Chapter 54: Camille’s escapade

Chapter 54: Camille’s escapade I did it! A couple days after the girls got their tattoos, I infiltrated Camille’s room at night and tattooed her using a special new magic ink. I’m really proud of this ink because it has a mood effect. At normal body temperature, it’s invisible. It turns pink, then red as the body heats up. Of …

Chapter 53: More art

Chapter 53: More art We’re now a little over two weeks from the end of the academic quarter. At the beginning of each week, we receive a report from the auction house. It includes sales statistics as well as a list of items uncommon grade or above items that had been bought the previous week. Auction items are always taken …

Chapter 52: Body art

Chapter 52: Body art “Hahaha, that was hilarious!”~Sofy “Yeah, real funny. Haha. Of all the dances she could pick for the mid-quarter evaluation, why’d she have to pick the ribbon dance of all things?!”~me “You nearly completed the dance and only messed up the ending. At least you didn’t have to start over like some people. How you looked after …

Chapter 51: Ups and downs

Chapter 51: Ups and downs Over the next few weeks, my new curse continued to assert itself. After a few more incidents with Sofy’s mother, an awkward silence can now be felt between the two of us. One time, Melony accidentally put too much catnip into her perfume and I was especially clingy with her during her teatime that day. …

Extra: Memoir of an Ex-Slave Bunnygirl

Extra: Memoir of an Ex-Slave Bunnygirl A short while ago, the contract that once bound me to slavery and controlled my mind, suddenly vanished. For the first time in a dozen years, my thoughts are clear and I can once again remember what freedom is, how it feels to make decisions for myself and what it means to truly hate …

Chapter 50: Lily’s embarrassment

Chapter 50: Lily’s embarrassment We arrived at the capital before dinner on Darkday and I’m really not looking forward to classes tomorrow morning. Sofy picked out foreign relations, professional dance, advanced apothecary and advanced enchanting. She easily tested into the advanced classes and skipped intermediate for those last two. Technically, she did keep her promise to not get more than …

Chapter 49: Being human is overrated

Chapter 49: Being human is overrated “Good morning, Mistress.”~me “Lily, what exactly happened last night? I remember getting into bed with you and Susan, then you started to barrage me with an intense kissing session and I blacked out at some point thereafter.”~Sofy “Hehe, I activated my newest trait! You were quite interesting while in a drunk-like, euphoric state.”~me “Love …

Chapter 48: Making advances

Chapter 48: Making advances Running into my fellow heroines was an unexpected, but pleasant experience. The two once again asked me how Sofy was treating me in a pitying way. I ended up having to clarify my situation to them in a bit more detail. I don’t really look at the servant curse as a sort of slavery. Firstly, the …

Chapter 47: Mary’s journey

Chapter 47: Mary’s journey Mary’s POV: Nothing has gone right since I was summoned to this world. First we ended up bound to that fat slob of a king by a magic contract. Except Lilia, I can’t really figure out what that person is thinking or why she’s so strange compared to the rest of us. Alice seems careless and …

Chapter 46: Unexpected encounter

Chapter 46: Unexpected encounter After being so rudely awoken, I got up and started making breakfast. Flora decided to sit on my shoulder in her sprite form and I took the opportunity to discuss some ground rules with her. She readily agrees to everything and I can only sigh at how obedient she has become. However, I am happy that …