
Hello Everyone I wasn’t able to go online this past few days, hence, the lack of releases.. There was a blackout on monday and apparently, it was because of an electric pole exploding in our area..  I didn’t expect that they wouldn’t be able to fix it in 1 day.. And unfortunately, I need to catch up on the project …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 52

Author’s Note: Hi everyone Sorry this was late hehe Anyways, here’s the new  chapter! Enjoy and have a great day! ************Back in the City of Una***************** “That’s a tamed beast?” Jason murmured as he bashed another wolf with his shield. Jason had already seen some of Alexis’s tamed beast, but something as strong as the three-headed vine snake was out …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 51

Aeron closed his eyes, he was done trying as he tried to summon the golden-eyed snake after sending the message through their soul connection. A fireball, an icicle shard, and multiple rocks went flying towards Aeron. The wolves’ eyes glinted as they saw their attacks fly towards Aeron. Bang! The ground around Aeron suddenly exploded, huge chunks of the earth …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 50

“They’re coming,” Rodrigo said as he watched the massive wolves charge towards the city. There were at least a hundred Earth Stage Wolves charging towards the City, if they fail to stop them now, then the walls would surely be broken, and everything would devolve into a chaotic melee. This was a scenario they did not want to see, Rodrigo …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 49

Aeron was surrounded by two Earth Wolves, one in front, and one from behind. His senses were dialed to its maximum capacity as he dodged and weaved, suffering multiple minor injuries while he did. [Accelerated Strike] Bang! Bang! Aeron’s figure flashed as he dodged six rocks thrown by the two wolves, he could feel his control over his body, skills, …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 48

***************Back to the City of Una**************** “RELEASE!” Rodrigo shouted. HOWL! The wolf king noticed Rodrigo’s orders, but it didn’t see the Mages execute their skills, and it also saw the Archers line up just like the first time they hit the wolves with an arrow storm. The wolf king howled towards the wind wolves and multiple blasts of whirlwinds appeared …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 47

“Faster Claude! Akila!” Aeron urged. “They’re here,” Lina said, out on the horizon, numerous dots appeared. A wolf pack with its weakest member being a Mid-Grade Wolf was chasing them. Lina looked back and tried to see how strong the pack chasing them was, a worried look appeared on her face as she saw 4 wolves rapidly gaining on them. …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 46

Howl! ‘S***!’ Aeron cussed mentally. “Claude! Akila! Faster!” Aeron ordered with urgency. Lina was silent, she held on to Akila as thoughts ran through her mind, things weren’t optimistic as they have only traveled for about an hour and already, a powerful pack was chasing them. In truth, she could escape by herself, envelop herself with aura and maybe even …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 45

Howl! Aeron was alarmed when he heard the howls, it seemed far, yet the frequency of the howls suggested that it was getting nearer. All of the wolves inside the Endless Forest responded to the howls, and from Aeron’s calculations, a bunch of powerful wolves were near their area. Lina also opened her eyes at this moment, fortunately, there had …

The Legend of the Tamer Chapter 44

“Young master, more wolves have appeared on the fringes of the Endless Forest, we have already pulled out as you ordered,” a shadowy figure spoke. Gerard sat on his chair, he nodded towards the shadow as it faded into the darkness. It had already been 9 days since Gerard sent the notification bird to Aeron. But Aeron had yet to …