Chapter 25: First day of lessons

Chapter 25: First day of lessons “Based on how intense nana’s eyes were sparkling, you are in for a rough time from now on. Starting to regret getting that trait now?”~Sophia “No. Just somewhat annoyed. Even I can admit that my fur and hair is really nice to touch now. What exactly are we supposed to learn in your first …

Chapter 24: Sophia’s birthday

Chapter 24: Sophia’s birthday The next set of lectures at the academy won’t begin for a couple days. During this time, Sophia and I made use of the enchantment that I had bought and I found out that her birthday was the day before her lectures start. It was planned to be a family only party. The only living members …

Chapter 23: Elven Capital

Chapter 23: Elven Capital I can’t help but be wary of what my reward from the Goddess might end up being. We left for the capital on a pair of domesticated wind wolves, a magical beast that is much faster than a horse and is capable of navigating the forest with ease. They are really comfortable to ride as well. …

Chapter 22: Discussions on magic

Chapter 22: Discussions on magic “Lilia, are you still sore? I thought you had already healed yourself.”~Sophia “Three days! You left me in that state for a little over three days before finally freeing me on the morning of the fourth. Even if I heal myself, my body just doesn’t have the nutrients available to make any real difference.”~me “I …

Chapter 21: Celebrating dungeon conquest

Chapter 21: Celebrating dungeon conquest The dungeon wound up being forty-three floors deep and we didn’t wait for Sophia to get to stage four. At her current speed, we were much too eager to wait until she could advance. It was pretty easy down through floor thirty-nine, from floor forty and on, it took us an entire day. The whole …

Chapter 20: Family reunions

Chapter 20: Family reunions “Um, Aunt Ellen, I’m not my mother.”~Sophia “Aunt…Mother? You, your my niece? Since when has little Camille had a man in her life?”~Ellen “Before you start spilling your soul to her, ask her for a drop of blood.”~me “What in the world do you want that for?”~Sophia “To confirm her identity. My sense for blood as …

Chapter 19: Tied up in Wynfel

Chapter 19: Tied up in Wynfel We got a little more information about what was happening and extended the reservation for our room. Then we went up to the room finding that my package had been delivered as scheduled yesterday and was already placed in our room. “The human kingdoms are definitely in chaos right now. I’m worried about my …

Chapter 18: Arrival at the Magic Forest

Chapter 18: Arrival at the Magic Forest We didn’t have any further challenges with bandits for the rest of the journey. Only a couple groups even challenged us. It makes me think that some of the survivors from before must have warned the smarter groups off. The city of Legrace was a sight to behold. Although, it was big enough …

Chapter 17: Battle and spoils

Chapter 17: Battle and spoils “Lilia, how do you want to confront the mage? He has several stage two guards by him, will you be able to get close?”~Sophia “We won’t immediately attack him. Just intercept his spells with your own to start with. Focus on conserving your mana. You can use water blast to safely redirect his fireballs, shatter …

Chapter 16: Bandit troubles

Chapter 16: Bandit troubles While we are walking westward the next day, I take the opportunity to interrogate some bandits that attack us. It was basically a one-sided slaughter. The foxy effect allowed me to almost literally dance circles around them as I sliced them up. Sophia was content to stand back and watch what she later described as a …