Chapter 28: designer’s Choice awards

Once back out in the hall, I took another look at the various rooms, now that there weren’t very many people in the hallway. I wanted to find a game that sounded interesting, but not impossible for me at my current stage. I mean, a lot of these games would probably be far easier for someone that had experience as …

Chapter 27: the tournament

“So… how did you win so easily?” Kathy asked from across the platform, still confused by her loss. “My harpies seemed to have had an advantage at the start, right?” I nodded, and then began explaining. “You never upgraded them, so my centaurs were able to overpower them. Games like this were pretty popular in my world, and upgrading your …

Chapter 26: let the games begin

Following the flow of traffic, and the arrows painted into the ceiling to guide us, I made my way towards the game area. The journey felt like it took nearly an hour, before I finally saw the nearest walls. When I arrived, I found a hall filled with doors, each door bearing its own label. One was ‘Gambling Room’, another …

Chapter 25: keepers everywhere!

After Grimor jumped down from the stand, Seraphine once again stood on it, to call another Keeper up. This one was a blue-skinned man with a very thin body. He was dressed in a simple green suit, and his large, black eyes scanned the crowd as he spoke.  “I have compiled results from the testing of several systems submitted over …

chapter 24: new meetings

Terra and Aurivy were waiting for me back in the Admin Room when I arrived. Well, Terra was waiting for me while having a flailing Aurivy in her arms. “Put me down~!” She cried out pitifully as she struggled, though Terra only grinned broadly and held her even closer. Seeing that I had arrived, she turned her attention to me …

chapter 23: the birth of power

Wild shrieks rang through the woods, startling the group of five Felyn that had been hiding in the shelter of a hollowed tree. This was a small family, one not lucky enough to have stumbled upon the many cities of the Beastkin yet. Among the family was a mother, father, two sons, and youngest being a small girl. When they …

Chapter 22: the power of chakra

To start my training, I first activated my new Charge Chakra ability through the game system. Although I managed to perform the basic fusion of energies on my own, the system method would give me a better insight on how to do so more efficiently. And indeed, once I let the system take over, I found that my Ki and …

Chapter 21: Believe it!

Over the course of the last week, I had the basics for metalworking drilled into my head. With Terra’s assistance in the admin room, we had an unlimited supply of ores to work with, so it was just a matter of making sure I absorbed all of the information. Though, I did learn some interesting things during these lessons that …

Chapter 20: cuteness shall triumph

Looking at the loli goddess that Terra was so eagerly presenting me, I furrowed my brows in thought about what kind of personality to give her. But, first of all, I wanted to make sure that everyone was present. “Is there any way to call Irena back? Want everyone to be here for the ‘birth’ of a new goddess.” Terra …

Chapter 19: The windfall

By the time I was done leaning against Terra and Aurivy–I didn’t fall asleep, I swear. They are just too comfortable. Anyways, by the time I was done, and went back to the computer in the bedroom, I found a string of notifications waiting for me. Yes, I was using the computer again. Even if I could access this stuff …