Chapter 114: The Final Dark Showdown in the Endless Night of Atad City Part (Part 2)

After triggering the Undead calamity, Hal had created this enormous dragon-headed giant. This mixed monster had been pieced together by combining an ancient demonic dragon and a legendary ancient Titan giant. Its power was terrifying. Moreover, the demonic soul of an Ancient Demon King was stationed in it. It was unknown where Hal, this Junior Undead Shaman, had found these …

Chapter 113: The Final Dark Showdown in the Endless Night of Atad City Part (Part 1)

Hal who had triggered the Undead calamity and his army of over 50,000 undead creatures were surrounded by the over 300,000 demonic creature army in Atad and couldn’t move around. The demonic army composed of three parties, Demon Realm, Ghost Realm and Ancient Demon King Andrisno, completely surrounded Atad. Now, this place was a battlefield of demonic creatures. The Human …

Chapter 110: A Big Warfare of Atad Border City with Many Forces Involved (Part 3)

Just over 9,000 defending troops from Steinbeck Fief fought against over 20,000 undeads for more than two hours before finally being annihilated. Clyde set his command tower alight, pretending to perish together with those at the front. The dozens of Undeads climbing the command tower were also burned to ashes. Clyde had intentionally suppressed his own aura, making these attacking …

Chapter 109: A Big Warfare of Atad Border City with Many Forces Involved (Part 2)

The main city gate of Atad was unable to bear the continuous attacks of the Undead and was finally breached at midnight. Then, a large number of Undead pursued the smell of living people like beasts chasing after their prey. The first to bear the brunt of this hunt were Steinbeck Fief’s troops. Their temporary campsite was nearest to Atad, …

Chapter 108: A Big Warfare of Atad Border City with Many Forces Involved (Part 1)

The southern region of Ximengsi Continent, the big dam area of Casper River in the vicinity of Atad The special operation team of more than 1,000 people arranged by Earl Hamm and Viscount Peter had arrived here. They were accompanied by a carriage fleet filled with explosive barrels disguised as a carriage fleet transporting normal goods. These explosive barrels were …

Chapter 107: The Hard Choice to Block Atad City (Part 3)

Ximengsi Continent’s southern region, in the vicinity of Adelaide Kingdom’ strategic border town, Atad City After sending off special envoys Baron Hake and Knight Peer, Clyde made Ancient Demon King Andrisno inform Augusta Empire’s “Extreme Night Princess” Ophelia about their plans to blow up the big dam blocking Casper River so that she would be prepared to some extent. Although …