
[Write about being friends with someone.] I’ve had plenty of friendships fail due to either misunderstandings or the other person simply not being on the same page as I. I vividly remember one time in elementary school when I annoyed my friend so much that he became furious and yelled at me (I even remember his name! Not gonna tell …


[Choose an animal. Write about it!] I feel like being rebellious, so I’ll choose TWO animals! …… Every owner of a pet has at some point entertained the idea of what their pet would do and say if the pet understood human speech and could speak as a human could. Of course, as the proud owner of two cats, I …

8–The Dreamcatcher

[Write something inspired by a recent dream you had.] I got nothing for the prompt…so I’ll write a short story about a dreamcatcher! …… “The time has come, younglings.” ““““Yes, Elder!”””” Within a large, open courtyard stood five people, four of which were lined up before the fifth, who was obviously their superior. Besides them and a chilling wind, the …

7–The Rocket-ship

[Write about a rocket-ship on its way to the moon or a distant galaxy far, far, away.] It was finally the day! The long-awaited journey to the moon had begun! Face plastered to her window, Anissa took in all possible visual information as efficiently as a kitchen sponge could absorb water. Breath slightly fogging the glass, the child did her …

6–Eye Contact

[Write about two people seeing each other for the first time.]             Knowing from experience that the beautiful blondes of his town congregated there, Jackson entered the Starbucks. He was specifically after blondes, as neither brown nor black hair pleased his eye. The shopkeeper’s bell rung upon his arrival, which Jackson chose to interpret as the starting of his conquest. …


[What’s for breakfast? Dinner? Lunch? Or maybe you could write a poem about that time you met a friend at a café.] Of all prompts I’ve ever written for, this one gave me the most trouble. Often I can pop out a tiny story from even just a word, but this prompt…I don’t know how to explain it in a …


[Who’s dancing and why are they tapping those toes?]             The clash of jeers and applause from the crowd had me sweating bullets. While most of the people gathered around me were impressed and gave me moral support, some—whom I wrongly categorized as my friends—gave me trouble.             I continued the motions. My body swayed, legs carefully stepping in vague …

3–The Vessel

[Write about a ship or other vehicle that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.]             “Hey, buddy! You’re coming with me.” Was all I heard as the monster caused the world to lose all reason.             Now, don’t worry, I am going to give some backstory…I just wanted to use that opening line to sound dramatic. …

2–Unrequited Love Poem

[How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back?]             Ooooooh boy. Right from the get-go, a prompt that raises many embarrassing memories from the depths of my soul. Memories which I hysterically tried to forget, oppress, shut down, lock away in the farthest reaches of my inner self… I suppose I’ll begin with a …

1–Outside the Window

[What’s the weather outside your window doing right now? If that’s not inspiring, what’s the weather like somewhere you wish you could be?] From where I sit, on my seat in front of my computer, I cannot see what the weather outside is like, for the blinds on the window are perpetually closed. Rarely do I open them, because I …