47. Bathroom Blues and Returns

Alex and Jae parted ways but not without Jae inviting her to a party—for Colin’s homecoming, he said but Alex figured it might just be an excuse so they could throw a party. She normally didn’t attend them but it would be quite rude to decline so she said she’d think about it. Finally, she reached the men’s room. She …

46. Makeup Remover?

Alex unconsciously touched the spot Logan had given her a cheek-to-cheek kiss. Then, she remembered it was the same one Logan had slapped. Resisting an eye roll, she left the podium and stood among her classmates. The navy tailcoat she wore with white trouser and black boots gave her an aurae of a prince. The sound the boots made commanded …

45. A Thousand Times Good Night

Logan’s heartbeat started to race. Unable to contain it, he leaned back and stared at the ground “You can’t see my face because it’s dark out. Otherwise, you’d see me blushing about the things you’ve heard me say tonight.” Alex suppressed a laugh at Logan’s pink ears. It seemed like he was wrong and that she was masculine enough to …

44. Just Call Me Your Love

“Oh, Romeo, Romeo” Logan began to say. He stood at one side of the teacher’s table like they had practiced. He leaned over it, pretending it was a balcony. Laughter instantly came to life. Alex flinched not only at the sight of him but also at the sound of him. Two weeks had already passed but she still didn’t get …

43. Love Give Me Strength

Ms. Smith tilted her head curiously as they got up. Lauren walked up to the front and faced the classroom’s windows. She wore a medieval style gown in dark red. The sunshine made the fake rhinestones on her silver halo headband glisten. Her demeanor made everyone focus on her. She took several deep breaths then, stomped her foot on the …

42. at the End of the Week

Logan walked out of his class and headed for the cafeteria. His stomach grumbled in hunger. He didn’t know why but his morning classes felt longer than normal. Maybe he really just needed food and refuel his mental energy. When he entered the cafeteria, a big smile bloomed on his face. About a few meters ahead was Alex. She already …

41. It’s a Date

As Alex and Max entered the school building, Jae took a step closer to Logan and offered a hand in his direction. He pressed his lips together in a shy smile. “I thought you would have confessed by now,” he told Logan, “But seriously though, why even hide her?” His words alarmed Logan and his brain instantly panicked. Did his …

40. LaurAl

At the mention of the Parker family, Max saw Alex frown. Hearing about siblings talk about their mother shouldn’t be surprising—unless the person who heard knew something. Unsure if the twins would appreciate an eavesdropper, Max did the one thing he thought that would drive Alex away. He wrapped an arm around his shoulder, “Isn’t brotherly love so nice?” “Jealous, …

39. The Bet Results

On the other side of town, Alex stepped out of her aunt’s house, skateboard in hand and uncombed hair. She had spent the night before binge reading a new novel release from her favorite author. She may rank 1st in her class but before that, she was also a normal human who had interests that could lead her to make …

38. Night Walks and Neighbors

“I see spring has come.” Lauren turned out. “Alex, it’s autumn,” she pointed out. Alex could only blink and suppress a smile. She wished Colin a silent good luck for his affections, walking around the counter before Ms. Kich could catch her sneaking around. Both girls left the staff room and exited the school building. Like Ms. Kich had said, …