her own little fight. At least tell me her name.”

“Serenade,” he responded, pulling up the Master Ball to show her. “And she’s quite mature for her age.”

“I can’t wait to see her!” Rhea chimed as the cosmic fluff cloud came into view. “A four vs. four, then? You better be careful of Lulu!”



“Perfect,” Jason agreed, rubbing his sparky boy’s head. “How about we make it a double battle?”

Rhea nodded, her grin widening. “Ooh! Now that’s interesting. I’m fine with that. Let’s give it everything we’ve got.”

Franky floated out of the stone between them, his sinister grin stretching wide as he raised his hands to signal the start of the battle. His mom lifted her camera, ready to capture every moment. Keith, Christie, and his dad watched from the sidelines, waiting for things to start.

“Geng-geng. Gengar! Geng?”

The blonde held up two disguised Master Balls, a stunning smile uplifting her mesmerizing voice. “We’re ready, Franky!”

Jason took a moment to admire Rhea, her aura of confidence and beauty almost overwhelming, even from the hologram. She’s absolutely gorgeous. Today, I have to win to meet my goddess on equal ground…


As the hologram faded, Jason took a moment to steady his breathing, feeling the weight of the moment settle over him. He had to win, not just for himself but for the girl who had captured his heart.

He looked across the rocky landscape, the small rock formations providing cover and obstacles. A storm seemed to be rolling in, dark clouds gathering on the horizon, the wind picking up and rustling the leaves of the giant trees in the distance and pushing the water into light waves. It added a dramatic edge to the scene, heightening the tension in his breast.

Jason loosened up, looking at his goal smile at him, longing, determination, and the deep desire to prove himself resonating within his chest.

The brightness of your sun keeps my path lit, Rhea… My shining star I’d be blind without. I can’t wait to take my prize for this one. So let’s not hesitate, boys. And remember, we’re not fighting Gold-tier here… Fully unleashed Rhea? We’re looking at low Platinum—minimum—if Lulu’s charged up.


His other Pokemon reflected Bolt’s warcry. He shook off the introspective moment, focusing on the seemingly impossible wall before him. This was his chance to show Rhea just how far he’d come, to prove that he was worthy of standing by her side.

He took out an electric pin from inside his pocket and handed it to Bolt. His Pikachu pushed it through his pierced tail end, unlocking one of his plethora of secret and extremely rare abilities.

Jason could practically taste Rhea’s curiosity at the action. Bolt had fifteen abilities constantly active, being the son of Ash’s Pikachu; however, to make use of his many hidden abilities, it required some kind of bonded item, and Bolt got to choose them. They’d only discovered three so far. This one was Mind Zap; targeted Moves could cause their opponents to flinch.

“We’re ready.”



Franky slipped into the rock, and Jason threw his yellow mouse into the air, followed by his partner. “Let’s do this, Bolt, Sunny. To victory!”

* — * — *

Bursting free of his capsule, Sunny’s heart raced as he locked eyes with Nova and Alice, the stunning Lopunny’s beauty making him gulp down the nervous lump in his throat.

Stay cool. Alice may be cute, but she’s still an opponent. He shook off the thought, centering his focus. She’s bad news. I have to match her speed. Time to show her what we’ve got.

Jason’s voice echoed in his mind, charging him up with energy and guiding them on everything they’d researched to go against Rhea’s team.

Sunny darted forward, maneuvering around the rocky terrain; his movements became swift, his body light, and his footsteps precise as a white glow surrounded him, Alice instantly blurring to meet him.

Bolt, Nova is going to block whatever we throw at her with an evolution—

“I’ve got it; just draw them in for me!”

Energy infusing his body with speed, Bolt and Nova slowed to a crawl, yet Alice was still racing to meet him at a rapid pace. Her pretty pink eyes illuminated, leaving a trail of red as she moved—Foresight.

Sunny restrained a grin as he flipped around, barely dodging a quick double jab, only keeping ahead of the swift bun through his Agility. He kept Alice between Nova, Bolt, and himself, waiting for the signal and trying to dance around the Lopunny, only for Jason’s voice to interrupt them as Alice moved to clap her hands.

I can’t hold her off for—

“Encore; cover your ears and eyes!”

Jumping into the air and following instructions, Sunny stuffed his paws into his big ears and snapped his eyes shut. Bolt’s voice transmitted to his spirit milliseconds later.

“Quick Attack!”

White light surrounded Sunny, a wall of force launching him in a random direction. Eyes cracking open as he soared through the air, flipping around to land on his feet and come to a stop, he saw the electric mouse launch into the air. Sparks danced around him as a wide wave of electricity passed toward Alice and Nova, both in its path.

