B2 — 44. Finally, Progress

Note:  I will be taking my first vacation in almost 3 years starting Monday; so, no chapters for a week. PoV : 1.  Elinor (The Empress has her angel!) Recap:  Sar’ollaz met with Elinor as she pondered the path ahead of her and left with some teasing remarks.  Our Empress has barely scratched the surface of this world and already …

B2 — 43. The Path Ahead

PoV : 1.  Elinor (The Empress has her angel!) Recap: We met part of the Covenant, and entered into a sort of truce … We didn’t get our meal, though.  T_T Well, our Empress has a neutral party hanging over her city that ‘could’ be friends, for the right price, and a dual to the Dream Death of one of their …

B2 — 42. The Devil Above, Demon Below

PoV : 1.  Elinor (The Empress has her angel!) Recap: We learned just how powerful our enemy was, and retrieved Iris; although, our top assassin has experienced some problems from her stay, but given her treatment, Sar’ollaz teleported her instantaneously to Camellia to discover what has happened to your eldest daughter.  Iris didn’t like it, but accepted the offer, given the …

B2 — 41. The Invitation

PoV : 1.  Elinor (The Empress has her angel!) Recap: Zar’ollaz invoked the Children Of The Sun’s artifact named The Song of Peace And Understanding; anyone who tries to harm one another will be wiped from Existence.  Now, our two sides must meet and come to a mutual understanding.  How will this turn out, and what has happened to our …

B2 — 40. Divine Warlord

Note:  It’s my birthday!  =) PoV : 1.  Sari’aél 2.  Sar’ollaz Recap: Elinor met with Apollo, a Transcendent, or a creature above omniverses and Existence; we discovered our first bridge between ATM and UE with Gloria’s appearance, as well, showing for a fact they are connected, and even explained how. Apollo gave Elinor his blessing when it came to his daughter but …

B2 — 39. A Divine Father

PoV : 1.  Empress Elinor Recap: Elinor returned to her kingdom to find Baxter had put everyone into a deep sleep and was waiting inside of the Life Room where Tiffany had fallen under his powerful slumbering mist.  Edmon defended Elinor, but the Crow Monster was strong enough to fight Iris, and Edmon can only defend against his attacks. Playing to …

B2 — 38. Despair And Hope

PoV : 1.  Empress Elinor Recap: At great sacrifice, Lecra’Moro and Imiunarus lost their lives to give Camellia time to regain her senses and come up with a plan to neutralize Demon’s new vessel.  Unfortunately, her sister and their target escaped, but they managed to get his great-great-great-grandson. Camellia now returns with a partially broken body, forced to carry the Nalvean …

B2 — 37. Sacrifice

PoV : 1.  Lecra’Moro 2.  Imiunarus 3.  Camellia Recap: The two young women Nalvean Seaweavers are dead, Camellia discovered a nest of Thélméthra that came from her mother’s eggs, and their corruption to the brood’s hierarchy.  Enraged by the discovery, Camellia lost control and went on a murder spree of the ‘abominations.’  However, one discovery would shake her to the …

B2 — 36. The Fruits Of Demon

PoV : 1.  Camellia 2.  Imiunarus 3.  Ping-pongs between them. 4.  Hisuki (The Nalvean woman sending the experiments) 5. Camellia 6. Imiunarus Recap: Our spider girl and salamander dude met with Jumi’kerune, The Grand Designer, and our three-armed gorilla monster went against a Quen’Talrat Rune Designer that Ke’Thra’Ma sent to the mines.  Unfortunately, our two innocent Seaweaver Nalveans were killed—Giliri …

B2 — 35. A Welcoming Estate

PoV : 1.  Lecra’Moro (The Assassin Quen’Talrat Elite Hunter) 2.  Imiunarus (Nalvean lady’s-man) Recap: Making it to the city just outside of the Grand Designer’s Estate, our trio is met by the patrol, to which, smooth-talking Imiunarus gets the new female recruit Seaweavers to like him.  He learned a little more about how isolated the Grand Designer was, and how deep …