Chapter 113: Bad News

Fan Lingyue’s technique was in fact able to deplete the True Qi of those she touched, whether it was a sword or a part of a body. Furthermore, the longer this contact was maintained, the faster that depletion rate grew. This Lady Strategist was truly the most terrifying person in the world. Whether it was her intelligence or martial accomplishments, …

Chapter 112: The Most Unexpected Visitor

At the front of the command tent… Having suffered a palm to the chest, Jian Liuying’s attitude was notably muted as he recounted what happened during their mission. Right now, Fan Lingyue’s mood couldn’t have been any worse as she stared at this bungling ally of hers. Of the three disciples of that Sword, the third disciple, Jian Liuying, was …

Chapter 111: Visitors Under the Moonlight

By the second day, Zhang Sun’s reply had arrived. In it, she reiterated once more that he had to delay Fan Lingyue and her army no matter the cost. As for the southwest, she planned on letting the headmaster of the academy handle that so there was no need for him to concern himself with it. Seeing that, Ning Chen’s …

Chapter 110: The Two Who Clashed

Outside of the pavilion, Marquis Xueyi and the three officers waited patiently with a placid look on each of their faces. Both sides knew that this was going to be a long confrontation. Right now, those two were engaged in a negotiation that could affect the future of the two dynasties. It was Fan Lingyue who single handedly pushed Grand …

Chapter 109: The Two Who Met

Within the command tent of the Mongolian army… Fan Lingyue was in the midst of reading the letter which had just arrived via the emissary from Grand Xia. As she sat quietly behind her desk, an abnormal look crossed her eyes. They ended up facing each other after all. It had to be said that ever since the name Ning …

Chapter 108: Northward

News of the Xia Emperor’s demise had spread throughout the lands within two days. Those who heard it were simply too astonished to speak as they digested the following fact: This time, the Xia Emperor was truly dead. Furthermore, there was another terrifying revelation hidden behind that astonishing piece of news: the Xia Emperor’s assassin was Imperial Concubine Wan of …

Chapter 107: The Xia Emperor Passes Away

The Xia Emperor was dead. He died atop his dragon throne with a maddened smile still plastered over his lips. Even in death, this Emperor regretted nothing. The vast emptiness of Revelations descended into a deafening silence. No one entered and all that remained outside the grand hall was the silent body of Qing Wuheng. As she laid there, court …

Chapter 106: The Xia Emperor’s Grief

It was now the dead of night and yet whether it was within the palace or without, there were still a number of people who weren’t asleep. Duke Taishi, Zhang Sun, Qing Ning, the Eldest Prince, all of them had their eyes focused on the Zhiming Estate and all of those eyes were filled with the same emotion: worry. Thus …

Chapter 105: Knowing One’s Fate(Zhiming)

At dawn of the second day, Ning Chen left for the Imperial Palace with little Ming Yue, hands held together. As always, she had on her cloth hat that completely hid her long hair. Looking at her from a distance, she had a rather silly, charming and adorable look. As the first light of dawn broke over the horizon, it …

Chapter 104: That Streak of Dark Red

Having said that, the Sage fell silent. What had to be said was said; all that remained was to rely on this junior standing before him. At the end of the day, the future had to be decided by the younger generation themselves; he had done all he could already. It was at that moment that the grand duke who …