Volume I: Chapter 16

15th July, XXXX I have not seen Felicity and Lucien from that day on. I stayed in bed for a few days to recover from the repercussion. So I hope they were just here for sight-seeing.  Prince Lucien of Edehan was driven out of the country by Lord Astor last year. After that he came to Arerin and asked King …

Volume I: Chapter 15

10th July, XXXX I have been here for nearly a month. Grand Duchess always goes out to meet her other friends. So I am always left alone. This is a popular retreat location for nobles which is true but it needs an amendment. This island is a popular retreat location for ‘older’ nobles. There are only two young female nobles …

Volume I: Chapter 14

11th June, XXXX It has been three days since we have arrived at Coral Cliff. This island is as beautiful as what others said. The sapphire blue sea, the beach, the beautiful estates… No wonder this is a retreat paradise for nobles and the rich. The only misgiving is that it is troublesome to come here. First, one week of …

Volume I: Chapter 13

8th June, XXXX You are not a hunter… Does that mean I’m in his way? Or he simply wants to protect me?  After all these, I still do not want to hinder him. I still want to help him. I even risk my entire family to help him. How pathetic. When will you wake up, Liana? Why do you still …

Volume I: Chapter 12

7th June, XXXX When I don’t want to do something, I have a tendency to push it off. I bought the chocolate, I wrote the thank you note. But I cannot bring myself to go to the castle and give it to Sebastian.  I considered asking Adrian to give it to Sebastian, but that notion was banned by Mother. She …

Volume I: Chapter 11

29th May, XXXX That dream I had when I lost consciousness felt weird. It felt more like my memories than a dream. The beginning of the dream was a memory, but sand castle appearing out of thin air? That scene where grown-up Sebastian and I walk on the beach? That must be a dream. If those scenes aren’t dreams, how …

Volume I: Chapter 10

28th May, XXXX I thought I have left everything behind me, but apparently not… Sebastian’s aunt hosted a tea party today. His aunt, the grand duchess, loves parties. After taking Sebastian’s medicine, I felt much better, so I went to her party as planned.  It was a nice tea party and Sally was there, so everything went pretty well. I …

Volume I: Chapter 9

27th May, XXXX I don’t like going to balls, it’s a place for socializing and I start to feel left out whenever there are more than 6 people in a group. And a ball has hundreds of people. Of course the rule of survival is to find your own group of friends. It’s not like I don’t have friends. I …

Volume I: Chapter 8

20th May, XXXX After that day, a heavy burden seemed to have been lifted from my heart.  Weirdly, Sebastian did not break connection with me (although I suspect it may have something to do with his plan). He started to bring me books. Not encyclopedia this time, but romance novels. Books I usually read.  “Thank you.” I took over the …

Volume I: Chapter 7

10th May, XXXX I don’t understand. That day with the cup of tea and the unstained dress. I am sure my dress was stained. Then how come the tea cup sat safely on the table? That happened after the dizziness I felt.  I have a theory. The inspiration came from looking through the encyclopedia. (Yes I am reading it, albeit …