Chapter 15: Escape

Chapter 15: Escape The next morning, we once again set off early in the morning. I take some time to investigate the strength of energy in each of our escorts. So as to not overlook anything, I made sure to check even the normal guards, verifying they are indeed at the levels they should be. I confirm the strength of …

Chapter 14: First dungeon

Chapter 14: First dungeon We get up early the next morning and prepare our gear for dungeon diving. Sophia and I are wearing our usual clothes. The travel gear we had prepared is tucked away in our backpacks and she has manually selected my maid attire to prevent my battle attire being seen due to auto-equip. I’m given a simple …

Chapter 13: Preparing to dungeon dive

Chapter 13: Preparing to dungeon dive We get up early and prepare to leave. There was no indication of alarm for the rest of the night, so it would seem that my cleanup operation was thorough enough. Sophia tells the guards that a maid stopped by the room last night informing us that the lord was drawn away last night …

Chapter 12: Leaving Parnam

Chapter 12: Leaving Parnam Over the next three days, I continue to dedicate myself to practice in anticipation for our departure. I’ve received three books from grandpa Sven which contain the next two stages of runes. Two for stage three and one much smaller book for stage four. He even gave me a sack full of stage two mana crystals, …

Chapter 11: Heroes’ departure

Chapter 11: Heroes’ departure Waking up the next morning, I can feel a burning sensation and pain all over my body. It may have felt good last night, but it stings like hell the morning after. I use my lesser heal and most of the pain fades away. Using another would probably rid me completely of the aftermath, but I …

Chapter 10: Frivolous enjoyment

Chapter 10: Frivolous enjoyment I have Sophia lay on the massage table and dig out the special oil I discovered that housekeeping stocks. It’s a medicinal oil containing a nerve stimulating compound and a mild aphrodisiac, basically makes you feel things much more intensely while heating the body. It’s a favorite of her male family members, but I’m not so …

Chapter 9: Day before the party

Chapter 9: Day before the party “Are you still sulking about last night?”~Sophia Sophia decided to break the silence between us as we made our way to her magic lesson. It’s not like I’m not staying silent for a reason other than I don’t really have something to say. “Not sulking, Mistress. Last night was…strenuous, but not really bad. I …

Chapter 8: Playing dress-up

Chapter 8: Playing dress-up Sophia decided to take today off from afternoon lessons. We drop by the royal guard barracks to pick up an escort and head to the noble district with a pair of female knights trailing behind. It’s a short walk from the castle, not even worth the trouble to get a carriage prepared. Our first stop is …

Chapter 7: Master-servant bonding

Chapter 7: Master-servant bonding The next few days breezed by as the heroes got ready for their dungeon diving and Sophia continued her lessons. Apparently the crown prince will be joining them as the sixth member since I’ve already vacated the spot and It’s tradition for the hero party to always have six, even once there has been deaths. I …

Chapter 6: Lessons and growth

Chapter 6: Lessons and growth When we arrive at Sven’s study, he points out the books that are okay for me to read. I find out that it actually causes some mental strain to read the runes in the books and that higher level runes can harm me if I try to push myself too much. I’ll need to increase …