Chapter 63 – Souvenir

What could be more fitting to be the last stop for a vacation other than a souvenir shop? Thankfully, this was one of the common senses of this world that overlapped with that of the modern world’s. Thus, Ann and the others were currently at the local souvenir store, picking up the things they wanted to buy. Looking at the …

Chapter 62 – Public Display of Affection

On the third day of the vacation, Allen woke up earlier as usual and felt some warmth in his heart when he saw that Ann was in his arms, indicating that he wasn’t just dreaming of the event that happened last night. He looked at Ann silently as he appreciated the woman who looked very calm only when she was …

Chapter 61 – The Blissful Second Day

On the second day of vacation, after they were done preparing, Allen instructed the maid and butler to bring them some thick clothing. Ann was puzzled and questioned the purpose of such clothing when it wasn’t even snowing, nor it was quite cold… but Allen didn’t tell her anything, so she could only wait and see with anticipation. As they …

Chapter 60 – Playing with Fire

Ann was very sure that Allen was only teasing her and so, she was planning on playing along with him and be the winner, but… Ann’s brain.exe stopped functioning when Allen’s hand brought her hand to something that was bulging below his stomach. And then, her brain exploded. W-where’s my cute and shy husband-in-name? Is he possessed?! Why does ‘that’ …

Chapter 59 – Sleeping Together for the First Time?!

After an exciting yet tiring day of her first vacation in this other world, Ann was more than happy to see the inn they were going to stay in. The inn was small and devoid of any luxurious setting she was almost used to live in ever since coming to this world, but it was a fresh breath of an …

Chapter 58 – How Strong is Your Magic?

Without seeing what exactly was coming at her, Faye reflexively closed her eyes and covered her head with her hands. With how fast things were going, Ann didn’t stop to think. Her only objective was to protect Faye at all cost. Nothing else mattered at this point. Ann agilely chanted a water magic and unleashed her water magic attack towards …

Chapter 57 – A Stroll in the Forest

The moment the carriage stopped, Faye woke up. As for Ann… She was still fast asleep while leaning on her hand. Since Faye just woke up, her mind hadn’t fully processed her existing in this world and what was going on. Thus, Allen was faster than Faye. He took the initiative to shake Ann’s body gently. “Mmm… What is it…,” …

Chapter 56 – Vacation

Allen didn’t delay anything and told the workers in the residence the next morning about his plan to go on a vacation. Together with his wife. For the first time since their marriage. Thus, the entire residence went into an uproar that day… behind Allen and Ann’s back, obviously. After all, it was their first time going on a vacation!!! …

Chapter 55 – Invitation

“Allen-sama?” Faye tilted her head and looked at her unresponsive master. Though Allen was excited with the idea he came up on his own, he didn’t show it at all on the surface. Hearing Faye calling out to him, he snapped out of it and said, “I understand. I will resolve this issue.” ‘The issue’ in his mind was about …

Chapter 54 – Remaining Time

Oddly enough, although Ann just experienced something very absurd that she couldn’t comprehend, her mind was calmer. Perhaps the weirder her situation turned, the calmer she became… and it was due to the mindset of ‘Duck it, if I can’t understand what’s going on, might as well go with the flow and just enjoy what I can enjoy.’ Perhaps it …