Chapter 50: The Pagoda of Sun and Moon (7)

As the plaza gave way to reveal the compact region of space hidden underneath, a dazzling sight gradually made itself present before the crowd. A sea of books, if spoken with frankness. The bookshelves towered towards the sky, multiple platforms and ladders having been established just to allow the readers to access the higher levels. Simply turning in a full …

Chapter 49: The Pagoda of Sun and Moon (6)

“The Pagoda actually opened so soon! The rumor wasn’t a lie after all!” A surprised person remarked after opening his eyes, baffled and excited at the same time. His arms waving in delight as his body was bathed in the multi-colored light, the male shouted with unrestrained glee, others soon joining as they themselves opened their eyes to take in …

Chapter 48: The Pagoda of Sun and Moon (5)

“Jiang… Yi Fan? Why is he here?” Wei Chang Luo murmured, turning around to glance at the source of the ruckus. There, two youths stood in a secluded region of the plaza, the crowd making way for a considerable berth. When he noticed that even more people near the fringes were pressing on to observe this so-called rumored beauty of …

Chapter 47: The Pagoda of Sun and Moon (4)

A…Second Elder Brother? An Fei couldn’t help but stare at Wei Chang Luo for a long moment, the scarlet irises misted over behind the veil. She had heard snippets here and there from eavesdropping on the servants’ causal conversations in the past, and was well aware that she and An Yan Yue were not the only members of the younger …

Chapter 46: The Pagoda of Sun and Moon (3)

“Father, what’s the fuss today?” A young girl questioned Wei Xuan as the minister began to open a leather-bound scroll, a look of agitation displayed on his countenance. Her question prompted him to gaze at the girl in confusion, blinking twice. “You, Xiao Ying, and Xiao Wen always talked about something special today,” the girl blinked as she repeated. “Is …

Chapter 45: The Pagoda of Sun and Moon (2)

“NOOOO!” The shriek rang throughout the entire study, startling Wei Xuan who had just begun to lapse into a doze. Unable to control his control over the isolating barrier, the minister pitched forwards, nearly falling towards the ground. A rather large hole burst open on the surface of the isolation barrier, causing much of the snow to torrent downwards at …

Chapter 44: The Pagoda of Sun and Moon (1)

Within what appeared to have been a period of several breaths, autumn receded to a bitter winter. Each day was considerably colder than before, with snow constantly raining onto the already frozen ground. The streets of Jiang’an remained open, though not many people dared to tour the roads of wealth under such miserable conditions. Hence, though one could see lines …

Chapter 43: Autumn’s Fragrance, A Frigid Heart of Snow (5)

“Father, you are here as well?” Hearing the words spoken by the girl before him, Wei Xuan stood frozen, his body unwilling to move. The warm smile as she spoke in that eroded, cracked voice, calling him ‘father‘, caused an indescribable but overwhelming warmth to sprout from the depths of his heart. Just moments ago, he had heard shrill screams …

Chapter 42: Autumn’s Fragrance, A Frigid Heart of Snow (4)

Hearing the maidservant’s voice, Wei Chang Luo edged his face closer towards the curtained bed, even going as far as risking exposing his countenance to the maidservant just a meter or two away. Unfortunately, all that greeted him was Xiao Wen pushing aside one side of the curtains to jut her face in. “Fourth Young Miss, ah!” Xiao Wen called, …

Chapter 41: Autumn’s Fragrance, A Frigid Heart of Snow (3)

“He’s…gone?” Two trembling hands slowly peeled back the violet curtains, exposing a pale but pretty countenance, the pair of scarlet irises observing every inch of the interior of the study room. After confirming that there was nobody else present, the girl dragged herself out of the bed, staggering as her feet stood again in what must have been weeks. “This…really …