Ch 45 / Killing Jognak the Brutal Monster

Although she talked a lot, he still had many unanswered questions. So he asked his most important question: “That means you killed Jognak the brutal, right?” “You forgot that anyone who kills this monster will lose his life as a result. A life for life! That is Jognak the brutal absolute curse. Although I depleted most of his powers, I …

Ch 44 / The Secret History of the World

For the second time in a row, Ibro stood motionless in his place with flowing tears. He stood there reading again and again these words till he memorized them. He wept his tears and said to himself: “What is the meaning for all of this?” “It means I trust you with all of this. You have to give me your …

Ch 43 / Pnro Tombstone

Ibro kept moving forward with persistence. Throughout his journey, he didn’t stop scanning the area around him. He was desperately trying to get any clue about where he was. The only hope left for him was that strange area ahead of him. It took him a few hours until he finally reached this place. When it appeared clearly in front …

Ch 42 / Jognak The Brutal Monster

Ibro muttered: “What is the benefit they will get from taking all these risks and pay all these sacrifices?” Ouly didn’t know the answer either as she said: “No one knows the answer to that question. Although the battle between us and the Pnro world extended to uncountable years, no one has ever entered the Pnro world. We tried many …

Ch 41 / The Discovery of Pnroian Teleportation Gate Remnants

Dozier looked at the map trying to relate what he knew with the simple map in front of him. He and his men didn’t have a map like it, so he faced some difficulty trying to find the location he was talking about. No one around him tried to interrupt him. They felt curious about what he just said. In …

Ch 40 / Visiting Ronat Camp

The closer he got, the clearer the picture became. His attention was drawn to his profile as he was surprised by his level, it was at 83. Could he keep his level out of the Apidon world? It was a very pleasant surprise for him. It took him half an hour to reach the camp. He found himself in front …

Ch 39 / Going to Ronat city

He took out the seven pieces of equipment in front of him and checked them : “Bullrad wizard cloak: Fine Gold Grade cloak. Level 20 cloak. Requirements: level 20. Effect: Strength + 60-Vitality +60-Agility +60 “ “Molar ring: Fine Gold Grade Ring. Level 20 ring. Requirements: Level 20- Magician class only. Effect: intelligence + 100″ “Inglim Ring: Fine Gold Grade …

Ch 38 / Using Legendary Minior Staff and Shield

 Once Ibro entered the aircar, he heard the screams of an Aya from the door. He rushed at high speed towards the bedroom to find her sitting on the bed panting. Her eyes were staring with deep horror towards the wall and her breathing rhythm was scary. Her face looked as pale as the dead. Ibro rushed towards her …

Ch 37 / Aya’s Tragedy !

He then gave him the coordinates of a public place in the heart of modern Soura. Siraj looked at the coordinates Ibro wrote to him on his phone and then sighed in silence. He knew it was a place that didn’t belong to the real place Ibro was hiding at. Siraj felt pity for foreign agents when they turned Soura …

Ch 36 / Saving Aya Darwish: mission accomplished

The ambassador caught the paper in surprise but moved it quickly to the president. He then translated Ibro’s words to him. Ibro knew of the Armonian President’s good heart and desire to avoid fighting and conflict. He also knew that he hated being betrayed by someone. That was when this good guy turned out to be a tough guy who …