“Oh, c’mon!” Alice cried, eyes going big and flipping into a backflip to land in front of Nova, light surrounding her. “Nice try, boys.”

Just as he’d expected, Alice was swift enough, and had the foresight to see the attack coming. Quick Attack carried her back before the pretty bun cut the Move early, a blue shell surrounding her and using her Protect to guard Nova from the paralyzing wave.

Bolt landed on a rocky outcrop, his eyes sharp and ears twitching with anticipation. He quickly scanned the battlefield, noting the positions of Nova and Alice. Agility quickened his body, matching Sunny’s upgrade, only the electric mouse was much faster than him.

With a quick, fluid motion, Bolt surged forward, using Thunder Wave to send a wave of electricity toward Alice. She dodged gracefully with a cartwheel to the side.

Nova’s icy form shimmered with a haunting elegance, her fur a mesmerizing blend of black and white, like shadows dancing across a frozen lake. Her eyes brightened as she summoned a gust of cold air, Icy Wind swirling around her to meet the waves of electricity, overpowering them with Nova and Rhea’s raw strength.

The cold air of Nova’s projecting wind swept across the rocky terrain, carrying flakes of frost that glittered in the sunlight. The cold breeze swept across the battlefield, causing the rocks to glisten with frost and passing over him and Bolt, slightly slowing them both. Alice accidentally got grazed by the gale, catching her off-balance.

Wow, this isn’t going as well as I’d hoped! Sunny growled, yet a glimmer of hope hit him upon seeing Nova’s frosty form. You good, Bolt?

“Golden! I got Alice, I can keep up now. Get that popsicle!”

Alice closed the distance between Bolt and her in an instant. Her movements were a dance of elegance and precision, and her eyes gleamed with determination. The Pikachu matched her speed, only taking minor chip damage from her glancing blows, yet a wrong move could put him to sleep.

With Agility still surging through Bolt’s limbs, it allowed him to blur to meet the bun’s rapid assault. He zipped around the battlefield, using the rocks and boulders for cover to buy time. Alice tried to keep up, her streaking red eyes narrowing with concentration, but Bolt was now faster, darting in and out of her reach.

Sunny launched at Nova, with flames carrying him forward at a rapid pace. The fire danced around his body, licking at the icy ground as he sped toward her. Nova’s eyes flashed, and she summoned a shimmering barrier, absorbing the impact.

Bolt, seeing an opportunity while using his smaller size to slip under a small arch, used Lucky Chant to empower them, sending a wave of positive energy toward his partner. Alice caught up to Bolt, her movements fluid and precise. She struck him with Quick Attack, her speed matching his, and followed up with an icy fist. Ice Punch connected with Bolt, but the protective aura of Lucky Chant mitigated the damage.

Sunny’s eyes narrowed as he dashed towards Nova, the heat from his body creating a shimmering haze in the air. His paw crackled with dark energy as he vanished in shadows, throwing a surprise punch to catch Nova off guard. She staggered back, ice cracking under her feet and gathered around his fist from the force of the hit—Frostbite iced over his hands. Nova quickly regained her balance and shot a glare at him.

“Rude! That’s Mya’s Move…”

Focus on support, Bolt. Keep Alice busy. Jason’s voice echoed in their minds.

Sparks flew around Bolt as he zigzagged across the rocky terrain, evading Alice’s relentless pursuit. She was agile, her movements a graceful dance as she leaped from one rock to another, her gaze never leaving him. Sunny couldn’t focus on his partner too much, though; Nova was their true target.

He passively sensed Bolt focusing his energy, dark plots racing through his mind, increasing his Special Attack. He used the environment to his advantage, darting in and out of the rocky outcrops to keep Alice on her toes.

Nova, meanwhile, slid elegantly across the ice, carried away from him by Ice Skater, her form a blur of black and white. “You are way too fast without Agility, girls,” he said with a forced laugh. “Run Away and Ice Skater is too much!”

Her speed increased as she generated another gust of icy wind, the cold air chilling the surface of the lake. The water began to freeze while she glided over its choppy surface, creating a slick, frosty arena that would hinder Sunny’s fiery momentum. She shot a triumphant look at him.

“I’m something special. How about a projectile battle?”

Sunny’s eyes flicked to the frozen lake, a smirk forming on his face. He launched small Embers at Nova, flaming balls flickering towards her. She retaliated with sharp shards of ice, the hail of fire and ice slicing through the air.

