136. She Liked Him

“Colin, dude—” Logan said as soon as he got out of the car, “You and Lauren dating? When did this happen? How come I didn’t know about it?” His best friend arrived at the Parker Mansion just a minute before him. After they ate at The Stitz Diner, the both of them drove the others to their houses. They agreed …

135. The Fifth Wheel

When Colin received a message from Max, he already had some suspicions. He almost turned off his phone from the many notifications he had. He only stopped when he realized his mother might call him. It wouldn’t be good to worry her. He could only reply in agreement to meet up with the idiot. What he didn’t expect was how …

134. The Man of the Hour

“Twelfth Night?” Max licked his lips and snapped his fingers, “Is that about that chick who pretended to be her brother? Then, she became a messenger for this duke who liked another chick. Male-chick would go to female-chick to send the messages. Female-chick falls for male-chick. Male-chick falls for the duke. That one?” Lauren cocked an eyebrow, “You’ve read it?” …

133. The Stitz Diner

“I don’t see why this counts as a double date” Max huffed from his seat. He and his companions sat on a corner booth of a diner. Painted in different shades of blue, plus a few details in red, the Stitz Diner stood the test through time. From the 1950s up to the present, it retained its reputation as a …

132. Lilly and the Wet Floor

Steve Parker rested his closed eyes against his interlaced fingers. He focused on organizing his thought process. His elbows rested on the desk for support. His breathing remained steady. His left eyebrow twitched a bit. It had been him who told Jae to look after Logan, speculating if his youngest met a girl. Now, he found out how diligently he …

131. A Mole on the Loose

Lilly sat on a small office couch near the Principal’s Office. She crossed her legs. Then, she blew on the hot mug of coffee offered to her by the staff. It seemed that Steve Parker received a call that needed immediate attention. Since the time before it could finish was undeterminable, she was advised to try another time. Sadly, she …

130. Lilly’s Whereabouts

Lilly climbed out of her car with a yawn. After she hid in the storage during the party, she became too buried in her work. Time went on unknowingly and when she finally remembered to check her clock, she dashed out of the storage. She ran straight for the ballroom. It didn’t matter if she lacked etiquette. She needed to …

129. What Does That Mean?

“Are you serious right now, Lauren?” Alex asked behind her. The bell just rang for their lunch period to start. The other students in their class piled out in front of them and headed for the door. It became crowded. Alex and Lauren took their time. Alex let Lauren step ahead of her down the aisle of chairs. That was …

128. A New Project

Alex kept her face impassive but her heart began to race. What did Max exactly mean? Did Jae tell him something? The only time they mentioned ‘Logan’ and ‘girlfriend’ in the same sentence was during the Cinderella Search they once had—which Jae speculated either turned out to be Skye or someone else. And that ‘someone else’ had been cleared up …

127. Monday is Here Again

A convertible rolled up in front of a two-storey house, painted with yellow pastel color. It made sure to have the passenger door directly in front of the gate. The driver killed the engine and climbed out of the car. He shuffled his feet towards the stairs next to the porch, an open black hoodie jacket over a white shirt …