Chapter 451: Dire News

Li Mo gave the Savage Beast Records to Liu Yan. “I happened on this book some time ago and I think you’ll be more interested in its last page.” Liu Yan relaxed reading it, though unclear if Whitey was the same beast depicted there. But what mattered most was Whitey was out of danger. Back at the manor, Li Mo …

Chapter 450: Back to Quiet Town

“What’s wrong? You’re safe now.” Li Mo blamed himself. If not for getting sucked into that space, Liu Yan wouldn’t have had to go through that wretched experience. The only saving grace was waking up in tome to save her. “Yan’er, forgive me.” “Am I that useless?” Liu Yan tried waking him up from his trance, but the guy was …

Chapter 449: Piercing Finger

A white mist gathered, taking the shape of a familiar figure. “Senior Xian Yangzi!” Of course Li Mo felt it all familiar, since this was the place he met Xian Yangzi the last time. “Oh, someone knows me. I wager you met with my other fragments, so I’ll skip the introductions. You and I sure have a deep karma to …

Chapter 448: Meeting Xian Yangzi Again

Li Mo decided to go to Sun County and tell Liu Changhe the news. At sunup, Li Mo notified Bai Xiao and Wang Qiang before leaving with Liu Yan for Sun County. He left behind Bai Xiao since the mother and son just reunited. And this was no adventuring trip either.  Li Mo and Liu Yan rode their horses into …

Chapter 447: Martial God

“I do. Please be lenient, Regent!” Liu Changhe looked on puzzled by the game these two were playing. Ye Tianxing was, in fact, innocent in all this. The two suicide bombers weren’t on his payroll. Li Mo accused him but came to this realization after everything. Ye Tianxing had plenty of gall, but not nearly enough to fight the leadership. …

Chapter 446: Clash of Generals

Ye Huan held back seeing Regent Gong Xian standing up. “Regent, you saw it too. The brat is vilifying our reputation with his baseless accusations. He killed our elders and stole our items. Please don’t stop me, Regent! Ye Huan didn’t fear Regent Gong Xian since they were both top Generals. Only his status was intimidating. But to martial artists …

Chapter 445: Trap

With his intrepid strength and deep inner qi, Li Mo speed was the fastest. He left everyone’s attack in the dust. And the others didn’t get too close either, not wishing for a premature death. But with only attacking from afar, there was no chance of hitting Li Mo. This led to one of them growing faint of heart, retreating …

Chapter 444: Outstanding

Going on stage and face to face with his opponent, Li Mo found Fang Yan only a top Warrior. Even so, the man didn’t gave up and still attacked with all he had. But no matter what Fang Yan did, nothing posed a threat to Li Mo, ultimately forced to concede when he ran out of inner qi. Fang Yan’s …

Chapter 443: Staking Martial God Shrine

At long last, he squeezed his way in. The shrine was quaint, holding a plain table filled with all kinds of offerings. On the table was placed a tablet with the Martial God written on it while in front of the table were praying mats. A few women had taken upon themselves to guard the shrine. They saw Li Mo …

Chapter 442: Martial God Shrine

“Brother Li, what’s wrong?” Bai Xiao was worried seeing him lost, afraid Li Mo’s wounds acted up. “I was lost in thought. Please continue.” “The rumors around the Martial God Shrine say it actually works. The people started believing in it, offering incense, and their believers had greatly grown in number. Uncle Liu has investigated it as well.” ‘Shui Wuhen …