Just as effortlessly as Sunny evaded the long-distance attacks, Nova sidestepped them, being careful where his fire struck on her frozen platform. Nova’s ice-skate-like feet made her movements fluid and effortless, allowing her to glide across the ice with ease.

Jason chuckled, his voice deep and filled with more affection than it should be in their battle. “Clever, Rhea. Very clever. I didn’t expect you to keep with Glaceon this long, but the lake helps keep Sunny at a distance.”

“Oh, we’re not done yet!” she laughed. “I’m just about to get warmed up.”

“Watch out!”

Sunny noticed Alice flying toward him from the corner of his eye. Bolt’s urgent warning echoed in his mind, and he pivoted to meet her head-on. Channeling energy into his legs, Sunny met Alice’s powerful Fighting-enhanced kick, which collided with Sunny’s own, their movements blurring with the force of the impact. He used the momentum to backflip away, avoiding another barrage of ice shards that Nova launched his way.

Bolt, perched on a rocky ledge, focused on preparing for the inevitable big confrontation. Alice closed in on Sunny again, and he darted away, using every bit of Korrina’s training to evade the Lopunny’s raw instincts—she hadn’t even trained with Fighting Pokemon like him!

“Sunny, I’ll finish the job if you can hold them off just a little bit! All or nothing?” Bolt roared through their connection, Jason agreeing.

Easier said than done! Sunny returned, Protect blocking a hail of ice and an unreasonably strong, focused punch that almost shattered his blue barrier. Alice’s Speed with Focus Punch is busted! When she gets Agility, she’s going to be a menace… But she’s so pretty.

Alice, growing frustrated, lashed out with powerful kicks and punches. “Even predicting your movements, how are you this much faster than me? Teeter Dance!”


Nova, gliding effortlessly on the ice, launched another series of ice shards at Sunny. He dodged nimbly, but the icy ground made it difficult to gain traction. Flames flickered around his body as he countered with another burst of heat to force Alice away. However, Sunny tripped in the odd swaying motions the fluffy bun made, taking an Ice Shard to the face that shattered into a million sparkling fragments.

I’m getting destroyed here, man!

“Hang in there, Cap!” Bolt said, focusing his energy and sucking in Jason’s Fortitude. “I have a Wish up behind that rock to my right—fifteen seconds!”

Sunny dodged another icy barrage from Nova, the frozen ground making every step a precarious balancing act. He needed to buy more time. His eyes flicked to the rock Bolt mentioned, a flicker of hope sparking within him.

Alice was relentless, her kicks and punches creating a flurry of blows that Sunny could barely keep up with; she was somehow getting faster, more precise, her streaking red eyes zoning in on him. His heart raced, every impact sending vibrations through his body. He had to keep moving, keep dodging, but Alice’s graceful yet powerful assaults were proving too much.

He tried to focus, summoning energy for another burst of speed. Pushing Agility into overdrive, he worked to counter Nova’s previous Icy Wind,, his movements becoming a blur as he dodged left and right, trying to stay out of Alice’s reach. But her pink eyes were locked onto him, determination radiating from her every move—he misjudged a feint, her ear striking out.

He saw hearts, Alice’s Cute Charm taking effect. Suddenly, her slowed, graceful movements made her appear as if she was falling from the clouds, a thunderstorm raging inside of his chest, telling him she was his lover for life. Her determined gaze, the way her bright pink eyes looked at him. Hearts seemed to float around her, his resolve weakening. He tried to shake it off, but it was getting harder to focus on the battle.

Meanwhile, Bolt had taken a moment to set up their strategy as Alice inserted a key into his heart and turned it, sending him into paradise inside her sweet eyes.

The ground around him crackled with electricity as a powerful surge electrified the battlefield—he’d gotten Electric Terrain out. The rocks and the very air hummed with energy, boosting his electric power. He followed it up with Charge as Sunny retreated, unable to do anything other than tear his heart apart and evade her love punches.

The electrified ground beneath Sunny’s paws hummed, the energy coursing around them, but he was still struggling with the beautiful bunny in front of him, welcoming him to swim in her arms. She was relentless, her speed and precision making it difficult for him to catch a break. Only Jason’s orders kept her from locking him out of his Moves and away from certain knock-out. If she used Quick Attack, he matched it, but he couldn’t bring himself to dirty her fluffy coat.

He passively caught Nova seeing the shift in the battlefield; she wasn’t going to ignore Bolt, just like they’d planned. With a determined glint in her eyes, she reverted to her Eevee form, and fire erupted around her, transforming the star into her Flareon form. Her fur fluffed up, flames dancing along her body. The heat radiated off her, creating a shimmering haze in the air and starting to melt the ice she stood on.

