B2 — 15. The Antipathy Of A Queen

PoV :   Our Jewel, Iris (What will our Spooder Queen find up these magical slopes?) Recap:  Our Empress is bored … she tasked Klaus to prepare the Nalveans for her arrival in a week.  She finally heard the songbird chirping of Jukal, Rigrach … and promptly wanted to terminate him with his strange way of talking … but with …

B2 — 14. I’m Bored

PoV :   Elinor (The Empress is BORED!  What can we do?) Recap:  Things are finally starting to look up for Elinor!  >.> Wonder what’s gonna happen next to tack on the conflict.  Sure, she’s got underground ghost-decay things … doing things … Violet’s on that, though. Our Empress just got her awesome Quen’Talrat absolute UNIT!  Tiffany’s got some new rock …

B2 — 13. Threatening Forces Abound

PoV :   Elinor (We return to the Empress!) Recap:  Violet went to the aid of her sister, and discovered the corrupting darkness had the ability to even eat away the dead with their high resistances.  It is a real danger, and this was only the first wide-scale area defense.  Who knows what’s waiting for them below. Violet, ever cautious, tells …

B2 — 12. Talents Of The Youngest

PoV :   Violet (Iris’ youngest daughter; the OP but somewhat self-conscious little sister that is kind of lazy until given a task) Recap:  Azalea, our peppy lil’ devil of a spooder girl was given a mission to find out what the heck’s goin’ on in the southeastern part of the valley!  She meets a bunch of Clanless, messes with them …

B2 — 11. Am I In Moderate Danger?

PoV :   Azalea (Iris’ middle daughter; the peppy, blue-haired Spider Sister) Recap:  Klaus just went full bad cop good cop on our little assassin, and set things up in the Nalvean Empire to begin taking over this underground organization called the Shadow Hand. Now, we return to the Valley to see what’s been happening to our Spooder Sisters!  Oh, …

B2 — 10. An Inquisitor At Work

PoV :   Klaus Klossner (Ambassador, Heroic-Grade, Unit that our Head Maid was eyeing the previous chapter) Recap:  Kolira started to panic a little after Klaus had left her; the Mother Superior’s adopted Nalvean daughter could be in danger, any mother would be worried! Sending for Elluinara, Kolira was relieved to find her still alive and breathing.  However, a random messenger …

B2 — 9. Panic!

Note:  Actually, I was listening to this song while thinking about this chapter xD  They Don’t Want What We Want – by Asking Alexandria PoV :   Kolira (Mother Superior of the Klavex Clan) Recap:  Klaus met with the Mother Superior, and guided the conversation into showing the danger her people are under.  The Empress, The One Above All, can provide protection …

B2 — 8. Game On!

PoV :   Klaus Klossner (Ambassador, Heroic-Grade, Unit that our Head Maid was eyeing the previous chapter) Recap:  Klaus and Camellia met with The Mother Superior’s aide that had been sent to warn Nadraca.  The Ambassador had them disembark away from the port, moving through the Ri’bot District of the Nalvean Capital to the Clavex’s holy figure. Along the way, Klaus …

B2 — 7. Unfolding Plots And Speculations

PoV :   Klaus Klossner (Ambassador, Heroic-Grade, Unit that our Head Maid was eyeing the previous chapter) Recap:  We were introduced to the Royal Ambassador as we continue to expand our Empire.  The Empress is becoming the central point of the nexus, sending out her minions to fulfill her will. Our Ambassador has quite the personality, and he’s taking full advantage …

B2 — 6. Ambassador Klaus Klossner

Note:  Marry x-mas!  An early chapter because of x-mas tomorrow!  Hope you enjoy it; oh, and I’ve just released a new Pokemon fanfiction and the new Undying Empire artwork has been completed! PoV :   Klaus Klossner (Ambassador, Heroic-Grade, Unit that our Head Maid was eyeing the previous chapter) Recap:  We got to follow through the eyes of our new Head …