Chapter 186: The Very Peaceful Method to Control Antaur Town (Part 2)

After Clyde met Princess Annie and reached a peaceful agreement, the Undead calamity disappeared on its own. Antaur Town which had originally been covered with dark clouds and a torrential rainstorm reverted to normal. After the dark clouds dispersed, sunlight that had not graced the streets of Antaur for a long time finally beat back the gloom. The Undead wandering …

Chapter 185: The Very Peaceful Method to Control Antaur Town (Part 1)

Clyde smoothly passed the dust that had collected over several hundred years. The Bradians who had built this ancient mausoleum had died more than 500 years ago. The owner of this ancient mausoleum was Princess Annie, the first princess of the Bradke Empire, the most powerful of the Bradian nations. After Princess Annie had committed suicide, the Bradians had sealed …

Chapter 184: The True Identity of the Behind-the-Scenes Manipulator Responsible for the Change in Antaur Town (Part 3)

After handling the matters of the castellan residence, Clyde disguised as Death Knight Baron Thomas with his follower Demon Princess Andrea’s help. He then proceeded to that ancient graveyard under his new guise. According to the coordinates he had obtained from the dark magic communication item, the hidden hand behind Antaur Town’s Undead calamity was hiding there. Along the way, …

Chapter 181: The Antaur Town Shrouded by Darkness (Part 3)

Clyde followed the undead messenger all the way to Antaur Town. Under the concealment of shadow magic, he successfully escaped that messenger’s notice. In this operation, Clyde had brought along only Demon Princess Andrea. Since she was also from the dark side, she could share his concealment dark magic for a long time without suffering a backlash. Most humans couldn’t …

Chapter 180: The Antaur Town Shrouded by Darkness (Part 2)

After a short rest, Steinbeck Fief’s troops incorporated those over 10,000 troops previously under Viscount Aaron. Now, Clyde had over 20,000 human troops in his hand, and their strength had greatly improved. The troops under Viscount Aaron had originally belonged to the Marquis Charles’s personal troops. With good equipment, their combat power was not inferior to Clyde’s original human troops. …

Chapter 179: The Antaur Town Shrouded by Darkness (Part 1)

It was late at night. Following the battle for Joyce Fortress, the former commander, Viscount Aaron retired, and Joyce Fortress became the safest place, excepting the nearby Ferro Town. At least on the surface, the army controlling these places was at least both human and stable. At present, the most dangerous place in this region was the Aldington River area …

Chapter 178: The Ultimate Winner of the Battle of Joyce Fortress (Part 3)

Earl Winissa and her troops stationed at Olm Fortress resisted the undead army continuously swarming over from Antaur Town on the opposite bank. Fortunately, Undeads were not good at fighting in water and lacked the corpses to summon water-attributed monsters. Otherwise, Winissa might have already fallen. On the surface of Aldington River, her naval troops used fire arrows and catapults …

Chapter 177: The Ultimate Winner of the Battle of Joyce Fortress (Part 2)

After a day and night of fierce battle, this fortress city finally welcomed peace. Viscount Aaron, the commander of the defending troops, was defeated in a duel by Clyde, the representative of Steinbeck Fief’s army. After his defeat, Viscount Aaron was relieved from his position. With the resignation of the highest commanding officer of Joyce Fortress, the defending troops surrendered. …