Chapter 64: Afterparty, a boozed-up snafu

Chapter 64: Afterparty, a boozed-up snafu When I finally woke up, I replenished my energy somewhat by feeding on Scarlet and then she took her turn to sleep. We unanimously agreed that we were NOT going back to the fiftieth floor. At least not until all of us were at stage five. “Aren’t you going to make use of the …

Chapter 63: An outrageous dungeon dive

Chapter 63: An outrageous dungeon dive The first twenty-nine dungeon floors were easy to pass. None of the monsters could bring us a challenge at all. Thessa would lazily send out ice attacks to kill some, Az was just casually swinging her mace. Scarlet would use her threads to control the monsters and cut their throats with her daggers. Every …

Chapter 62: The morning after

Chapter 62: The morning after “LILY!”~Thessa “Oh, it seems that your aunt finally woke up, Mistress.”~me “What did you do?”~Scarlet *THUMP THUMP THUMP* “You’ll see…”~me I was busy cooking breakfast in the kitchen with Scarlet sitting off to the side still wearing her pajamas when Thessa had shouted. She then ran into the room still naked looking somewhat exasperated. Well, …

Chapter 61: Shopping and bonding

Chapter 61: Shopping and bonding I eventually got Scarlet dressed for the day and we headed out of her room to join Thessa for breakfast. Yes, most of my time was used to feel her up and tease her a bit. While I took over cooking, Scarlet informed her aunt about my curse while we were eating. She had decided …

Chapter 60: Lily got captured

Chapter 60: Lily got captured *CLICK* Okay, calm down. Even if it has successfully locked, my curse will either force it off or destroy it. It’s just taking a bit for that effect to kick in. And why the heck did it lock in the first place?! Sure, I was considering the girl as a possible mistress. But one night …

Chapter 59: Rental agreement

Chapter 59: Rental agreement Since I had done so well with my language studies, Thessa agreed that I could stay with her for a while. In exchange, I would use my body and skills to repay her. She said those exact words. It was a joke brought on by my constant teasing…I think? Thessa took me to her home which …

Chapter 58: Lily picks-up a guide

Chapter 58: Lily picks-up a guide The night before I traveled in range of the city, Kat helped me pick a disguise set to wear. If I were to show up in a community of halfs looking like a human, things might not turn out so well. On the up side, I finally got the succubus tail that I wanted! …

Chapter 57: Saved, now what?

Chapter 57: Saved, now what? After bracing myself once more, I swallowed her. That’s right, I just ate a slime while she is still alive! I’m going to insist that it’s female because I abhor the idea of anything male being so ‘intimate’ with me. It was awful by the way. The taste was like an almost flavorless gelatin which …

Chapter 56: Lily is in troll-ble

Chapter 56: Lily is in troll-ble When the light fades from the random teleport, I find myself falling to the ground from a few feet up. My surroundings are…an entire tribe of trolls! My skills are still sealed and I’ve been immediately surrounded! I try to force my way out, but their thick skin is too difficult to injure without …

Chapter 55: Sudden farewell

Chapter 55: Sudden farewell As we were leaving the auction venue, I’d felt someone who had been watching us before as they used appraisal. They felt familiar, but I couldn’t place why and they had run off before I could appraise them in return. Susan, very sure of herself, opted to have sensitivity, pleasure and build-up all raised to five-fold. …