Chapter 539: Life Restricted Zone

“Coward!” Bai Feifei was very angry. Originally, she wanted to drag Ling Xiao into this vortex, but who would have thought that this fellow was not interested in the treasure box at all. “Wrong!” Tantai Lingzi shook her head and said. “What’s wrong?” Bai Feifei asked in confusion. “With a treasure box in front of him, how could Ling Xiao …

Chapter 538: Treasure Box Competition

A large number of parasitic spiders had an effect. They began to wreak havoc within the body of five-faced monster. Coupled with Bai Feifei’s powerful attack power, as long as nothing unexpected happened, this battle would undoubtedly end with their victory. Perhaps, seeing that victory was in sight, Bai Feifei and others also attacked more vigorously. After all, as long …

Chapter 537: Trap that Doesn’t Kill You!

Hu~~ The phantom flame monster behind Ling Xiao spewed out a ball of flame, completely burning the last king-leveled monster, i.e. the Straw Puppet King, into ashes. At this point, all five king-leveled monsters had been killed or captured. As for those thousands of ordinary monsters, there were just a few hundred left. Ling Xiao did what he said. Not …

Chapter 536: Overwhelming Martial Prowess

The Vampire Bat King rushed left and right, but it couldn’t escape from this cage. Because the cage was not a real entity, rather a cage condensed with true essence. Although the Vampire Bat King didn’t get injured, it also couldn’t escape the fate of being trapped. “Store!” Ling Xiao shook his hand, and directly stored this Vampire Bat King …

Chapter 535: Cowardly Celestial Worthy

Ling Xiao was truly disappointed. He had seen through it. Rather than cooperating with these people, it would be better for him to leave with Dai Yuling, Leng Hao and Shangguan Lei first. Like that, he would be able to protect their lives. Honestly speaking, other than that guardian, the other monsters didn’t even enter his eyes. “Senior Sister Bai, …

Chapter 534: Final Path

“Did you kill all the monsters along the way?” Bai Feifei looked at Ling Xiao and his group with a look of surprise. It took them a lot of effort to finally enter the main path, and they thought that they would encounter dangers here too, but who would have thought that there were just corpses along the way. “Yes!” …

Chapter 533: Rank Seven Transcendent Realm

The true essence within his body continuously condensed, and within the nine martial veins, nine cyclones were revolving rapidly, moreover, the quality and concentration of the true essence had improved a step further. The core of Thousand Poison Python was worthy of being a core of peak rank eight fierce beast. It was full of energy. The snake gallbladder of …

Chapter 532: Opening the Treasure Box

Ling Xiao also checked that the usage of <Soul Dice> had no side effects. If he had to say anything, then his head would hurt for a day or two, and it was very painful. “Senior Brother Ling!” “Ling Xiao!” “I’m fine. You two, quickly strip off the corpse of that giant python. This fellow’s body is full of treasures. …

Chapter 531: Giant Divine Tomb Gate

The reason why Leng Hao almost knelt on the ground was not only because of the might of this sword move. The main point was that momentum truly made Leng Hao feel that the person standing there didn’t resemble a Transcendent Realm martial artist, rather was more like a terrifying Celestial Realm, or even a Heavenly Realm powerhouse. The snake …

Chapter 530: Rising Sun Sword Light

“Humph, that’s just your guess. This lord will kill you all now, making you all regret it!” The puppet clone snorted coldly. “Please, in any case, we also won’t die for real, you can try it.” Ling Xiao was confident, so he was very calm. “Moreover, don’t you feel it? You have already been poisoned deeply. If you make a …