Chapter 26: You can only blame your own hands for rotting

In Yinyue courtyard, Shen Ninghua lain on the couch, flipping through the inventory of supplies that the First lady gave her with an amused look, “Qinxue courtyard must have replaced a lot of ceramics yesterday.” “You’re right, young miss. I heard the Second miss threw a huge temper tantrum yesterday.” Hong Lin replied, smiling. Shen Linghan was always vain and …

Chapter 25: Wolf Child Shen Xuanlin

The following morning, Nanny Qin brought a few servant maids with her to Jingxin courtyard. Shen Ninghua had dressed up for the day long before, and was sitting in front of her mirror. Bai Ruo came in with Nanny Qin, she gave a bow and reported, “Young miss, Nanny Qin is here to help with your moving.” “To trouble Nanny …

Chapter 24: Do you want to marry me?

“How was it? Was the First Lady angry?” Hong Lin asked Bi Zhu excitedly when she returned to Jingxin courtyard. Bai Ruo frowned at the sight and gave a slight cough, “Hong Lin, your manners?”If this girl continues to be so imprudent, she will eventually cause trouble for the Young Miss. Hong Lin hurriedly retreated, and took a glance at …

Chapter 23: Stifling, isn’t it?

Zhao Shi’s face was pale, her hands clutching at the sides of her skirt. Her pearl golden hairpin trembling with her unease. Shen Linghan hurried to Zhao Shi’s side, and knelt beside her. “Father, Mother has always treated others with kindness. She unintentionally offended Elder sister because she is worried about you! She wanted to protect her image in your …

Chapter 22: I will have to agree to it first!

Shen Ninghua frowned, and looked down at the unresponsive Wan Xiang kneeling on the floor. A trial of blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth. This girl actually bit off her own tongue*. *see TL notes Nanny Qin’s words were clearly a warning to Wan Xiang. The First Lady must have taken her family as hostage, to force …

Chapter 21: Is this enough proof?

As she said it, she raised the wine cup and downed it. “Are…are you insane…?” Doctor Qi exclaimed. Shen Ninghua wiped her mouth, and said sorrowfully, “it is just a harmless jar of wine, yet you accuse me of poisoning it. All my efforts to be filial are stained by this. If I can’t prove myself innocent, then I might …

Chapter 20: You really think you can defeat me?

Upon hearing Chu Junyi’s words, Doctor Chen nodded and fetched his medicine chest from his assistant. He took out a few silver needles and pierced them at a few acupuncture points on Nanny Zhou. Not long after, Nanny Zhou’s eyes snapped open. Zhao Shi froze as her thoughts raced. She couldn’t allow Nanny Zhou to reveal the truth regardless the …

Chapter 19: She’s not dead yet!

At this point in time, Liang Yu was at a loss of what to do. “Mother!”, he cried as he ran to Nanny Zhou, grabbing her hands. After confirming that her hands were ice-cold, he was visibly relaxed. Dead, she was dead. As long as she was dead, they could easily make up a story. If she was still alive, …

Chapter 18: Did I scare you to death?

Chu Junyi waved his fan as he walked out of the courtyard, buzzing with excitement. What a thrilling turn of events. Who knew if there were more to come? As he tried to guess what could happen next, a sudden scream could be heard followed by a loud “splash”. “Young miss!” Shen Linghan was walking along the side of the …

Chapter 17: You can forsee the future?

Shen Linghan’s heart soared. It took her entire focus not to make her grin seem too obvious. Ever since Shen Ninghua returned, she had overheard all sorts of chatter among the servants. They whispered behind her back, saying how Shen Ninghua was more beautiful and graceful, and how the “Beauty of the Capital” should be Shen Ninghua instead…… Hmph, there …