Volume 7 Chapter 425: Chance Encounter In A Cafe In Oldrango City

Oldrango, the Aldridge Empire’s resort town, the largest holiday destination in the Eastern Human Continent. If one included the islands at sea, the entire city was bigger than the capital of the Aldridge Empire, about as large as the capital of the richest Human Empire in the center of the continent, Macnadix City. The whole of Oldrango was divided into …

Volume 7 Chapter 424: Dolan Magic Train’s Terrifying Urban Legend and the Temporary Suppression of the Extradimensional Space

At the Aldridge Empire’s important border transportation point, Dolan City, at Nelon Magic Train Station.  The girls from Olsylvia Academy did not head in for now due to the strange atmosphere surrounding the train station. Bella, Lisha, Kriss, and Marionette Master Elaine were currently exploring the spooky train station. For safety reasons, Bella had the other three Renegades who are …

Volume 7 Chapter 422: The Beginning Of The Journey To Oldrango City And The Goddess Of Light’s Bad Feeling

The combined school festival organized by the Olsylvia Academy and its two neighboring schools had been extremely successful. There were no unusual occurrences other than the fact that the various dragon princesses had gone missing for a few days. Using her energy detection crystal, Bella had gotten a general understanding of the other schools’ capabilities. However, she did not expect …

Volume 7 Chapter 421: Three Days of Sinful Games in Underground Restaurant and Beginning ofthe Twelve Academy Conference

On the outskirts of Olsylvia City, the Rose Society’s new territory, Margarita Resort Plains, first floor of their exclusive booth’s Chinese restaurant.  Dimensional Dragon Princess Philonia and Ice Dragon Princess Mavis are currently tasting the food. A hot steamy fragrance was being emitted from the hot pot on the table and Philonia was happily eating away, completely uncaring of her …

Volume 7 Chapter 419: The Hidden Evil Behind The Unnaturally Bustling Maid Cafe

The Rose Society’s booth in their new territory, the Margarita Resort Plains, on the outskirts of Olsylvia City. The Rose Society’s maid cafe was so full of customers that it was practically bursting at the seams as all three floors were at maximum capacity. A long queue had formed outside the cafe as well. To ease any potential frustrations of …