Something changed in the atmosphere, Jason’s emotions swelling and pulling Sunny’s love-struck gaze to Rhea, catching a Double Hit to the face. It was worth it, though. A red outline formed around Rhea, an aura of intense energy surrounding her. It sent a shiver down his spine, or maybe it was Alice’s Cute Charm affecting him too. Rhea’s power surged through Alice, further increasing every Stat of the bun, boosting their energy and strength beyond reason.

Sunny felt the effects immediately. He was taking a beating, every punch and kick he deflected still shaving away his already near-zero energy matrix. He needed to reach the Wish, but Alice was in a frenzy, locked-in.

Feeling his buffed speed fading, he used another Agility in an attempt to keep up with the beautiful bun, desperately trying to outmaneuver her. Finally, he saw his chance.

He darted towards the rock where Bolt had placed the Wish, the healing energy enveloping him as he reached it just in time. The Infatuation faded, clarity returning to his mind. He felt rejuvenated, his energy matrix restoring a decent chunk as the force flowed through him. He caught their plan execution just in time as his first Agility faded, yet even the +2 helped him outpace the baseline, Reverse Run Away-enhanced bun.

Bolt, now fully charged and empowered by the Electric Terrain, rushed to meet Nova. The Flareon’s Adaptability and Sprint-enhanced, V-empowered, STAB Flame Charge made the girl a comet of flames, ice instantly melting in her passing. A blazing blur, Nove rushed to meet Bolt, but the mouse hadn’t slacked off.

Bolt was faster, Agility and Electric Terrain boosting him to incredible levels. He became a lightning bolt, his body crackling with electric energy as he launched into a powerful STAB Volt Tackle.

Sunny felt his body slammed by Alice’s Power-Up Punch, sending him flying back, yet, thanks to the Wish’s recovery, he managed to recover mid-air, landing on all fours with a determined grin.

He shouted to Bolt, “Give it your all!” His own gathered energy transferring from him, through Jason, and into their roaring electric mouse. He activated a Move he’d learned in Kalos from Korrina’s Pokemon. Bolt’s electricity intensified, sparks flying around him. They both screamed out their battle cry.

* — * — *

Jason’s fist was white as the two Pokemon collided.



They met, their opposing elements creating a massive explosion of fire and electricity. The impact blew a stone and steam into the air, sending debris flying and creating a shockwave that shook the earth. Nova and Bolt were thrown back through the expanding cloud, landing hard on the rocky ground.

Alice instantly reacted, redirecting her momentum by kicking Sunny away with a powerful strike. Sunny skidded across the rocky terrain, groaning from the impact. Quick Attack carried Alice into the sky as she leaped into the air to catch Nova, now in her Eevee form, before she could fall into the lake.

Jason held up his phone, his hand now shaking. Rhea’s stunned expression came through the hologram, clearly not expecting Nova to lose out in strength. He chuckled, seeing the cute bewilderment on her face as Sunny and Bolt recovered, the electric mouse showing damage but holding a thumbs up to his teammate.



“Wondering how I managed to overpower a V-strengthened Nova?” he asked, proudly flashing his teeth at his Buddy Bonded mouse and feeling strained from the amount of energy it required. “You look a bit flustered.”

Rhea’s eyes narrowed as she returned Nova to her Poke Ball as Franky waved a red flag, floating out of the ground. “Yeah, that was way stronger than I calculated it to be. How did you do it?”

“I’ll tell you after the match,” Jason replied, his tone far more confident now that the deadly pup was out of the match. “Lucky Chant certainly helped, though. Our goal was to take out Nova first. She’s just too versatile.

“Forcing her into Flareon was the plan from the start since she couldn’t sustain Vaporeon or Glaceon long-term with Bolt or Sunny on the field. You wouldn’t want Mya on the field with Sunny,either. We were worried she’d use Ambrosia’s special moves, so we had to get Nova out before she had the chance. Those moves are far too dangerous.”

Bolt looked beat up, but he did a few stretches and some jumping jacks before giving a grinning Franky a thumbs up, showing he could continue. It was Rhea’s turn to send out her third Pokémon, her red outline intensifying and fire burning in her glowing eyes.

“Okay. Let’s clear the field then.”

“Uh-oh…does that mean…”

“Lulu! Time to show them what a true villainous heroine is made of.”


Rhea’s intense, fiery aura amplified, and she looked like the villainess, not her Pokemon as radiating pulses heated the wind. She was literally going as hard as she could.

Boys… Defense! Super defense! We have to outlast her, not knock Lulu out! Get ready to run!

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