Chapter 481: Using Violence Against Violence

“Young master, the master asked you to his room.” A servant said. Duan Hong was on his way over. “What’s the old geezer doing calling me at this late hour?” Opening the door, he was met with Li Mo, and his heart froze. ‘Didn’t he leave? What is he doing back?’ He was clueless his rat behaviour was exposed, thinking …

Chapter 480: Driving a Wedge

“I didn’t think she’d knew Li Mo, but from how they’re only acquaintaces, it won’t become a problem. And you, why do I sense you have ill thoughts about Xinyue?” “I am eternally grateful to you, master. You took me in and made me who I am today. I will never forget this for as long as I live.” Duan …

Chapter 479: Duan Zhengyun

Duan Hong punched Li Mo with all his might. As the fist inched closer to his face, Duan Hong grinned.  Just upon contact, a crimson barrier got in between. Duan Hong felt like hitting a brick wall, snapping every bone in his hand.  “God, it hurts!” Hugging his now useless right, he screamed like no tomorrow. Li Mo only had …

Chapter 478: Overnight Wealth

Tie Suanpan lost all confidence in beating Li Mo. Throughout his life treasures passed his hands by the dozen, yet none could hold a candle to two of Li Mo’s. Especially that top spiritual treasure, Scarlet Blade. Messing with such people was a no-no. Now he only hoped he could buy his way out. “Is that it, no more fighting?” …

Chapter 477: Smashing One’s Feet

“I heard you have plenty of shops besides this auction.” Tie Suanpan cussed the Yu brothers in his mind, but only showed a smiled. “Lordship, I do have a few spiritual herb and magic treasure shops.” Li Mo lit up. “Have everything on stock brought over.” “Lordship, that is all my life’s work! And didn’t sir say he’s in no …

Chapter 476: Unannounced

Tie Suanpan only knew Li Mo was from Jade Domain and, after leaving Heaven City, he released his powerful divine sense of a top General to search for traces along the official road to Jade Domain. But a day in his search left him puzzled. He did not detect any trace of the Yu brothers. Even if dead, there should …

Chapter 475: On Everyone’s Mind

Li Mo instantly associated the name with the auction house’s owner, Tie Suanpan. ‘That old dog is actually after my head. He will pay dearly for this!’ “Boy, the name of our master will scare you to death. So you’d better cough up the item if you don’t want to drag your family into this!” The leader would never openly …

Chapter 474: Targeted

“Someone on the second level bid 150 million. Are there any more takers? This here is a defensive spiritual treasure, withstanding attacks from those of one stage higher than the wearer. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!” The host incited the audience through the details of the item. But the insane price got even the well off clans …

Chapter 473: Five-colored Robe

“Greetings, I shall be your host for today.” A killer body walked on stage, wrapped in tight, revealing clothes. Her voice soothing, her manners enticing, making it hard on the people here to hold their emotions in check.  “Our first item of the day is the Dragon Soul Pill! The Dragon Soul Pill has a great effect on Generals and …

Chapter 472: A Lone Man and Woman

“Li Mo, wait for me!” Lu Xinyue rode from behind. “Why are you following me? I don’t have time to look after you.” “I know you’re after the auction. I am as well.” It had nothing to do with him, but going to the auction. Li Mo had to relent. The two arrived in Heaven City before the first day …