Chapter 431: Blazing County

After that minor hiccup, Li Mo and Liu Yan had lost the mood to enjoy the scenery. They were both sullen from regret. Bai Xiao was still driving the carriage. He shot Li Mo down when was asked to switch. “Li Mo, will Liu Ming be alright?” Being her brother, Liu Yan was very much concerned about him. “I don’t …

Chapter 430: Second Defeat

“You actually recognize me.” Li Mo came out of the carriage with Liu Yan. “Humph, I can do it even if you were ashes.” “You are from the Liu clan yet you’d strike down even a child? How could you stoop so low?” Liu Yan regarded her childhood friend with pity. “Isn’t it all thanks to him? Without him, I’d …

Chapter 429: Coming Upon Liu Ming

“Wang Qiang, I shall leave for a while and drop everything in your hands.” For Wang Qiang to survive in the den of thieves that was Wen clan, he had to have some skills setting him off from the rest. “Clan Head, as long as I draw breath, Li Manor shall not fall.” With the shift in owners, so was …

Chapter 428: Martial Gathering

As Li Mo was engrossed in cultivation, he was unaware a fraction of spiritual qi entered the ancient copper mirror. The more spiritual qi entered, the faster the corrosion healed. The engravings of the four sacred beasts also started shining for a moment before returning to normal. The next time Li Mo came out was when his inner qi recovered. …

Chapter 427: A New Life Begins

“Come here!” Li Mo shouted at the Warriors, who seemed to die from just his pressure. The people looked at each other in dismay. None moved a muscle, not after seeing Li Mo’s handiwork and afraid they might become his next target. “You’re quite loyal, I see. Should I send you off to see your Clan Head?” “No, no, no! …

Chapter 426: Wen Clan’s Annihilation

Li Mo had Wen Zhong fuming. His clan had been lording in Quiet Town for a century now, with everyone holding them in fear. Yet here was a punk who not only bashed his son, but even killed his loyal steward. The last straw was when the boy came after his own home.  “You will die today, boy. Show me …

Chapter 425: Calamity

“Draw him out!” Lai Fu had had enough, not to mention the wait only worked to mount his dread. So he pushed the one beside him. “Steward, I…” That particular early Warrior was swept by raging flames before he could finish. “Ah! Lai Fu, I’ll haunt you in death for this! You rotten and backstabbing waste!” The resentful scream came …

Chapter 412: Revenge

Li Mo wandered in circles a few times before returning to Bai Xiao’s home. Liu Yan had been waiting at the door for a long time. “Li Mo, you’re back. Did they do anything to you?” Liu Yan checked for any wounds and breathed easier. Li Mo told her what happened without reservation. “W-won’t they come here? Won’t we involve …

Chapter 423: Visiting

While Li Mo’s shopping began and ended with the mirror, Liu Yan was on a roll. She bought tons of knickknacks, from lipstick to accessories and clothes. She turned Li Mo and Bai Xiao into attendants, tasked with the crucial job of caring all her purchases. “God damn it, how long are you going to browse?” Li Mo grumbled. “I’m …

Chapter 422: Bai Family

It was an old house on an average stretch of land. “Brother, sister, this is my home. Quaint, but immaculate.” Bai Xiao feared Li Mo would be disappointed. Li Mo was, however, silent as he sized the house. “Xiao’er, you’re back?” A woman of thirty hobbled out of the house.  “Mother, what are you doing out? You’re still unwell.” Bai …