Chapter77-As long as you like, can you?

He usually rarely did this, but he did it at the moment, and it was gentle and careful.

“Is it very painful?” he asked.

“It’s not the first time she’s hurt, anyway,” she said.

He sipped his lips and said nothing more. After a few moments of effort, the staff came with brown sugar ginger water. Sharkey sat down and drank in the heat.

Hot ginger water inlet, she felt slightly more comfortable, the pain of the stomach was not so obvious at first. As Sharkey drank at once, King asked suddenly, “Are you enough cotton?”

“Ah?” Shazhi blinked, and on the pale ground, suddenly a layer of red halo, suddenly understood what he was thinking. “That… I’ll buy it myself in a moment.”

“Is there a sign that he particularly likes to use?” he continued.

She shook her head and found out that it was not the time to answer his question at all. If he had really bought her sanitary cotton, only the whole hotel would have known.

Unfortunately, Sharkey’s block did not play the slightest role, King wishes to leave a sentence, “You lie down for a while, I will come back in a moment.”

Sharkey drank the rest of the hot ginger water and lay back in bed, wondering how long it was before she woke up, suddenly feeling that she was lying in a warm embrace.

She couldn’t help but lift her jaw up. He lay on her side, with one hand on her shoulder, and the other hand on her belly, across a thin cloak.

When did he come back? Sharkey blinked and looked at her close face. Dark bangs covered in front of his forehead, long lashes, because of the closed eyes of the relationship, but more obvious, straight nose bridge, water-coloured thin lips, and quiet.

Such a scene brought to her the idea that as a child he was lying by her side, but then it was she who was holding him, and now it was him who was holding her.

Carefully raised a hand, she gently lifted the bangs in front of his forehead, his forehead stitched five stitches of the wound, although some days have passed, the wound is a lot shallow, but still like a mark…

If it wasn’t for her saying that… maybe he wouldn’t have…

“It’s not about you.” The long eyelashes trembled, and King opened his eyes.

“You wake up?” She retracted her hand and instinctively wanted to rise up and exit from his arms, but his hand on her shoulder was pressed down and she was pressed back into his arms.

“So you don’t have to look at me with such guilt.” His voice continues to ring above her head.

Because his voice is always pale and clear? Or is it because the bedding here is too soft and comfortable? Or because his words… seem to see through all her guilt and unease.

“You really went to buy the cotton?” she remembered before she fell asleep.


“Where to buy it?”

“There is a supermarket on the ground floor of the hotel.”

Sharkey could almost imagine what a shock supermarket worker would be when the president of his hotel bought women’s cotton in an underground supermarket.

“Not afraid of your employees?” she asked.

“Why be afraid?” he asked strangely, reading the full text of the juvenile doctor.

Well, it seems that she asked a silly question, and he never cared about other people’s eyes.

Her face was on his chest, surrounded by his breath. His other hand moved in her abdomen and asked, “Is it still painful?”

“It’s a lot better.” The abdomen is a bit hot, not knowing because of hot ginger water, or because of his hand.

“Here, if there really is a child,” he lowly, “wondering what it would look like if I had children with Kiki.” Would you cry? Is there any trouble? Would it feel as warm as she was when she was a child, or would she just immerse herself in the world as he did when she was a child!

Xia Qi Yi, for a moment, suddenly felt a bit dry throat, “you… like children?”

“Don’t like it.” He answered without hesitation.

“She’s in a daze,” then why are you… “Since he doesn’t like children, why don’t he keep her from taking yun medicine?

“If there is a child that belongs to me and Kiki, then there will be another layer of restraint between us, and that will make it even more impossible for you to leave me.”

She stared at him, evoking what he meant. Does his definition of a child simply make it impossible for her to leave him?

“Just this?”


His eyes were calm, and she knew that he really thought so, so he said so, and didn’t think anything was right.

Sharkey sighed, “The child is not a chip. If I want to leave, I will leave even if I have a child.

His arm around her shoulder was tightening, and his old restlessness was expanding.

“I hope that one day my children are born because parents like it, not for other purposes,” she said.

He fixed his eyes on her, his hands slipped into her clothes, his palms, and this time thoroughly plastered her belly.

Her face flushed, “you…”

“So as long as you like, can you?” he asked.


“As long as I like our children, can I?” he repeated again. “Would you be willing to give birth if you were pregnant?”

Belly, burning, sipping lips, Sharkey returned, “If I love, I will be willing.”

He bowed his head, lip, put on her lip flap, “OK… I wait!”

Wait until the day she fell in love and the day she wanted.

He kissed her lips, thin, dense, yet unparalleled thirst. Her hands slowly taped his cheeks and proactively deepened the kiss.

A shock in his body, in his dark eyes, the light swirled, gently closed his eyes, opened his lips, by her little tongue, carefully and tentatively slipped into his mouth…

So, as long as he waits, she will love him slowly, will she?

Just… he waited patiently!

As long as she didn’t find anything, she didn’t know anything…

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