Chapter 71: Returning Home

Half a month later, Ning Chen’s hair had begun to turn white, it wasn’t much and mingled almost invisibly amongst the mat of black hair. Only when the wintry wind blew did those strands of snow become visible. By now, the blood no longer flowed from his fingers even after ripping off the scabs on them. With a ruthless slash, …

Chapter 70: Crystal Chestnut Flower

“Let this Prince mull over it.” Looking at the distraught expression on Ning Chen, the prince couldn’t bear to just let him wallow like that. Stepping forward, he swiftly sealed all the acupuncture points on Ah Man’s body, protecting the last bit of breath in her with a rapid succession of precision strikes. However, her Heart meridian had been destroyed …

Chapter 69: A Surprise Visit

Ning Chen still hadn’t accepted the prince’s proposal upfront yet the prince wasn’t that anxious either. Prince Yue had basically confirmed in his own mind that the boy had no other choice but to lean on him now so he was in no particular hurry to push the boy. With regards to that, Ning Chen could only snort derisively in …

Chapter 68: Blowing Up the Estate

Having paid the tailor a visit, their next stop was the pharmacy. With hands on wheelchair, Ah Man pushed Ning Chen forward in search of the remedy store. In the south, they were known for producing remedies such as stones, medicinal reagents and needles for acupuncture. Judging by all the merchants filling the streets, it was a booming industry. Upon …

Chapter 67: Marquis Li Yu

On the second day, Yue Manor received a letter addressed to Ning Chen, one penned directly by Marquis Li Yu himself from the looks of it. Its heavy strokes belied a strength and oppressive aura that could’ve only come from a martial practitioner at his peak. Having received the letter, he left to meet the man. This time however, he …

Chapter 66: Surrounded

With the prince’s departure, that not so peaceful night passed by in the blink of an eye. At the break of dawn, Ah Man was already up and about, eager to send out that letter she wrote. Beside her was the butler of Prince Yue who accompanied her on this littler excursion. Seeing the man, the officials didn’t dare to …

Chapter 65: The Knock on the Door

The moon hung brightly over the night sky at Prince Yue’s manor. Within the guestroom sat Ning Chen who was just about to start meditating but was interrupted by a knock on the door. “The door is not locked, please enter.” “Aiyah…” With a soft sigh, in came Ah Man who looked even more comely under the cold moonlight. “What’s …

Chapter 64: A Thrashing

Ah Man knew to obediently trail behind Ning Chen and leave this matter to him. He was the one who brought her out so it was also his responsibility to protect her. Her royal father had once said that no matter whether you were in the Man Dynasty or the Central Plains, once a woman had encountered a problem, she …

Chapter 63: The Sword of Sword City

Sword City… The moon hung silently overhead, casting a cold light over the ancient city. Suddenly a Sword Qi rushed into the clouds, slicing apart the heavens in an instant. In that very instant, all the swordsmen in the city felt it in their hearts. Their faces paled in astonishment as each and every one of them realized in their …

Chapter 62: The Man King’s Little Girl Has Grown Up

Marquis Of Grand Xia Chapter 62: The Man King’s Little Girl Has Grown Up Ning Chen was stunned. Not only that, he was furious. Yet in the midst of that anger, was a greater sense of helplessness. Had it been anyone else who did this, he would have left without any hesitation with a wave of his hand, relationship be …